
True Names? and Gifting Skills!

Chapter 18: True Names? and Gifting Skills!

-Tokyo, Japan, 12:30pm-

Currently, the Sapphire family along with Sayu were eating a classic Italian lunch of spaghetti and meatballs.

Though while the trio of demoness' happily enjoyed the lunch after a great work out, the only human present couldn't help but remember the debauchery that lasted hours only to end half an hour ago.

As she was talking to Sabrina, Valerie looked at Sayu with an amused smile, especially when she saw her averting her eyes with a flushed face.

Why you may wonder? Well, Valerie, Amelia and Sabrina caught her red-handed masturbating right outside the bathroom.

And like the pervert she is, Valerie pulled her inside… to clean up. What? Were you expecting her to fuck Sayu senseless?

'Well I was quite tempted, especially when she was making such an erotic face as she stared at my cock. Though my sadistic demonic side wanted to see her crawl into my bed and beg me to fuck her.

And I don't think it will take long for such a thing to happen, after all she has been more or less corrupted, and with my [Lily Lover] title she wouldn't be averse to fucking a female'. Valerie smiled wickedly as she eyed Sayu who had her head down in embarrassment.

'It seems Sayu won't be able to escape Valerie's clutches, I guess she should feel honoured'. Amelia smiled widely as she caressed the tattoo above her womb.

"Who took my meatballs?!" A shout from Sabrina caught everyone's attention as they saw her staring at Kali's plate of spaghetti.

"Woof?(Eh?)" Kali released a surprised bark from her sauce covered mouth, making Valerie chuckle at her cuteness.

Kali then looked at Sabrina and followed her gaze, only to see it land on her delectable meatballs. Then it all clicked as she realised what this slutty demoness was planning.

"Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!(How dare you slander me you dick-craving whore! These meatballs are mine! The mistress poured all her love in making these for me and you dare covet it! You have eyes yet you fail to see Mt. Tai! Ptu!)"

""Pfftt…Hahahahaha~"" Valerie and Amelia burst into laughter as they heard Kali's vicious words as she spoke like a cultivator. It seems like mortal food wasn't the only thing she enjoyed in her spare time.

Sabrina growled and retorted, "Who are you calling dick-craving whore?! I only have Valerie's cock on my mind!"

Valerie nodded in satisfaction hearing her words, while Sayu's mind spiralled out of control, once again recalling explicit scenes.

As she ate, Valerie's mind wandered off to what she saw in the bathroom after finishing indulging in pleasure.


Valerie stared at Amelia and Sabrina who were on the floor covered in her cum and their breasts moving up and down after hours of fucking.

'As Deidara always said, "Art is an explosion". An explosion of semen that is!' Valerie nodded as she stared, feeling pleased at her handiwork.

"What's that?" It was then that Valerie noticed, along with lust that was coming off of the two sisters, there was a pink aura.

"Hmm?" Then, when something touched the surface of her body, she hastily turned her head. Her eyes widened as she noticed that the bathroom was surrounded by a pink glow.

"Can you see it?" Amelia questioned when she heard Valerie mumbling to her self as she looked around the bathroom.

"Yes". Valerie nodded as she tried to poke the pink energy.

"That is Lust Essence/Energy. You can call it whatever you want, and it's what us Succubi feed off of and use to strengthen ourselves. Once we absorb it nourishes our Demonic core and Soul". Amelia explained.

"Aren't you going to absorb it?" Valerie questioned as she stared at Amelia. She knew her answer, but still decided to ask since she was curious about something.

Amelia chuckled as she realised why Valerie asked, "This small amount of Lust essence will not make a difference to me". She winked and added, "After all, I am a Demon King".

"Oh? I see." Valerie nodded in understanding as she put her focus on Sabrina.

"Hehehe~ I'm also a Demon King~!"

Valerie just shrugged and accepted it as if it was normal. After all, she is an Eldritch, Demon and got reincarnated, what's point of getting surprised at something more 'normal'.

