
Chapter 19

[War is coming]

That was the message all players had received, every last one of them on the island, the most curious thing was it had been sent by an unknown player.

More accurately it was a name no one recognized, not even the beta players.

[Hellfang Teach]

Not wanting to waste any time Ryder and the rest of the group began running to the nearest village, hoping that by some miracle everything was alright.

Feros, not wanting to leave the npc behind, carried Regis on his back, hoping that she'd be able to give answers when she awoke.

Thankfully as they approached, it was clear that the village had long since been taken by the other players. Though everyone was clearly either in a panic, or just confused, as almost everyone was standing around discussing what to do.

Some wanted to run, others dismissed it as a prank, a good portion wanted to stand and fight.

Ryder didn't care about those options though, they didn't matter. The only thing that mattered right now was finding Aranea, he had to confirm what was happening.

Surely there was no way anything massive could happen, right?

"Ryder, what are you doing?" Feros questions, his voice tired from all the running and clearly a bit annoyed. "Running around like this isn't going to help anyone!"

"I just need to find Aranea! If we can confirm that, whatever the hell this is, is real… well then we can begin planning around it!" Ryder replied, though he made no effort to hide his panic as he looked around, how could he? He just lost Lily to god knows what, and now a potential declaration of war had been launched.

Yuria grabs his shoulder, stopping him and making him remain in place. Quietly she shakes her head, a tired sigh escaping her. "You must slow down, you will not only exhaust yourself but Feros as well."

Hesitantly he looks over to Feros, a tinge of regret filling him as he sees the tired swordsman trying to keep up, the death knight still passed out on his back.

The other players eyed them cautiously, unsure what to make of this situation.

"If you just slow down a moment I'm sure we can find her, we just have to be wiser about this." Her voice is a bit calmer, more solemn in nature as she lets Ryder go. Briefly she makes eye contact with him before turning, her gaze focusing on a random player nearby, without a second thought she walks over and begins talking with them.

Ryder doesn't budge though, still trying to calm himself after that loss.

His mind racing to every possible worst conclusion.

'It could've been a death trap, why did we let her go in?'

'What if it was a one way portal?'

'She could be dead now and it's all our fault.'

'What if it forced her into an inescapable place? She'll starve to death there.'

'It's all my fault.'

'It always has been.'

'I could've done something.'

"-is at the tavern discussing the info." Yuria's voice slowly dragged him back to reality, his mind still racing with every outcome.

Cautiously she looks at Ryder once more. "Did you get that?"

He blinks a few times, trying to recall what she said, though most of the words slip his mind. "Sorry, I kinda spaced out there…"

"It's fine." Yuria shakes her head a little before repeating the info. "Aranea is at the local tavern discussing the info with Laurence, they're trying to make sense of the situation."

"Ah, then we should probably head over there." Ryder's voice was a bit more shaky, though he tried to force it down now.

Before the others could respond he was already off, moving through the sea of strangers towards the tavern.

'How could you let someone else die?'

'You failed again.'

'You sent her to her death.'

Gritting his teeth Ryder tried his hardest to ignore the thoughts, always so intrusive and vocal.

Their words stabbed like knives, yet he knew they held no meaning.

It was like a constant game of tug of war, one which he could only win for so long.

"Ryder, look I'm sure Lily is alright." Yuria's voice spoke up again as she strides up to him. "If she was truly dead, as I imagine you're thinking, then I would know."

"How, you have some sort of sixth sense?" Ryder jokingly asks, trying to keep up appearances.

"More than that actually… those more magically inclined have extreme senses, so much so that I can see and feel all life in this world… it's not diminished yet." Yuria crosses her arms. "It's odd actually, ever since you chased off that Lord Hunter it's been at a stand still…"

"That's good though, isn't it?" his shakiness has now seemed to calm down for the most part, replaced with a bit of curiosity.

"Any other time, yes… but here in this dream? No." Yuria looks ahead at the tavern, her eyes narrowing a bit. "Ever since I awoke here the Outlander lifepool had been steadily declining, as was everything else in this place, but now… now it seems like whatever was culling them has ceased for now."

"If they have, then I imagine that can only mean it's because they're preparing a more coordinated attack." Feros walks up behind the two, now more interested in the conversation. "It's possible that Shade alerted the Lord of this area to your progress."

"That is possible…" Ryder worries before moving to the door. "Let's talk more about it with Aranea, I'm sure she's already thinking of a plan."

As he swings the door open the noises inside become clear to hear, dozens of voices talking, all coming from the center of the building.

Looking inside they see a decent size group of players and NPCs gathered around a long table, discussing something.

