

"So you will give me a reward." I asked that esprit, with my eye looking directly into her eyes, "what kind of reward I am going to get."

"Oh! It will depend on what kind of answer you are going to give me." She said to me with her now calm face, which she change beforehand with her crying face.

Question-answer round! Are we not in that situation in which she challenges me to fight to the death, and then somehow I win without killing her, and then she becomes my fan or something like that? Is that kind of thing only found in novels?

Well, what can I do now except play this boring game? "You know that you have not even apologised for your mistake." Without giving up on my victim card, I told her.

"Huh?" "Ok, there are two questions, but I will ask you only one, and then we will be equal." She said it with a grumpy pout on her cheeks.

I placed my hand's index finger on my jawline. "Is that so, and what kind of question are you going to ask? I don't think I will be able to solve every problem inside the quantum theory here and now." There is very little chance that she may ask a question that can only be answered with the help of certain information, but I asked anyway about the questions so that I do not get into trouble later.

"quantum... what! Anyway, I'll just ask you some general questions about yourself rather than any challenging ones, so don't tense up." She spoke to me in an adult tone which surprised me, as she descended from the sky and rested her feet on the ground. She then moved her hand, which was now shining like silver, in my general direction. In an instant, the magical structure on the altar from which the esprit sprang forth started gleaming, but before I was able to see it, it lost its lustre.

Nor did I smell anything hostile towards me, and neither gnosis warns me of anything, so putting aside that glimmer, I start to wonder about her statement. Well, the only thing I can say about her answer to my queries is that 'It will be more challenging for me to answer your question regarding my existence than it will be to solve the string theory.'

The facial expression of the beautiful esprit suddenly changed to solemnity, or perhaps I should say that she took off the mask of her childishness, and with the expression of her real face she asked me, "what do you want to do with your life?"

deja vu! Why do I feel like I've heard this question before? Charlie, Charlie asked me this yesterday.

Well, if people are dying to know what I will do with my life, I already have a safe answer, which I just pasted on Charlie's face yesterday.

"I want to live a life without regre...." My words caught in my throat, feelings of tension and fear welling up inside me, which I repressed before they got up and, in an urgent voice, asked gnosis about my current constraint.

But the response was conveyed to me by the beautiful and now also scary woman with black wings on her back standing in front of me."Oh! I probably forgot to tell you whether the answer is right or wrong; it is not decided by me but rather by you."

"What does it mean?" As soon as I found out that I could still speak like before, the feeling of relief that had just emerged in me broke the arms and legs of tension and fear.

"Simply put, you will only be able to answer from your mouth when your inner soul accepts that answer as correct." The moment she answered the complex question that even a two-year-old child couldn't answer, Gnosis also came up to explain the situation to me in her sonorous voice.

< affirmative The master is currently under the influence of the magic structure present on the altar. >

'What the fuck she talks about when and where.'

After straining my brain for a few centiseconds, I remembered where I handed my ass over.

'oh! The sudden flash on the altar', yup there.

[ then why didn't you tell me earlier, the great Gnosis the storehouse of knowledge?]

< affirmative because this constraint is not harmful, and the master also wants to obtain this reward, doesn't he? >

'Master wants, seriously'

[ So do one thing for me, gnosis: if ever I want to die, then self-blast my body. because Master wants to. ok ]

< order received >

[ You little who doesn't even understand metaphors, Cancel it.]

Without showing it on my face outside, I take a weary sigh inside my mind.

'The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.'

These words were written by an author from Vikram's world, whose works he had never read, only heard about.

Although I don't think this quote is incorrect either, I do believe that fear of the unknown can also arise from the inside. At least for me, the prospect of dying at the hands of an unidentified entity is less frightful than the thought of my deep subconscious inner world.

I don't like to think too deeply about my thoughts and it's not just limited to me.

Vikram, the Vikram who never recovered from his traumatic childhood experiences and who always saw the world from a bird's eye perspective, is responsible for a significant portion of my personality. Emotions have no importance to him, neither others feeling nor his own, so it is futile to expect that the person who is living in his world because he was born in it will ever look inside himself without any guilt.

Eren, I don't know how he lived his life, but I do know that he was too scared to look inside himself because perhaps he knew that if he looked inside, he would see nothing but his ruined life and world.

When Charlie asked me this question yesterday, I gave him an answer that felt safe for me. No Regret at the End of Life, Wrong Choices, Greater Good, For the World, For Happiness, For the Rise Above Everyone Else, and of course the most famous, For Revenge--these are some of the words that I heard people saying to each other, one to another, explaining what kind of life journey they were going to be on.

These people never sit down on their long journey and think, what are they doing? Is this what they should do? Or are they only looking at one side of the coin? The path they are walking is made by whom--is it by the rotten ideologies of this society or by their meaningless sense? I am not talking about wrong and right here, but do they really ask themselves?

Goal: This word comes into the minds of millions every day; it defines what they are doing, why they are doing it, and what they want to do. Some people have found the meaning of this word for themselves, and some are still trying to find out.

But why should I set a goal for myself?

opening my eyes, I look at esprit directly in her eyes and give her my answer. "I don't know; I wouldn't say I'm living just because I was born in this world, nor would I say I'm right now trying to find my life's purpose. I'm just going to say that it shouldn't matter to anyone other than myself what I want to do with my life, at least in this life no one." she just smile at me.

"You managed to say something, which means you answered my question correctly, which also means you pass. And keep in mind also that the power of what you are going to get will depend on how you use it."She smiles at me, not with a childlike smile of hers but with a wary smile.

"Furthermore, If you ever meet another esprit, don't expect a warm welcome. Goodbay"

"Wha..."What she said at the end, I could not comprehend, but before I could confirm with her what she was saying, a white light spread around me, and with that, the esprit disappeared.

All this time, neither I asked Gnosis about the rank of that esprit nor did Gnosis tell herself, but I am sure that even if I had asked her, she would not have been able to find out the esprit's rank.

The white light that had spread all over the room suddenly began to engulf me. I could feel something connecting with my soul, but as the light completely engulfed me, I could also feel that now this place was really going to be a complete ruin.

Without losing a moment, he ran outside. With the help of my owl eyes and sensitive nose, I avoided all falling debris and came out of that huge temple alive.

I inhaled and exhaled a breath of relief as soon as I came out, and I also found out that the air was mixed with the dust of the crumbling structures behind me and also with the strange stench of alcohol.

Turning my face up, I saw Charlie sitting on a strange creature with a strange expression on his face.



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