


I jolt out of bed immediately. Even in my half conscious state I knew the importance of today.

I brush my teeth as I stare at my messy hair in the mirror. I could barely get any rest yesterday because of how excited I was.

Though at the same time, that excitement is what's fueling me right now.

Normally I would still be dead asleep.

* * *

Hair check. Uniform check. Breath check. Breakfast check.

Okay I'm all good to go!

I check my watch and see that its 7:20 AM.

Okay good, if I leave now I should be at Jaki's house a little bit early. Definitely don't want to make her wait on me.

I grab my school bag and leave for Jaki's house. Skipping along the short route to her house, unable to contain my excitement.

* * *

To my surprise Jaki was already waiting by the door. She shoots me a polite smile as she sees me arriving.

The smile melts away all my weariness. Sending waves of butterflies inside my stomach.

"Sorry, was I late?"

"No, you're early, I just wanted to wait outside."

"Also, what's got you so excited that you're skipping around."

I feel my face burning up, I didn't expect Jaki to already be waiting outside and have seen me skipping to her house.


I try to brush it off immediately.

"Anyway lets go to the train station now!"

"Okay, lets go."

* * *

Jaki and I walk along the suburban pavement towards the train station.

I used to dislike walking to the train station because I would be the only one walking. Going on the same boring old path with nothing ever changing or happening.

The only thing nice about walking around here is that sometimes the neighborhood house cats would be hanging around.

I always make sure to stop and give them some pets. I even missed my train a few times because I was too busy petting them. But it was well worth it.

Though its not everyday I get to see the cats hanging around. So whenever I do see them I make the most of it

At first the cats were a bit hesitant to approach me but nowadays they will approach me first and rub their heads against my legs, asking for pets.

Just as I was thinking about them I spot one coming over from the corner of my eye.

"Hey kitty kitty! C'mere!"

I squat down and give the cat some chin scratches with one hand and head pats the other.

The cat playfully purrs as it enjoys the pets I am giving it.

I notice that Jaki just sorta stands there with a rather stiff body.

"You alright Jaki?"

"I'm not too good with animals. The cats here always run away when they see me. So I don't want to scare them off."

"Ah really?"


There was a slight sigh to Jaki's response.

"Hmm, do you wanna pet them?"

I see a glint of interest light up in Jaki's eyes. Then it reverts back to normal.

"Yeah, but they always run away before I could get close to them."

"Its alright, I can teach you how to approach them so they don't run away!"

I see the glint of interest return to Jaki's eyes, now shinning even brighter than earlier.

I smile on the inside, her reaction is too adorable sometimes!

"So, first crouch down slowly so you are the on the same level as the cat."

Jaki slowly crouches down next to me, doing it as slowly as possible. Its cute seeing her be so cautious and careful about something so simple.

"Yep good job! So the reason most cats run away is because peoples size can be intimidating to them. So by crouching we try to eliminate that as much as possible."

Jaki nods and listens carefully as if her life depended on it.

"Now slowly reach your hand out. This is the most important part. You want the cat to approach you and sniff your hand."

"That's the cats way to familiarize itself with you and make sure you are not dangerous. Be sure to hold your hand out in a fist and below their head."

Jaki follows my instructions and stays incredibly still when the cat slowly approaches her. She makes rapid eye contact with me signaling for assistance.

I smile and nod back to signal her its going according to plan.

Jaki whispers to me:

"What do I do now?"

"You've done well! We are almost done. For the last step just wait until the cat is comfortable around you and starts rubbing its body against your hand."

"After that you can slowly move your hand to pet it."

"Okay, understood."

Jaki whispered back to me.

It's so funny seeing Jaki being so tensed and serious. Her usual nonchalant and stoic demeanor completely gone. All I see now is a person that eagerly wants to pet a cat.

Jaki slowly and nervously moves her hand to pet the cat after it started rubbing against her hand.

She slowly relaxes more as the cat is now sitting there purring, enjoying all the pets its receiving.

As Jaki gets used to petting, her serious expression slowly changes into a smile.

She turns to me with the biggest grin I have ever seen on her face. A grin that is as wide as her face allows.

Her genuine smile is so radiant that it almost feels too bright to look at.

I shoot back an approving smile. Happy that she finally got to pet the neighbourhood house cat.

On the inside my heart flutters once more.

I think I finally know what the emotions that I have been feeling is.

Another chapter done! A longer one as well, compared to usual! Hope everyone enojoys it! I sure miss petting the cats around my neighbourhood whenever I was walking back from school.

BennZcreators' thoughts
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