
Chapter One-Hundred and Thirty-Nine: First Contact… Again..?

Drake strode out of the Outpost followed by some very lackluster stares after he had talked to the Dwarf at the stall.

But he was used to being looked at by the original residents of the Outpost with some form of hate or fear after everything that had happened. But thankfully he wasn't technically in charge of the Outpost.

No, he outsourced that to Shigure, and he had been doing a smashing job of it. Everything at least on the surface had been running smoothly. And Drake was frankly very impressed.

Kid might need a lot of growing, but it's surprising to see how well he can lock the Outpost down when given the reins. Drake thought, passing the rampart of the Outpost, waving as he passed the paling guards.

"It seems he is growing on you, rather than the other way around. And your reputation is very poor amongst the people who have seen you fight the oaf and the weak-willed teen," Natto quipped.

I would never call Bjorn a weak-willed teen, that's just uncalled for Natto. Drake thought, smiling.

"That is not! Uhhh…" Natto grumbled.

Drake chuckled as he made his way back to the camp. Seeing quite a few busybodies.

"So are we all set to scout this place out?" Drake asked, looking at Theodore, and Chelsea checking and double-checking their gear. Bjorn on the other hand sat relaxed on the ground, his claymore on his shoulder.

"This one is as prepared as they can be my Lord. We have stocked potions enough to support a small army thanks to Sir Bear," Theodore answered, twirling his mustache.

"Yep! He gave us all we needed for the trip, so we're just making sure all our gear is in order and waiting on Lamar to repair some stuff," Chelsea added.

Drake raised a brow, "Why are you so proud? Isn't Bear the one supplying everything…?"

Chelsea's face turned red then scowled as she screw-faced him.

"My Lord, could this one bother you to partake in said potions?" Theodore asked, taking a few steps towards him.

Drake raised a hand, "I still have plenty from the earlier quests Theo, thanks. You guys keep them. I think Bear and I have enough Vitality to manage. Which reminds me, you have a health regeneration skill right Bear?" Drake asked, addressing him.

Bjorn waved his hand, "I do, well kind of. Remember the skills I told you about?"


"The skill wraps them all into one pretty much, it's kinda crazy bro," Bjorn laughed.

"Oh to be so privileged…" Drake sighed.

All three of them looked back at Drake incredulously.

"What?" Drake asked snarkily.

"Can you really say that?" Chelsea asked.

"I can say a lot of things," Drake replied sticking out his tongue.

"My Lord, I would be inclined to agree. Thou art the epitome of lucky and privileged by class and skill if nothing else," Theodore chimed in.

"Hey, whose side are you on Theo?" Drake said recoiling in faux hurt, "I worked very hard for my class and skills. I think I almost threw out my arm when I casted the die when I rolled for them," he joked.

"Hey man, I'm not complaining. I'm happy with what hand I was dealt," Bjorn smirked, leaning back and falling onto the grass, his armor clanking slightly, "Most of it at least."

Drake could relate in all seriousness. He and Bjorn had been given great power, but that didn't mean it didn't come with cons. Bjorn was about to turn into a universe-ending giant. And Drake was most likely slowly losing his mind from the overwhelming number of skills he was consuming and still had to consume.

"Well, once we're ready let's get to it. Earlier the better. I allocated enough time to be able to conquer the hive but it's only speculation until we see it firsthand," Drake said, pushing the conversation forward, "I'm going to do some clowning around before we leave. It's been a while since I fired off some spells."

"Sooo, you're just going to do what exactly?" Chelsea asked suspiciously.

"I'm going to blow up stuff," Drake said flatly, then looked to Bjorn, "Come with?"

Bjorn raised his head from the ground, looking down his body at Drake through his legs.

"Sure," Bjorn replied, shrugging slightly.

"Alright, where can a guy get some open land to let loose around here?" Drake mused.

Drake waited for a moment, letting Bjorn get to his feet.

"You know for someone who can follow me at my speed, you sure move fucking slow…." Drake joked, giving a snide grin.

"Hey, I'm conserving energy bro, you think this body can move like that all the time?" Bjorn threw back, smiling as he got to his feet.

"I just thought you were too big to move that fast unless it involved food or fighting me," Drake shrugged.

"You calling me fat?"

"I'm not calling you skinny."

"But I'm not skinny," Bjorn said, raising a brow.

"Exactly," Drake smiled.

"You're right, I'm large and in charge bro," Bjorn smirked back.

Drake rolled his eyes, "Can't you let me insult you for once?" he laughed, moving past Theodore and Chelsea to the back of the camp towards the forest.

"That was supposed to be an insult? I thought you were complimenting me for my gains?" Bjorn laughed.

"I wasn't…. Whatever. Now I really need to blow something up…."

Drake and Bjorn walked together out and into the forest, leaving Theodore and Chelsea behind.

"Did we just become invisible? You didn't cast your concealment spell did you?" Chelsea asked, her face turning into a pout.

"This one certainly did not. It would seem that my Lord and Sir Bear most definitely moveth at the beat of their own drums…." Theodore said, pushing his broken monocle up.

Chelsea looked over and sighed, "You should really get Lamar to fix that for you.

Theodore nodded, picking up his cane while giving Chelsea a slight bow.

"This one bids you a lovely evening Miss Chelsea."

Chelsea gave a wave as Theodore left, her eyes fixed on the backs of Bjorn and Drake.

When Theodore was well out of earshot she mumbled to herself.

"Why do all the men I chase seem so far away…."


