
Comments of chapter undefined of The Tallest Island

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Author, do you need the services of an editor and proofreader. Your creative imagination is great but you are always in a hurry to write. Skipping a lot of fantastic plots. This easily lost your readers. We kind of fill in the gaps with our imaginations. Not all readers will have patience.


You are right my friend about that and in advance thank you for commenting and giving advice.Sorry for only being able to reply to your message at this time.The author is currently doing 2 jobs so it's true that the author is writing in a rush, causing the story to not be good.Only after considering many things, in the end the author decided to be a more serious writer, so in the future I hope that you will still want to read my work and provide input and criticism on my writing.The author's dream is to build a professional team for the author's novels in the future, and hopefully this will come true.Warm greetings to you, friends, from Author Adi Gm.


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