
Chapter 17


Yesterday afternoon passed quite quickly after the small argument, and I partly understand Carlota, because there are things that do not fit at all in Gabriela's way of being. First of all, I had no idea she had spent a year in Holland, by that I don't mean she should have told me, what seemed weird to me is that she didn't tell anyone, not even her family. Gabriela practically always warned about what she's doing.

Today is a new day and we had agreed to go to her grandparents' house, but first we should go to the consultation with Andrea to see how Gabriela's pregnancy is going, so I got up a little earlier to be able to do her breakfast. When I was done, I put everything on a tray and took it to the room.

"Beautiful, it's time to get up." I could see the grimace she made and ended up turning around. Apparently, today is one of those days when it would be difficult to get her up, and I'm sorry to make her get up, if it were another day I would let her stay in bed, but we had an appointment at the hospital and then we would have to go to her grandparents' house for the party they had thrown.

"Come on beautiful, it's time to get up." I insisted with a small smile on my face. "I don't feel like getting up." She murmured, "I know, but we have to go to the hospital and then to your grandparents' house." I said and heard her protest, "Can't we make up an excuse so we don't have to go?" She asked, "Not to the hospital, we could do it to your grandparents' house, but that would make them worry and I don't think you want that."

"I really don't feel like getting out of this bed." She protested again. "Did you sleep badly?" I asked curiously and she nodded, which makes me a little worried, because it wasn't normal she didn't sleep well, at least as bad as it seems. "Did you have a nightmare?" I questioned, trying to figure out the reason why she hadn't slept well. "I don't know, I just know I didn't sleep well."

"In that case we can tell them you didn't rest well and want to stay home." I said and with those words she sat on the bed, ran her hand over her eyes. "You're right, it's better to go, I don't want to worry them or take away grandma's hope." She muttered, but I knew it wasn't something she's very excited about right now. "You can always sleep for a while there or in the car."

"I know. Shall we go down?" She asked "No need, I brought you breakfast." I pointed in the direction where I left our breakfast, got up to get the tray and sat down next to her again. "Thank you honey, but you didn't need to do it." Gabriela said with a smile on her face, "I know, but it's all to keep the queen of the house and my heart happy." I could see how little by little a smile appearing on that face I loved to see so much and is the first thing I saw in the mornings when I woke up.

During breakfast, Gabriela's mood was improving and it seems she's waking up a little more. We talked about everything a little and after finishing breakfast, we went to shower where we had a kissing session that luckily for both of us didn't end in something much bigger.

An hour later we were at the hospital waiting for Andrea to call us, which doesn't take long to do. I held Gabriela's hand, because I noticed since we sat in the waiting room, her leg hasn't stopped moving. "Well guys, I'm glad to see you, how have you been these days, Gabriela?" Andrea asked with a smile on her face "Well, I discovered there are foods I hate. I wonder how I ate them calmly before."

"That's normal, it will pass when your child is born." answered the doctor "I hope so, because I really love those foods." Gabriela murmured in an annoyed tone, which makes me laugh. "And stress management?" Andrea asked "I do what I can." my fiancé responded, shrugging her shoulders. "Any anxiety attacks?" The doctor continued asking, "No, just nerves."

"You still refuse to take the pills, don't you?" Andrea asked since it's something she suggested Gabriela should take. "As long as I can control them, I'll refuse." Gabriela agreed with a smile on her face. "I think in my entire career as a doctor, I have not seen anyone refuse to take stress pills. I congratulate you for that. Now, do you want to know the sex of your child?"

The face Gabriela had at that moment, I could see how much she liked the idea, and I liked it too. I took her hand and she looked away from Andrea to look in my direction. I could see how excited she is.

We got up from the chairs and headed to the side room and waited for the screen to turn on. "Mmmm, I didn't expect this." I noticed how Gabriela became tense as soon as Andrea's words left her mouth and I must admit they also made me alarmed. "Is everything okay Andrea?" I asked in a worried tone. "Oh, yes, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She said with a big smile on her face. "So, what did you not expect?"

"All this time we had a little girl hiding behind her sister." She informed, which makes me release all the air accumulated in my lungs. "What?" Gabriela whispered and that's the only time my eyes turn away from the screen and it's not to look at Gabriela. This couldn't be true, I couldn't believe it, but before I got my hopes up, I had to make sure what I was hearing was true.