"So Bjorn," Drake started, finally away from the camp, "What's going on with you and Chelsea?" he asked, twirling Morning Glory around in his hands.

"Whatcha mean?" Bjorn asked, innocently.

"Come on, even you said she's following you around like a little puppy. She's got the hots for the fire crotch now. Honestly, I'd say she's downgrading in her tastes," Drake said, giving a smirk.

"Oh, that's what you mean. Not sure bro. She's nice and all, but I'm pretty full up on figuring out how not to turn into a big world-eating monster in a few levels," Bjorn replied.

"Honestly I'm in the same boat with Claire. She's wonderful, and a good one, that's for sure, and not even counting her class meshes so well with mine... But I have my hands full with everything. Doesn't feel right to be as committed as I want to be," Drake mused, putting Morning Glory behind his head, his arms hanging over them.

"I think we're on different pages here. I don't have any interest in her right now. And if she has a thing for me, it's one-sided. I've never had time for relationships, even before the system," Bjorn admitted.

"Yeah well, she's persistent if nothing else, so be prepared for that," Drake sighed, remembering the whole situation with her, Claire, and Megan trying to defend her.

Drake and Bjorn walked for a good distance, both having sensory skills in one form or another. Both looking for an area they could relax for a bit.

But nothing ever went to plan, not with Drake there.

The pairs' heads snapped in the same direction in tandem. Both noticed the beings enter their field of perception.

"I thought we were having trouble finding monsters and food?" Drake said curiously.

"We were… Coincidence?" Bjorn asked, raising a brow himself.

"Has it ever been?" Drake scoffed.

"Got me there bro. Let's go see what trouble you brought on us now," Bjorn chuckled, pulling his sword from his back as he walked in that direction.

"Who says it's my fault?!" Drake replied incredulously.

"It's always your fault bro. It's like part of who you are," Bjorn laughed.

"I resent that comment," Drake frowned, walking behind Bjorn.

"I resent it as well! I am forced to be associated with you, it is not my fault you are a troublemaker!" Natto spat.

I am not a troublema- Ok, I kind of a troublemaker. But it's not like I'm trying to be…. Drake conceded.

"How does your sensing skill work, Bjorn? Can you see who or what it is we're walking towards?" Drake asked, changing the subject.

"Only If I get line of sight of it. My skill gives a detailed description of the person, stats, and can see through most concealments of the person and stats. And a few other really nice caveats that I'm not going to tell you," Bjorn smiled.

"That's really unfair… I can tell where people or beings are, but I don't get anything like that… maybe later on my identification skill will though.. Wait, so that means this necklace I have is useless against you?" Drake asked, grabbing the dangling jewel on his neck.

Bjorn didn't answer but smiled.

"Man…. That's fucked up…What did I work so hard for this for then?" Drake grumbled.

"It's a Legendary skill, so don't feel bad bro. It's not like everyone has one," Bjorn siad consoling Drake.

"That's true I guess. What's the skill called by the way?" Drake asked casually.

Bjorn embarrassedly, scratched the side of his beard with a gloved finger, hesitating to answer.

"Well?" Drake pressed.

"It's called Eyes of Hydal…" Bjorn finally said.

"Like Norse Mythology? All-seeing eyes, can't hide anything Hydal? Keeper of the Bifrost in the movie Hydal?" Drake said, his mouth agape.

Bjorn chuckled, "I think so. What's yours called?"

Drake flinched. "It's um… part of my Aura skills, it's called Tyrannical Aura…" Drake answered just as embarrassed.

They both walked silently for a few steps before they both began to laugh.

"How did we get stuck with such ridiculous skill names?" Drake snickered.

"The more ridiculous the name, the better the skill I guess?" Bjorn laughed.

Bjorn and Drake chuckled to themselves for a few more minutes as they closed in on the now group of something that they were following.

When they got to a reasonable distance they both switched from their casual outing, to the jaded fighters they had become during the tutorial.

"Aren't they a bit close to the Outpost? How did they get away with not being found for so long..?" Drake whispered to Bjorn.

"They have to be passing by, there's no way they would go unnoticed. Shigure would have heard about people going missing or spotting them," Bjorn replied, looking at the group of Goblins.

"Are people just not bothering to go out anymore? What gives?" Drake grumbled, spotting a named Goblin at the head of the pack, "Looks like there's one of the leftover Knights or Lieutenants here. They seem pretty geared up… Are they preparing to raid the Outpost?" Drake thought aloud.

"Not sure, but it won't be hard to whip out this many. Haven't fought a Knight before though. Are they tougher than the Generals?" Bjorn asked, pursing his lips.

Drake shrugged, "They are about the same I guess. The Royal Knights were the real pain in the asses…." Drake explained remembering the fight with the King.

"So do you want to take care of them? I can't exactly keep racking up experience if I don't have to right now," Bjorn asked.

Drake thought momentarily, scanning the rest of the group of Goblins. It wouldn't be difficult like Bjorn said to wipe them out. And Drake was looking for an excuse to blow stuff up. But he didn't notice any prisoners with the Goblins this time around. And he was curious as to what they were doing here.

"I want to see what they're up to. I don't sense any single ones patrolling, so I don't think they have many scouts around if any. I think we wait and see, take care of any stragglers that cross us," Drake explained.

"Fine by me, I don't have anywhere to be for another sixty days bro," Bjorn smiled, taking a seat at the tree they were behind.

Drake scoffed and refocused on the group of Goblins.

Now what exactly are you green bastards up to?

Thank you for reading as always! Was a mistake in last chapters title, somehow copy pasted the wrong one haha...

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