
Chapter 21


Out of nowhere a guy arrived I never seen in my life and after what had happened in the supermarket with that guy, I didn't even trust my own shadow, so I brought Gabriela a little closer to me and stayed looking at the guy who's standing in front of us, but I'm surprised when Gabriela answered him, apparently they knew each other.

"You should sit down, it's a long story." I don't have the slightest idea what she's talking about, and that showed on my face, because Gabriela had a small smile on hers. "Kev, this is Santi, and he's basically the one in charge of chasing me everywhere because of Monica's problem." Gabriela reported "Nice to meet you, Gabriela told me a lot about you."

Now I understand who he is, Gabriela had once told me about him, but I didn't pay much attention to it, so to speak, I thought after everything with Monica happened, she would lose contact with him. He wasn't much older than me, a couple of years at most, but what I still didn't understand is what he's doing here, and how he found us.

"I think it's time to do what I didn't do four years ago, that's why he's here, Kev." This really wasn't expecting it. So she's going to tell him she had been raped four years ago? That's good news, but I still didn't really understand what he's doing here. "What am I good for then?" Santi asked calmly. "I want to report a man."

"How so?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because that man raped me four years ago, and today he practically threatened to do the same to Ana and Nerea." At what point had that happened? I haven't left her since what happened in the... Shit, everything is falling into place right now. The guy who was with her in the supermarket is the same guy who had raped her four years ago, and that's the reason she left the way he left the way she left.

"Hoe kon je me niet vertellen dat dit de man was die je veir jaar geleden verkrachtte? Hij zoe hemo dat momento hebben gegeven wat hij verdiende. (How did you not tell me that was the guy who raped you four years ago? I would have given him what he deserved right then and there.)" I said in an annoyed tone "Daarom heb ik het je niet verteld, ik wil niet dat je de gevangenis in gaat voor iets dat her niet verdient. (Well, that's why I didn't tell you, I don't want you to go to jail for something that doesn't deserve it.)"

"HET IS NATUURLIJK EEN GELEGENHEID DIE HET VERDIENT. DIE KEREL MAG JE GEEN ENKEL HAAR HEBBEN AANGETOOND, MINDER DAN DE BEDREIGING VAN NEREA IN ANA. (OF COURSE THIS IS AN OCCASION THAT DESERVES IT. THAT GUY SHOULDN'T HAVE TOUCHED A SINGLE HAIR OF YOU, AND LESS THREATENED NEREA AND ANA.)" I shouted, frustrated she hadn't told me anything. "Hey, first of all, I need you to calm down and let Gabriela explain everything to me." asked the man next to me "Je hebt grandson het recht om they pour me wat ik wel of niet moet doen , stom . (You have no right to tell me what I should do or not, stupid.)"

"Kev, overdrijf niet, hij is degene die ons gaar herlpen, kalmeer. (Kev, don't go overboard, he's the one who's going to help us, calm down.)" Gabriela asked calmly, making it more than clear to me she had indeed taken the pills. "Gabriela, I need to understand things."

"I know, give me a second." Gabriela turned to look at me again, and asked me to relax, I could see it in her eyes. And I know she's right, I should relax, but I don't understand how she expects me to be as calm as she seems to be right now after what she said, I swear sometimes I don't understand Gabriela's way of acting.

"Thank you, Kev." My cousin thanked "It's nothing, but I'm warning you, the slightest sign of stress or anxiety and you don't count anything else. I'm not going to let that happen while you're pregnant." I reported "Wait, are you pregnant?" The man next to Gabriela asked and she nodded. "Congratulations, I'm sure you're happy."

"More than anything, that's why I have to do this. I can't let anyone else get hurt by that guy." She said "Okay, tell me, and like your cousin says, any sign of stress or anxiety and we stop, we have time." The man responded, "No, it has to be as soon as possible." Gabriela insisted "We'll see about that, when you're ready you can start telling me what happened four years ago with that guy."

While Gabriela was telling what happened to her that day, I was getting angrier, because unfortunately for her there was no one around to help her. I was angry because I wasn't with her to prevent that from happening to her. What seemed strange to me is that she was calm enough telling that man everything, something that didn't happen the other day. Luckily for us, Gabriela went to the doctor and did a lot of tests, but from what she said, she doesn't remember didn't remember well what was happening then, the man said it could be because she was drugged.