Aranea and Laurence were the only two the group recognized… though the others seemed fairly important as well.

Before Ryder could take a step further a certain maiden waves him over from the bar, seeming to not want to interrupt the conversation going on.

Eleanor smiles as the group's gaze softens a bit.

"You two head on in." Feros calmly says while moving to the side. "I'm going to stay out here with her." he lightly motions to the Death Knight on his back.

With a hum, Yuria nods in response "that's probably for the best, waking up in a tavern is never a fun moment."

A simple nod from Feros was all that was needed before Ryder walked into the tavern, heading over to Eleanor alongside Yuria to not interrupt the meeting.

Quietly the two sit on either side of the maiden, briefly ordering drinks from the bar keep before looking to Eleanor.

"So, what's with the meeting?" Ryder asks, only briefly glancing at the group, his curiosity outweighing his fear at the moment. "It looks like this has been going on all day."

Eleanor chuckles lightly. "Well, you'd be right about that… this meeting was originally about establishing a solid relationship with the other guilds and groups, now it's turned into war prep."

Yuria lightly swirls the liquid in her cup, seemingly more interested in the coloration than the alcoholic contents. "So, then we know for certain a war is beginning? Is this Teach fellow the local lord?"

"Yes, a Ferosian Pirate who came here hoping for easy prey… by feeding off the previous lord he managed to gain his rank as a lord candidate, and now he's planning on targeting all of us in one short war." Eleanor sighs and drinks from her glass, her eyes sharpening a bit at the odd tasting drink. "Lucky for us though Ferosians are too honorable for their own good, so much so that he announced his plan to attack everyone."

"Seriously?! What, is he just that cocky?" Ryder mumbles while looking at Yuria who just shrugs.

"Hey, she's not wrong, if a Ferosian goes against their code of honor then they're not truly a Ferosian anymore." She slides the drink to Eleanor before continuing. "It's likely he became a Lord Candidate to make what friends and family remain proud of him."

"Really? Someone would turn people into mindless husks for that?" His voice is filled with a bit of disbelief, unsure of what to think about the situation. "It just seems like a little much to me."

A smirk forms on the mage's face as she glances over at him. "You'd be surprised just how far Ferosians will go for honor and family. It's really quite moving."

"Yuria is right, you know…" Eleanor mutters while sliding both drinks to Ryder. "Ferosians have always been fierce about proving themselves… so much so that even the first Great Lord in his wisdom and mercy held a duel with their emperor."

"A duel so spectacular that all from around Feros and Resovult had to witness!" Yuria chimes in excitedly. "The duel lasted four hours but in that time the two learned all they needed to know about one another… and Feros became the first kingdom to willingly join the Great Lord."

"Four hours, their duel lasted four hours?!" He looks at the two in disbelief, trying to figure out how a fight could even go on for that long. "What, was it a stalemate the entire time?"

"Quite the opposite in fact." Yuria's cheshire grin returns. "The first Great Lord didn't even take a scratch, the emperor was so outmatched that it wasn't even funny… however he never gave up, his Ferosian pride wouldn't let him! It wasn't until he passed out from exhaustion that the duel was finally brought to its end."

A look of pure confusion and bewilderment crosses Ryder's face as he raises an eyebrow, as if to question the statement. "Alright, what was the point of prolonging a fight that long then? Couldn't the lord have just easily ended the fight?"

"Sure, but that's not what he wanted to prove." Eleanor interjects with a smile. "The first Great Lord, the one who established this place outside the kingdoms and empires, he strove for more than just senseless violence… he sought true peace among everyone, a world where no one had to suffer as he did." her eyes seem starstruck as she reminisces over the stories she read, though pausing as a thought enters her mind. "We all hoped the newest Great Lord was much the same, he had many of the same wishes, though now look where we are…"

"In a broken world suffering from magic overload and time distortion, well at least it's entertaining!" Yuria sarcastically says while leaning on the bar. "Wouldn't want the end of our world to be too tame, now would we?"

"I'd rather not have to witness the end at all!" Eleanor cries while resting her head on the bar counter.

As the two try to console their comrade the sounds of the meeting begin to die off, footsteps walking towards the door before heading out.

Upon looking back at the table, Ryder can see that the only ones remaining are Aranea, Laurence and a small cloaked figure he hadn't noticed before.

They aren't that tall, only four feet tall at most… did dwarves exist in this world?

"Alright, well if you two need me i'll be preparing the countermeasures!" a surprisingly cute voice comes from the cloak, sounding almost like a little girl… yet malice hid in her voice as she happily walked towards the door. "Just send the gold to my office later!"

After shaking her head Aranea casually strolls up to the bar, grabbing one of the extra cups from Ryder and downing it without a second thought. "Gah that's strong… going to need more of that to get through this."

