
Chapter 12


At this moment we were at the hospital waiting for them to tell us something about Gabriela. I'm so angry and too worried to pay attention to her family. I couldn't understand why Roberta told her now everything was fine, because of her, Gabriela at this moment is being treated in the emergency room, although I must also admit she looked considerably bad after what she told my future wife, so my anger went down a little.

"My child, you must calm down. Gabriela is going to be fine." my grandmother asked, "I hope so, grandma." I murmured, "You'll see, she's a strong girl who will overcome it, as she does with everything." Just at that moment the doctor who was treating Gabriela with the pregnancy comes out and approaches me.

"How is she doctor?" I asked, "Well, Gabriela had an anxiety attack and at this moment she is stable. What I would like to know is why she had the anxiety attack if from what you told me since you left the hospital, she was better." She pointed out this "It is…"

"It's because I told her what you told me the day you were admitted. I think she must have known, that it was about time because she really wasn't aware that her pregnancy was still at risk." Roberta said quickly "I understand, we will have her under observation for a couple of hours and depending on her evolution we will discharge her later or tomorrow. You can go see her if you want."

"And our child?" I asked, hoping that nothing had happened to it "The child is fine, don't worry about them. If you want to enter, you can do so. Later I will stop by the room to explain to you in detail the situation of Gabriela's pregnancy." She said and I nodded. I didn't hesitate for a second to enter her room, approached her and sat next to her, holding her hand and giving her a kiss on it.

"I hope you get better beautiful so we can go home. I don't want anything or anyone to upset you anymore. I will protect you above all things." I spent what seemed like hours looking at her, I wanted her to wake up and try to calm her down, because I know she's not going to be calm, and at this moment it's what the three of us needed, them to be well, and me to be well. It's just at that moment the doctor enters the room, closes the door and approaches the other side of Gabriela's stretcher, checking the cans they had for her and the machines hooked to her.

"Well, it seems the medications are making effect. Her heart rate is lower than it was a while ago." The doctor said with a smile on her face. "That's good, isn't it?" I asked and she nodded. "Well, yes," she responded. "Will she be leaving today?" I asked, "Well, I don't know yet, that depends on how upset she wakes up."

"I understand. So, explain to me what this is about my wife's pregnancy, what exactly is happening?" I questioned, wanting to know what's happening with Gabriela and the child. "Well, in one of the ultrasounds we saw apparently your child isn't developing his lungs well. It's still too small to see clearly, but I've consulted other obstetricians and they think the same as me."

"That's bad?" I asked and she denied "It's not that bad, maybe as the pregnancy progresses its lungs develop quickly, but we will have to monitor the pregnancy more often, it no longer comes once a month." She said and I nodded, because I didn't care if I had to come here every day, what I wanted was for both of them to get well. "And what do you propose?" I asked "Once every two weeks, and depending on how it goes it can be reduced or increased."

"Okay, but in case its lungs don't develop as they should, what will happen?" I questioned since I wanted to find a way to explain it to Gabriela when she wakes up. "Well, most likely we will perform a c-section on your wife to save your child and we'll keep it under observation for a while until we see how improves."

"After it recovers, nothing will happen to it, right?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders. "It can develop some illness, not serious, but it can affect its breathing." She said and I frowned, really hoping its lungs would grow to their proper size. "And what disease would it be?"

"First of all, the vast majority of cases do not present with illness after that, only zero-point zero two percent develop some time of respiratory illness." The doctor informed me and I nodded. "That reassures me, but I keep asking what illness it would be." I insisted "Asthma and something else at the level of asthma, you should consult with an expert in the area."

"And with her?" I asked, pointing to Gabriela. "She will be fine, at first she may have some kind of discomfort or pain, but that will be normal after the operation." She responded and I nodded. At least she wouldn't have something that would affect her in the long term. "Why didn't you tell us before?"

"I did say it at the time your wife was admitted, she was in front, but I suppose because of the medication we had on her at that time she didn't understand much." The doctor said and I nodded, because she said something like that more than once, "Roberta said she didn't know." I pointed out "My duty as your doctor is to tell the patient, and that's what I did, now if you want, I can repeat it to her later when she wakes up again, this time I'll make sure she's not under the effects of the medications."

"It's not necessary, I'll explain it to her." I said quickly, since I know Gabriela is more likely to take it better if I told her than the doctor. "Anyway, if you change your mind, let me know. I think I'll start taking her off the medication so she can wake up. As soon as she wakes up, let me know, I'll come see her as soon as possible." The doctor informed and I nodded.

With that, she left the room leaving me alone with Gabriela. I had to think of a way to explain the situation to her, because in the end it wasn't that bad so to speak. Yes, I'm worried something could happen to our child and Gabriela, but from what the doctor said, it doesn't have to be anything bad, it's most likely the child develops its lungs during pregnancy, that's what kept me calm, and thinking about that I fell asleep next to her, holding her hand.

I don't know what exactly wakes me up, but I wake up quickly looking at Gabriela, seeing she has tears in her eyes, so I get up quickly and give her a hug she soon returns. "Everything is fine beautiful… nothing is wrong…" I whispered "Our… our baby…"

"It's fine and it'll be. Beautifull, I'll tell you everything, but first of all you must relax, this is not good for either of you." I pulled her even closer to my chest and she hid her face there. I could notice how she's slowly relaxing. I sent a message to my mother to tell Gabriela's doctor she had woken up, because I'm not going to leave her side, not now she needed me. I was sitting on the stretcher with Gabriela in the same position as before when the doctor entered the room.