"What?" I asked this time, "Yes, apparently there are two girls." Andrea informed "What the hell?" My fiancée questioned in a confused tone and without taking her eyes off Andrea. "Yes, guys. Look, this is one and this is the other." Andrea had said while showing us the screen and if before I was staring at the screen, now I was staring at it with my drool practically on the floor. "Are we having twins?" Gabriela whispered, still not believing it. "Yeah, you're going to have twins. Congratulations guys."

At this moment I didn't look away from the monitor where I could see two little bodies, the little bodies of my princesses. Happiness didn't take me inside, I wanted everyone to know I'm going to be the father of two beautiful girls and the girl I had loved practically all my life is going to marry me, I had everything to be happy.

"And well, I have more good news." continued the doctor "Which ones?" I asked curiously and still a little dazed. "It seems the development of her lungs is progressing, they already more or less the size they should be at her age." With those words, Gabriela soon starts crying and I don't hesitate to hug her. I don't know how much time we spent hugging, I just know Andrea left to see more patients, so I helped Gabriela clean off the gel, keeping an arm on her shoulders and keeping her close to me, we left the hospital and headed to the car, but halfway there I stop and hug Gabriela as it should be.

"We're going to have two princesses, my queen." I said with a big smile on my face "She's recovering, the girl is recovering." This time she said, tears beginning to gather in her eyes. "I told you it was going to happen. We won't have to worry so much, now I'm surer she's a fighter, like her mother, before the girl will recover. We kissed and held each other for a while. I couldn't describe what I feel at this moment, it's one of the happiest moments of my life.

"Once again, you have made me the happiest man on the planet, beautiful. I couldn't feel luckier to have you in my life." I whispered without leaving her "You have also made me the happiest woman in the world. I love you." Gabriela responded with a big smile on her face. "I love you, but we have to go, I'm sure they will love the news." We kissed and resumed our walk to the car. It took us about an hour and a half to get to her grandparents' house and the first person we meet is my grandmother, but she doesn't say anything to us, she just smiles at us.

When we entered the house, they were all there waiting for us until it seems that they get tired of waiting for us to tell them what they had told us at the hospital today. "So, what have they told you?" Grandma asked. "The girls are fine; their lungs are almost the size they should be for their age." My fiancée informed with a big smile on her face. "We told you it was going to be okay."

"I know, but it's not easy to accept something, especially when it's told out of the blue like Roberta did." She pointed out and Roberta rolled her eyes. "I already apologized for saying it like that, Gabriela," she repeated. "Wait, wait, wait... Hasn't anyone realized what Gabriela said?" Everyone turned in Kevin's direction without understanding what he meant, so I get the impression they hadn't heard the part where Gabriela said the girls.

"What are you taking about?" Nerea asked, frowning. "Are they twins?" With that question, the same procedure that was in their address, did in our direction, waiting for our response. "Yes, they are twins." At that, everyone practically began to shout with joy and hug Gabriela who had started to cry again. "Am I going to have two little sisters, mommy?" Ana asked with a big smile on her face. "Yes, princess, you're going to have two sisters."

Ana started jumping everywhere, which made everyone amused. It seems she's so excited that Carlota had to stop her from jumping everywhere. "Apparently today is all good news, and I'm sorry to spoil this moment, but you and I have to go buy some things." Kevin said, "What?" Gabriela asked, frowning. "Things grandma needs to cook."

"And that's why she has to go with you, Kev? We also want to spend time with her." Nerea protested. "Come on guys, don't start arguing, I'm sure Gabriela can spend time with everyone." said their grandmother with a big smile on her face. "But Kev always spends time with her." Nerea protested "Dat komt omdat ik zijn favorite neef ben. (That's because I'm her favorite cousin)"

"Kev, no. In maak je geen zorgen, Nerea, we hebben wat tijd besteed aan premies. (And don't worry Nerea, we'll spend an afternoon with cousins later)" Gabriela responded "Beloof me dat? (Do you promise me?)" said the girl to what sounded like a question "Ik beloof het. (I promise)"

"Okay, go shopping with him." she responded, rolling her eyes. "Let's go." Kevin said with a big smile on her face. "Do you want to come, princess?" Gabriela asked, looking at little Ana. "No, mommy, I'll stay practicing the guitar." answered the little girl "Aren't you going to need help?" Gabriela asked again. "Alex can help me, right?"

"Of course, let's see what you've learned." I approached Gabriela and gave her a kiss that she seemed to be, I gladly accepted, and with that, both of them left, while I accompanied Ana to the garden with her guitar, which since Gabriela bought it for her, stopped being played.

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