"Well that's one way to say hello." Yuria comments while smiling a bit. "What, the war that stressful?"

With a heavy sigh Aranea sets the glass back down on the counter, her eyes drifting to the mage. "You have no clue, nothing like this has happened before-"

"In your vision… the beta, yes?" with a tilt of her head, Yuria locked eyes with Aranea, her look saying she already knew the answer.

"Yes… in the beta the first lord, someone else entirely mind you, waited at his dungeon like any other enemy… now though? I'm not so sure…" without thinking she swiped another cup, downing the liquid inside before continuing. "Teach's army is already moving, preparing to attack us as soon as possible, which is something we're ill equipped and leveled for."

"Indeed we are." Laurence's cold yet calming voice chimed in as he walked up to the group, a rolled up map in his hands. "However, that's where tactics and knowledge will shine for us, for so long as we let them come to us we can control the tide."

Elanor sobs a bit, slowly raising one hand. "There's no point in trying, Teach will just shred through our defenses anyways."

"I wouldn't be so certain of that my dear." the dark clad sorcerer spoke before holding out the map. "This is our plans currently. Not only can we stop them dead in their tracks, but we also have the perfect last resort."

"Ohhh~? Do tell!" Yuria excitedly leaned forward, the interest practically oozing out of her voice.

"Ryder, or really anyone confident enough, will challenge Teach to a one on one duel. Ferosian honor dictates that Teach must not refuse, that will be the trap." Laurence smiles, letting Ryder process the info as he grabs the map.

Ryder cautiously examined the rolled up map, a bit of uncertainty fueling his thoughts. "What trap?"

"Simple really, should you show signs of being unable to win we'll step in." he motions to Aranea as she continues the plan.

"It's not honorable, but it'll let us live… we'll assassinate him. Oto can land the critical blow, buff him up enough and it'll be possible to at least do 75% of his health, from there it's just finishing him off with a strong attack." Aranea hangs her head a bit. "I don't like it and would rather keep it a last resort, but if it has to happen then so be it."

Laurence looks around, just now realizing the absence of a certain person. "Ryder, where is Lily?"

A pit forms in Ryder's stomach as he looks to Laurence, now having to fully explain what happened.

With a sigh he averts his gaze. "Lily's gone."

"Huh? What do you mean gone?" the dark sorcerer asks, Yuria catching his look and continuing for Ryder.

"Sit down, both of you, I'll explain what happened." Yuria's voice is way more calm and composed, shocking both of them and causing them to listen.

With everyone gathered Yuria began telling the story, explaining what happened, what they say and how Lily vanished.

All the while Laurence and Aranea appear to have a mixture of intrigue and horror.

"So… we lost someone…" Laurence hangs his head, seemingly in shock about losing Lily.

"Not to death, she's simply not here at the moment." she corrects, shrugging a bit. "In all likelihood she's currently stuck in some unknown False Zone."

"True… but who knows where she'll show up or when…" his eyes looking more and more defeated as he looks down at the counter. "She could be in real danger-"

"Don't worry, she's still alive, and likely will be for a while… I can still sense her ever so faintly, so if something does happen I'll let you know." Yuria replies, looking to Ryder. "Besides, we have a more important loose end to deal with, right?"

The champion nods in response, remembering who's outside. "Yeah, we don't know exactly how the death knight will respond after she wakes up, for all we know she could go on a rampage."

"Then Ryder, here's what you will do, take her to the old shack on the outskirts of the village and tie her up… once she's awake start questioning her." Aranea states surprisingly coldly, shocking most of the group. "If she can't be reasoned with… well it's free exp I guess, but I hope that she has some answers for us."

"You want me to tie a person up… and hope they aren't angry about it?" Ryder questions, unsure if he heard her correctly.

"Yeah, better safe than sorry after all. If she wakes up and tries to attack first, then you're likely dead." she bluntly replies, not feeling the need to sugar coat the situation. "But by all means, don't tie her up and see what happens." As Aranea says this she stands up and pats Laurence on the back. "Let's go, we've still got more work to do."

With a heavy sigh and reluctant nod Laurence stands up, following Aranea out of the tavern, now only leaving the three to their devices.

"So, Ryder, what will you do?" Eleanor looks to him expectantly hoping for a positive answer.

Ryder sits and thinks for a moment, a smile growing on his face. "I think I know exactly what we'll do."

"We?" Eleanor and Yuria both speak up, looking at him confused.

"Yes, we, come on, I'll explain it along the way." Ryder quickly stands up and moves to the door. "We've got a knight to recruit!"

Next chapter