"Gabriela, I need you to separate from Alex so I can check you in." My fiancée shook her head, and if it were any other time, I wouldn't allow her to insist, but right now the most important thing was for Andrea, the doctor, to check her and make sure she's okay to go home.

"Don't worry beautiful, I won't leave. I'll be here, by your side." With those words she came out of her hiding place and stared at me. I could tell she's nervous, but I took her hand and smiled at her, which seemed to relax her a little more.

After a few minutes, Andrea said we could go home, but she needed to stay calm and take the pills if its needed, but I'm more than sure she wasn't going to take them, she wasn't one of those people who broke promises.

When she finished changing, I picked up our things and headed home. Luckily for me, they had listened to me when I asked them to go home and rest, that she was fine and I would tell her anything, we would meet at her house in the morning, because now what Gabriela needed is peace of mind, and that alone I would get it right now at my house. I know having Ana around her would also help her stay calm, so I decided I would go pick her up.

On the way, she fell asleep, and a half hour later we arrived at Marcos' house. Without making too much noise, I get out of the car and head towards the door where I knock and it doesn't take long for Carlota to appear. I must admit she looked surprised when she opened the door and started looking outside, I guess to find Gabriela.

"She's asleep in the car if you look for her." I said, pointing in the direction of the car. "So, what are you doing here?" She asked, a little confused. "I'm coming to pick up Ana, to keep Gabriela calm and all." I responded and she nodded "Okay, I'm going to go get her, she was worried about her and locked herself in her room. She hasn't come out since we got home."

"Carlota, who is…? Oh, hello Alex, what are you doing here?" Marcos asked, confused to see me there. "He came for your sister to help keep Gabriela calm." his girlfriend informed with a small smile on her face, "Oh well, if you want, I'll go up and get her." Marcos said, still assimilating the words, "It's not necessary, I'll go, honey."

They kissed and she went into the house to go get Ana. At that moment I looked at the car to see if Gabriela had woken up or something, but she's still asleep, which calmed me down a little. "How is she doing? What did the doctor tell you?" Marcos asked in a worried tone. "She should stay calm."

"So what Roberta said is true?" He asked surprised. "It seems so." I admitted, because even though Andrea told me, it's a little difficult to assimilate this is what's happening to her. "I'm sorry, really." Marcos apologized and I denied, because it's not something we should be completely worried about. "From what she told me, the baby it might get well during the pregnancy, but if that does not happen, they will have to have a c-section and keep the baby under observation until its lungs are strengthened."

"Well, let's hope it's the first option and not the second. Gabriela wouldn't have a good time if it were this." He assured and I nodded, because I knew she wouldn't. "I'm sure not, but I know the second option won't be necessary." I assured, "Let's hope so." Then Ana appears with a small smile on her face, but I could see the concern in her. I stretch out my hand for hern to take, we say goodbye to the guys and head to the car.

"Is Mommy okay?" the little girl asked in a worried tone. "She's better, but you have to help me." I said with a small smile so as not to worry the girl more. "In what?" she questioned "Your mother needs to stay calm; do you think you can help me with that?" I could see how she nodded quickly as I opened the door of the car and put her seatbelt on. When I finished, I got into the car and we headed towards home, where a couple of minutes before arriving, Gabriela wakes up.

"Shit, I fell asleep." She protested "It's okay beautiful, you need to rest. That's good for both of you." I said with a smile on my face "Are you feeling better mommy?" With those words, Gabriela turns in Ana's direction and seems surprised to see her sitting there with a big smile on her face. "Ana? What are you doing here?" she asked the girl, but looking at me, "I brought her because it's been a while since you spent a mother-daughter afternoon, so I decided you could do it this afternoon."

"And what are you going to do?" Gabriela asked, frowning. "I'll see what I do. I'll be home if you need anything." I assured "I want to play with you Alex." Ana protested, pouting. "But you should spend time with your mother, little one." I said, knowing it's something Gabriela would like. "And I can do it while I play with you too. Aunt Carlota told me mommy couldn't play with me like she did for a while so your baby would be okay."

"Your aunt what? Of course I can play with you." Gabriela protested, "And no one denies it, beautiful, as long as it doesn't involve an effort for you." I pointed out, "Mommy, I want to take care of you like you do me." Little Ana said, "That's not what you should do, princess, you're a little girl."

"I'm big… I can take care of you." The pout that formed on Ana's face would convince anyone to do whatever she wanted, and I think that's what she intended at this moment, because it didn't take long for Gabriela to give in. "Okay… But you'll still go to bed early, play the guitar and practice singing." my fiancée negotiated to which the girl nodded.

With that we entered my house, Gabriela a little calmer than she was when we left the hospital, and Ana with a big smile on her face. She goes to Gabriela's side, takes her by the hand and the two of them head towards the house while I stare at them dumbfounded.

"Honey, are you going to stay there and watch or are you going to come?" Gabriela asked with a smile on her face when she saw me standing there, probably with a stupid face. "I'm going, you go inside the house." I said "We're not ghosts to get through the door, Alex."

As soon as Ana says that, Gabriela starts laughing and I would hit my head for being so stupid not to have thought of it before. I should give Gabriela a key, after all, it's her house too, although thinking about it, I should ask her to move in with me, even though that's basically what she already does, but it wouldn't hurt in asking.

"Alex, mommy is going to get cold." Ana hurried "Going, going. "You're a very impatient girl, Ana." I pointed out and the little girl rolled her eyes. "You don't really know." my fiancé responded, "I'm not, mommy." Ana protested. "Of course you are, princess, but that's not bad." We start laughing and as soon as I opened the house to let them in without taking my eyes off them.

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