Gabriela looked at me from time to time, I'm sure it was because she noticed how tense I am and she squeezed my hand to make me relax, but I wasn't going to succeed. I think I understand why she doesn't want others to find out, especially Alex, I'm sure he would go find that guy and kill him, and I wouldn't hesitate to go help him.

Just at that moment I get a call that silences Gabriela and Santi. I guess it must have been someone from home to get us to go eat, because I'm more than sure it's a little late, and I think Gabriela is hungry, at least a little.

"Yeah?" I asked since I hadn't looked at who it was calling me "Kevin, it's time for you to come eat. Do you need us to go get Gabriela?" Grandma asked and I denied, "No grandma, don't worry, she had just called me a couple of minutes ago, I'm with her right now." I informed her, "Okay, then don't be late, Gabriela must eat."

"I know grandma, we're going right now." I said with a smile on my face "See you, Kevin." Grandma said, "See you." I hung up and put the phone in my pocket. "What did grandma want?" Gabriela asked curiously. "Let's go eat, it's about time, and you have to do it." I reported "But I'm not hungry." She protested, "Well, you're going to have to eat, I'm not going to let you go without eating." I assured "Okay, then let's go before grandma kills us."

We got up from the sand and Gabriela turned towards the man to hug him, which he didn't hesitate to return and said something in her ear to which she nodded. "I promise you I'll do everything in my power to lock up that guy Gabriela." said the man "I know, thank you Santi." My cousin thanked. "I'll call you later to tell you about the other's progress." reported Santi "It's okay. Love you Santi."

"Me too." He kissed her on the cheek and we started walking towards the car. The walk towards it was silent and I could notice Gabriela thinking too much, at least now I'm calmer, but I hated seeing her like that, especially considering as soon as they saw her enter the house like that, they would know something is wrong with her.

"Are you OK?" I asked "Yes, don't worry." Gabriela assured, "If you want that to happen, you shouldn't have the worried look on your face right now." I reported "It's nothing Kevin, I'm fine." She insisted, "Can I ask you a question?" I questioned "Say it, I'm sure after hearing everything you heard you must have thousands." She said, and even though it's true, I didn't want to bombard her with all the questions on my mind. "Why did you decide to report him now?" I asked curiously "Because he told me he hadn't enjoyed the others as much as he had with me... that he liked them..."

"You're afraid he'll come back for you." I said, completely convinced that's the reason she had done it. "No, it's not that. It's just that, because of me, that guy was raping more girls who didn't deserve it, he threatened to do it to Nerea and Ana, I'm not going to allow that to happen, and if the only way to get it is for me to report it, then it's what I'm going to do." She said "You're a great person Gabriela."

"I'm not, if I were I would have reported that bastard before, other girls went through the same thing I had to go through." She countered and I denied "You were afraid, that's something anyone would do. Don't beat yourself up thinking you could have prevented those other girls from going through the same thing you had to go through, because you don't know that." I said, since the last thing I needed was for her to torture herself with something like that. "Of course I know, all the girls who came after me could have had a normal life, without having to think about why it happened to them."

"That's what happens to you, right?" I asked "I don't want to talk about it, it was enough to have talked about it today." she responded and I nodded "Okay, I understand, but know you're my superhero, you can handle anything." I answered with a big smile on my face, "No, I can't do everything."

"Of course you can, you are facing a psychopath who was infatuated with your fiancé from the first moment, you're taking care of a girl as if she is your own, those are things not everyone does. You're the strongest person and the one I admire the most Gabriela, you should not doubt your abilities, because I'm sure you can do everything, and if not, which I doubt, we will all be with you supporting you." I said with a smile on my face "Thanks Kev, but let's go home before Grandma kills us because the food got cold."

"I love you much Gabriela, I really do." I said "Love you too Kev." I put an arm over her shoulders and brought her closer to me to try to cheer her up and not feel so bad about her, as she felt right now, because, if she continued like this, at home they would realize something's wrong with her. If she doesn't want them to know what happened to her because she's not ready to tell it, I'll help keep that secret until she's ready to tell it to others.

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