Instead she turned her attention to the Lust energy, she mentally willed herself to absorb the energy, and it entered her body.

When Valerie "tasted" the energy, her eyes widened and she trembled. As the ecstasy spread throughout her body, it felt as though a bolt of lightning had just passed through her.

She even squirted from the sudden pleasure!

That wasn't the only thing that happened either, Valerie could feel herself feeling satiated. It wasn't the same fullness one feels after eating, instead it was something more primal.

She even felt her demonic energy increase by a minuscule amount, yet it was an increase all the same.

Valerie even had the idea of spreading her pheromones all over Tokyo just to start an orgy to absorb more energy!

<Flashback End>

'Unfortunately my pheromones can't spread that far yet'.

'System?' Valerie instead called out to her system, putting the previous idea at the back of her mind.

[Yes?] The cold mechanical voice answered, though this time Valerie could detect tinge of femininity in its voice.

She raised an eyebrow at such a change, but left it as is and asked, 'Can you please show me the prompts I missed in the bathroom?'

[Of course.] The system immediately answered happily(?) as it heard Valerie talking to it kindly.

[A temporary partner has turned into a permanent partner!]

[Sabrina??? Sapphire—(1000+) (True Demon) (Permanent)]


[Your influence over <Sabrina> has reached a satisfactory threshold!]

[Individual <Sabrina> has been enlightened!]

[You can now share a skill with said person!]


[A temporary partner has turned into a permanent partner!]

[Amelia??? Sapphire—(1000+) (True Demon) (Permanent)]


[Your influence over <Amelia> has reached a satisfactory threshold!]

[Individual <Amelia> has been enlightened!]

[You can now share a skill with said person!]

'I see. So the moment I mark someone they are permanently mine. The two are also quite old, but hey, age is just a number and jail is just a room~'


'Anyways, what's the question mark in front of their names? Could it be that it isn't their real names?'

[Host is right.]

'True Name'. These two words immediately appeared in Valerie's mind.

[Yes. The question mark is their Demonic Name or True Name.]

[A Demonic Name is the given name of a demon. Demon's receive their True Name's the moment they are born from Hell's Will or the Will of Hell.]

[Demonic Names are always in the Infernal Language, the native language of True Demons.]

[It is vital that a demon protects their True Name, since if another demon or human is aware and possesses great power and intent over the demon, they can subjugate said demon.]

[The stronger a demon, the more dangerous it is for those who say their names. For example if anyone is weaker or not acknowledged by the Ancient Evil (Seven Sins), then the individual who says their name will immediately die. It is even possible for a disaster to occur if the names are used carelessly.] The system thoroughly explained.

'Interesting~ So just saying Asmodeus will just kill someone, eh?' Valerie thought evilly.

[Not necessarily.] The system immediately shot down Valerie.


[There are infinite versions of Asmodeus in the Omniverse. So if someone says the name without any intent of relating to the Original or Prime Asmodeus then they will be fine.]

'I guess that makes sense. So they need be aware and have the intent for them to get smited'. Valerie hummed in understanding, as she looked at the second prompt that said Amelia and Sabrina have been 'enlightened'.

'Oh, if I recall it has something to with my [Eldritch Influence] passive'.

_ _

[Eldritch Influence(Passive)]

[Description: Those around you will slowly be guided onto your path. The path of an Eldritch. Once your influence on an individual reaches a certain threshold, you can share a skill with them.]

_ _

'It's quite vague in its meaning. Sabrina and Amelia took sixteen years to be 'guided' and 'enlightened'. Maybe it has different conditions depending on the relationship a person has with me?' Valerie pondered.

'Well, no use thinking too much about it when it's a passive. For now I'll just go with the flow and see what happens. The important thing is what skill I should give the girls, with the mark they can share each other's skills as well as my own, though only for one hour. Wait, why don't I just ask them'.

