
Chapter 16 - Revenge And Protecting A Girl

"H-How did she do this?" A man from the organisation that Yen is hunting said as he looked around him.

Around him his fellow members were on the ground dead and in pools of their own blood. The cause of their deaths being the woman Xiao Yen as she cocked her gun with a satisfied grin on his face.

"Happy?" Haruto asked as he appeared beside her with a smile.

"Ecstatic." Yen said before she turned to the last man alive.

"W-Wait. Let's talk about this." The man said scared as she walked to him.

"Oh there's no talking about this. You killed my father. It's time to pay." Yen said as she got ready with her gun.

"W-Wait, just listen. Taking out our organisation will only cause more problems for you!" The man said to her desperately.

"Oh, do tell." Haruto said to him.

"We also have some of our associates in governments and he also have received help from the vampire Edwin Black." The scientist said causing the eyes of the two of them to widen.

'The enemy of the Taimanin huh. Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised.' Haruto thought to himself.

"Why did he help you? Doesn't he already have his... magic." Yen said hesitating at the end.

"He wanted the technology to go with his magic. If you spare me then I can give you information about what technologies we have given him." The man said to him.

"Tempting but no. I already got the info." Haruto said with a smirk.

"What?" The man said shocked.

"I had hacked into your system. Why do you think Yen was able to follow through with her plan so efficiently." Haruto said with a smirk.

"You little brat!" The man said angrily before crying in pain as Yen put a bullet in his leg.

"Don't you dare talk about my Master like that." Yen said with a glare.

"What? Master? You mean you're his slave?!" The man said shocked.

"Yes, Yen is my sex slave and I'm her Master." Haruto said with a smirk as he stood beside her.

"You, You're just the same like us! Why the fuck are you taking his help you bastard then!" The man shouted at her in anger.

"At least he doesn't ruin the lives of the women he goes after." Yen said before she pointed her gun at the man's head.

Then before he could say anything she put a bullet in his head, putting an end to their organisation. She has a satisfied smile on her face after she had done it.

"I fulfilled my promise." Haruto said with a smile to which she smiled at him with a blush.

"Thank you Master." Yen said as she snuggled to his chest.

"I did what I told you I would do. Now that you're revenge is done, what are you going to do?" Haruto asked her.

"Well, I would like to continue going after more criminals but I want to do whatever you want me to do." Yen said as she looked at him.

"Good girl." Haruto said with a smile as he rubbed her head.

"For starters, let's rig this place with explosives and blast it to high heavens." Haruto said to her as she nodded.

What happened after that was one of the biggest explosions even witnessed in Japan. No trace of the lab could be found and for those who knew of the organisation, well, it was a wake up call that the organisation isn't there to protect them.

Time skip

"We have further news that one of the minister's have been found dead in another case of ongoing..." The news reporter from the TV in Haruto's house said he watched it.

"That's good Yen. You too Mom." Haruto said as he looked at the two women who were pleasuring his dick.

He rubbed their heads as said women smiled at his touch and kept on licking his dick as he soon felt himself about to cum.

"I'm about to come so make sure to not make it go to waste." Haruto said to the two before he came.

His semen splashed on their faces as they felt it. Then they started to lick eachothers faces to clean the semen as he let out a sigh of content. That was when his phone rang as he looked at it and after seeing the caller ID motioned for the two women to stay quiet.

"Hello Saki. How are you?" Haruto asked with a smile.

"Hey Haruto, I'm... fine. I just wanted to talk with you for a bit." Saki said through the phone.

"What is it about?" Haruto asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"I just wanted to ask you about some of the notes that I don't have. Could you send them to me?" Saki asked him.

Haruto raised his eyebrows at her words.

"You are okay right?" Haruto asked her with a look of concern.

"Yes yes I'm fine. Just a bit nervous about not having any notes." Saki said to him.

"Okay. I will send the notes after this call." Haruto said to her.

"Yes, thank you Haruto, really." Saki said to him in a grateful tone.

"No problem. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't." Haruto said with a smile before he ended the call.

"Is she another girl you want to go after Master?" Yen asked him.

"Noo, she's too sweet. Like a puppy. You don't want to hit a puppy would you?" Haruto said to them.

This caused the two women to blink and look at eachother before at him.

"No. I don't think so." Yen said to him.

"You know I would just cuddle with a puppy." Maki said with a smile.

"Good. After Miwa comes we can fuck." Haruto said with a smile as the two women grinned before going back to pleasuring him.

Haruto had of course wanted to help Saki so he has been keeping an eye on her. At first nothing happened but two days after he had gotten Maki Saki was about to meet the douche who would start her fall. Except for the fact that he had intervened at that day.

"Saki?" Haruto said as he walked to her.

"H-Haruto?" Saki said surprised.

"Who are you?" The douche asked a bit annoyed. (A/N: I'm not going to put his name or photo in here.)

"I'm her friend. Now Saki, would you come with me." Haruto said as he walked to her side and grabbed her hand.

"Huh. Why?" Saki asked confused.

"Just come with me." Haruto said before he felt the douche's hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I was talking to her." The douche said to him with an annoyed look.

