
The Impossible

Early in the morning Janet was up she was going to the bathroom she opened the door and saw Layla was being fucked by Steve. She hurry closed the door. Minutes later Steve and Layla came out of the bathroom.

"In the bathroom?, really you two?"

"Well the pleasure is taken anywhere right?"

"You are unbelivable" Janet walked inside the bathroom while Layla and Steve were laughing.

"I guess I will see you later?"

"Yeah I have to go too see you later" Bith if them walked outside and went thier separate ways.

Bellamy and Lexa finished eating they were sitting on the couch watching tv. Lexa was staring at Bellamy.

"If you have something to say, just tell me Lexa, I am all ears"

"The thing is Kendrick wants me to go back to work, he gave me 3 days to consider"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's this thing called contract, as you know that no one has to read the signed papers right, well my contract paper state for me to work without quitting under four years Bell, Am having a headache and I don't know what to do" Lexa explained everything to him.

"Well you don't have to go Lexa"

"That's the thing Bellamy, once I stop going he will come after me"

"Then let him come, I'll be here for you we can take this and we will get through this okay?" Lexa was worried the door was opened Steve walked inside.

"Hello everyone, did I interupt something?"

"Bo come on buddy, we were discusiing about Lexa's problem here"

"What's wrong?, what did she do this time?".

Bellamy explained everything

"Well that one you got there is a Deja Vu" Steve was teasing.

"Come Steve this is not funny"

"Yeah that's what am talking about, just leave the hell out of it and move on with your life, do you know what I'd do If It were me?. I would walk right through his office and tear apart the contract papers and shove it right through his face"

"You think what am thinking Steve?"

"Yeah why don't we go to his office tonight what do you say Bell?"

"Seems fair to me"

"It's settle then to ight we go to your boss together and we will let you do the talking"

"I... I... have to go now see you guys later" Lexa walked away home and went to explain it to Janet.

"Yeah that seems fair to me Lexa, But I gotta say I told never to accept this job the first time, If you listened to me back then none of this couldv'e have happen"

"Stop it Janet it's over now, tonight am getting over it"

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