{Amelia?} Valerie called out telepathically.

Amelia who was eating her spaghetti stopped for a brief moment before continuing, {Yes?}.

{As you can see the mark I placed on you and Sabrina allows me to communicate with you telepathically, completely ignoring space and time} Valerie explained.

{That is quite a broken ability} Amelia said honestly in surprise.

{I know right~ But that wasn't why I called you. I have this ability that allows me to passively influence people, and once my influence over the person reaches a certain threshold I can grant the person a skill permanently} Valerie told Amelia her skill without withholding anything. After all this woman literally raised her and would die for her, so she at least deserves her trust.

{So you are asking what ability I want then?} Amelia deduced Valerie's purpose, while not minding whatever influence Valerie mentioned.

{Of course you wouldn't care about the influence since it's from me anyways} Valerie rolled her eyes.

{Heh! Of course! Anything from you is a gift~ And the influence in this case actually made you more attractive to me. I also feel more willing to do anything you order, as if you are my-}

{God.} Valerie finished her sentence. {Well, at least I know what to expect from the skill. Anyways back to the skill I was going to give you, it seems I can't give you any of my Eldritch abilities other than [Regeneration] and [Madness Aura].}

{Hmm? How potent is your [Regeneration]?} Amelia curiously asked.

Valerie grinned and said {Infinite}.

Amelia widened her eyes slightly and asked in confirmation, {So you can regenerate endlessly? Without a cost?}

{That's right. Though I think that's only possible for me…and my siblings}. Valerie clarified.

{Oh, I guess that makes sense then.} Amelia easily accepted Valerie's reasoning. Since the abilities of a Child of a Primordial being is nothing to scoff at.

{Hmm… The Demonic and and Succubus abilities are useless for you since have them. Oh, I can give you either [Space Magic] or [Curse Inducement], and a martial art}.

{So you inherited her [Space Magic] huh?}

{Are you talking about Sheila? The 'strongest' succubus of the Demon Realm?} Valerie said in amusement.

{You know her? Wait…Is this one of those worlds that have a fiction based off it?} Amelia asked with mirth in her tone.

{Yeah, it is. The anime and novel are called The Testament of Sister New Devil. It's just a harem anime with a perverted protagonist, and my half-sister Maria Naruse is one of the Heroine's. So is Chisato by the way.} Valerie explained with a evil chuckle.

Amelia smiled as she could already see what Valerie was planning, {A cuckfest, eh?}

{A cuckfest indeed.} Valerie nodded in confirmation.

{Fufu~ Anyways I've decided on Space Magic.}

{Any particular reason?} Valerie asked in curiosity.

{So I can immediately reach you from anywhere in the world.} Amelia said with no hesitation.

{Are you a yandere?} Valerie couldn't help but ask the forbidden question a yandere must never hear.

{Fufu~ Who knows~} Amelia released a seductive laugh, one that made Valerie shiver, not in fear, but in excitement. Like, who the fuck doesn't love yandere's? They are cute AF!

{Alright I'll give you [Space] Magic and Sabrina [Curse Inducement].}

{Any reason in particular for giving Sabrina [Curse Inducement]?} Amelia asked in a mischievous tone.

Valerie rolled her eyes, {You and I both know that if I give Sabrina [Space Magic] she'll probably end up in space or even worse, another dimension.}

Amelia chuckled since the chances of that happening was really high. {You're right.}

Valerie shook her head with a smile, as two pop ups appeared in front of her.

[Would you like to bestow [Space Magic] to individual <Amelia>?]

[Yes / No]

[Would you like to bestow [Curse Inducement] to individual <Sabrina>?]

[Yes / No]

Valerie mentally clicked 'yes' and both girls felt a rush information enter their minds.


Alternative Title: My partners are Demon Kings? Sabrina Fails to see Mt.Tai! Kali was Unjustly Slandered! Sayu has been Corrupted?

A/N: Another chap~ Hope you enjoy~

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