Only for Haruto to grab his hand and twist his arm before kneeing him on his face causing his nose to break before he grabbed his leg and literally yeeted him into the canal near them. Saki gasped at what happened as she felt fear from how easily Haruto had taken care of him.

"What were you doing with a playboy like him?" Haruto asked her as he pulled her with him.

"Playboy? What's that?" Saki asked scared causing his eyes to widen.

'I knew she was innocent but I didn't think she was that innocent!' Haruto thought to himself.

He pulled her to a park and stood in the shade of a tree before he looked at her.

"Look, Saki, a playboy is..." Haruto said before he explained to her what that is.

"S-So he was just playing with my feelings?" Saki asked scared.

"Yes, he would just play with your feelings and when he was done having his fun he would just leave you. He's literally the worst kind of guy you could meet." Haruto said to her.

'And I'm so going to kill him after this. And that bar full of jackasses and anyone associated with it.' Haruto thought to himself as he looked at her.

"Th-Thank you for getting me away from him." Saki said to him timidly but with a grateful look.

"Just be sure to be careful of such guys. I might not be near to help you all the time." Haruto said to her.

"Thanks." Saki said to him with a small smile.

That was how he had officially gotten her number. He has also become friends with her but he wasn't as close as with her first friends. The next time he had a significant meeting with her was when she was about to go on a sugar date which he intervened again as he has went to a love hotel in the Red District.

"Did this girl come here?" Haruto asked the receptionist as he showed a photo of Saki fully aware about it.

"Sir we are not allowed to divulge information about our customers." The receptionist said to him.

"This is my classmate and she has made bad company who has tricked her. I know this is not part of your job but please tell me which room they are in." Haruto said to the receptionist.

"Why do you care? She might be here on her own volition and she's just a classmate." The receptionist said to him.

Only for Haruto to grab his hair and smash his face on the desk before raising his head and making him look at him.

"Are you gonna talk?" Haruto asked him.

"I can't." The guy said only for his head to be smashed two more times by Haruto.

"Now?" Haruto asked him as he is now leaking more blood from his nose.

"It's 157." The guy said before his head was freed.

The receptionist fell on the table unconscious before Haruto made his way to the room. He knocked on the door a few times and waited and it was opened by the man who would first fuck Saki.

"Who are you kid?" The man asked him.

"I'm her classmate and I have come here to bring her with me. She doesn't know what she is doing." Haruto said to the man.

"Now kid, I have gotten time off my schedule to get here so I can't just have her leave." The man said to him.

"You're an employee from the XXXXXX company aren't you?" Haruto said surprising the man.

"How do you know that?" The man asked him surprised.

"You know what would happen don't you?" Haruto said to the man as she just tsked in response.

"Would this help?" Haruto said before he showed his phone.

On it was another girl on the same app that Saki is on.

"Hmm, that girl looks nice. Alright kid, I don't have a particular taste. Just make sure that you don't leak this." The man said to him with a smile.

"Sure sir. We have come to an agreement." Haruto said with a smile.

"Sure kid. Just let me get dressed." The man said before he went back.

The man got dressed and left the room towards the room on which the girl Haruto showed would be. He then entered the room and found Saki sitting on the bed with a blanket over her body as she looked at him surprised. But he saw her clothes under the sheets and silently let out a sigh of relief.

"H-Haruto?" Saki asked shocked.

"Get your stuff Saki. We'll talk after we leave this place." Haruto said to her with a sigh.

The both then left the place and saw that the receptionist is still out cold but out of view of others so they left the place. Haruto had made sure to erase evidence of both of them in that room from the hotels security system as he exited the place.

When he was asked by Saki about how he had found her he told her that he had joined the same dating app our of curiosity and then saw Saki which is how he had reached her and that he had used her phone number to know her location.

"Who told you to do this and why did you do this?" Haruto asked her.

"My friends told me about this. And as for why, I needed extra money." Saki said to him timidly causing him to sigh.

"Saki, don't ever do this again. Even for money, you don't know who you will meet and it might be dangerous for you. So exit the app." Haruto said to her as she nodded to him.

"He didn't do anything did he?" Haruto asked her as she looked nervous.

"No he just touched my body a bit but that's all." Saki said as he nodded to her.

"Don't do anything like that again. Then again it's not your fault, you just have bad friends." Haruto said causing Saki to glare at him.

"Hey don't say anything bad about my friends. They must've thought it was safe so they told me about this. I'm happy that you came to help me but please don't say anything bad about my friends." Saki said to him with a glare as he looked at her.

'Saki didn't have any friends in middle school which caused her to not know who are good and bad friends. She cares about those she became friends with and wouldn't want them to be called badly. She has great loyalty. Also, when she started living with that douchebag she did everything for him. Even when he kicked her out she thought it was her fault. There's no way that I could do anything horrible to her of my own volition.' Haruto thought to himself as he looked at her.

"Alright Saki, I'm sorry about that. Just make sure that you don't do this again." Haruto said to her to which she nodded.

'I'll just have to protect her.' Haruto thought to himself as he walked with her.

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