
Prostitution Circle

Prostitution Circle

Tonight Lexa was in Janet's room getting ready to leave. Janet was staring at her through the mirror.

"Why are you giving me that look Janet?"

"Nothing Lexa am not used seeing you in make up thats all" Lexa smiled at her and walked to her.

"You can't lie to me Janet, I know you very well"

"I know Whatecer I say I won't be able to stop you from doing want to so bad, and I won't stop you but I hope you know what you're doing Lexa"

"So am I Janet" Lexa hugged Janet she was getting ready to leave. Janet helped walk her at the door.

"Be safe Lexa wish you luck" Lexa walked away she was given the address by Kendrick she went where the club is located she saw neon lights at the head of the club, people, decoratings amd so much more. She walked inside she saw Many people Kendrick saw her he went to welcome her.

"Hey Lexa welcome, thought you wouldn't shaw up" He kissed her on the chick

"Come on this way your fellow are waiting for you"

"What fellows?"

"Interns just like you Lexa relax you are not alone" Kendrick took Lexa to her fellow interns she saw a group of women make up themsleves for show and to comfort costumers.

"Wow so this is a Prostitution Circle"

"Come on Lexa we are doing business here, come one everyone meet Lexa your fellow new intern" No one said Hi to her they were all queit looking at her.

"Well that went well, I will take it from here Kendrick"

"Okay then prep yourselves up" Kendrick walked away from ladies area. Those women were staring at Lexa she went to sit down staring at the mirror while doing her make up.

"Hey whats up ?" A woman showed up and sat at the mirror beside hers Lexa stares at her a wonderful beautiful teenager girl with pearly blue eyes smiling at her.

"Why are you smiling into a total stranger?"

"Well everybody is equal to me in here"

"You been here long time?"

"I'm past two weeks now"

"Okay then what's their problem?"

"Don't mind them people here gets angry and jelouse once they see an intern exspecially when they are more beautiful and pretty like you" Lexa laughed hearing that

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"No offence but why would anyone hate me just on my first day here?"

"First day's the worst here"

"Why what happened to you in your first day?"

"Well I tried to be nice here for everyone but two hours later I found my head drawned inside toilet's sink, They like tourtured me but My saviour showed up and saved me"

"What do you mean your saviour"

"Curly I looked everywhere for you"

"Well she is my saviour" A woman showed up Curly kissed her.

"See you made a new friend"

"Lexa My name is Lexa"

"Nice meeting you blondie my name is Layla but they call me Curly, and this is my girlfriend Ruby"

"Nice meeting you blondie, come one Curly lets do the rounds before we start working" Ruby hold Curly's hand and started walking with her.

"See you later blondie" Lexa smiled, she looked at the other girls she saw them staring at her with their jelous faces.

"Oh This will go well, Gosh I shouldv'e stayed Back at the bar"

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