

Adam didn't have to look for Ginny around the castle. When he returned to the Great Hall, the youngest Weasley was at the Gryffindor table.

''She's already slightly pale,'' he observed, with a single glance.

'Now, how can I find out if she has the diary…' I thought about the options I had.

At first, he thought of reading the girl's mind, but after thinking for a while, he chose to avoid that idea.

I didn't know how chaotic her mind was right now. She was a mere child, and Voldemort was a master of manipulation. Her mind should be in complete drowning, getting lost in the dark lord's whispers.

'I remember that in canon, when Harry had the diary, it was said that the other characters saw him with it, so whoever owns the diary doesn't just use it in secret... besides even if she didn't use it in front of others in the castle, I can find out if she used it at home, and if Lucius put it in her cauldron in Diagon Alley'

With that in mind, Adam looked to new targets.

What wasn't lacking at Hogwarts was a Weasley.

At the Gryffindor table alone at that moment he could see four of them, the twins, Ron and Ginny.

''If I search the empty rooms, I should find Percy having fun with Penelope' He laughed, remembering that the last redhead should be with his girlfriend at that moment.

'I'm not going to be a buzzkill…' Percy dismissed, which left the twins and Ron.

Adam looked at the Twins for a moment, but shook his head, feeling that Ron would be a better spectator.

''Nothing better than a young, envious person with victim syndrome,'' he murmured, looking at Ron.

At that moment, Ron was talking to Harry, Isabella, and Hermione.

From the gesture he made, he seemed to be complaining about something.

Adam was far from the Gryffindor table, but his mind arts were at a fine level, and even from that distance he could sway a mere young fool.

Adam didn't need eye contact, he could enter anyone's mind without defenses whenever he wanted, and he had them not too far away.

So all he did was look at Ron and let his mind invade Ron's.

Ron didn't even realize that someone was on his mind at the time. And continued talking to friends.

''Did you find Adam wandering around the castle at night? And Harry said he heard some voice saying he was going to kill, and they didn't report him to the headmaster?'' Ron said, his voice angry.

''And you still walked with him to the dorm, are you crazy? '' continued Ron.

''Ron, shut up, I'm tired of you picking on Adam,'' Hermione complained, stressed.

''Hermione is right Ron, you spent all morning repeating the same thing, I don't understand why you don't like him, I say he is…'' Isabella

''Perfect? '' Harry next door completed, looking at his sister humorously.

Isabella turned red.'' I was going to say cool''

''Oh please, am I the only one who sees the truth?'' Ron said, even more aggressively. ''He just pretends to be cool, I bet he must be into the dark arts''

Ron looked at Harry as if he expected his friend to stay by his side. But how could Harry, he considered Adam a friend, and although they were the same age, he had respect and admiration for Adam.

Ron slammed his fork down on the table when he saw that Harry wasn't at his side.

Harry sighed, he didn't understand why Ron was so angry with Adam.

Harry didn't understand that, but Adam could.

Adam was inside Ron's mind, he could hear every thought, and feel every emotion.

And even Adam, who had entered many minds before, was startled by what he found.

Envy, anger, frustration, hatred, distrust.

The bad feelings Ron had were frightening, his whole mind was filled with those feelings.

At that moment, as he was talking about Adam to Harry and the girls, Ron had frightening thoughts.

'Why do they like that guy so much? '

'Why is he so much better than me? '

'We're both from pure-blood families, so why? '

'Why does everyone like him? '

'Why doesn't anyone look at me? '

'I hate him. I hate him

But there were even more bad thoughts. That they weren't just against Adam.

Adam just started to sink into Ron's mind when he felt that creepy feeling once again.

'Why are they so rich, and I'm not? '

'Why do I have to wear my brothers' clothes?'

'I want what they got…

I want

I want

I want

When he was inside someone else's mind, Adam absorbed the feelings of others to strengthen his own. But this time, he didn't expect to find such a turbulent mind.

There was a feeling like a monster inside Ron.

''Damn it'' Adam withdrew from Ron's mind.

His breath hitched, and he felt his feelings responding. Adam took a deep breath and tried not to let it get out of control, nor to entertain the idea of absorbing these feelings.

This was the first time he felt such strong dark feelings, and when he was taken by surprise, he ended up being even more impacted by them.

One of the feelings seemed to stand out over the others. And reacted abnormally when mixed with Adam's magic.

That feeling, now in his mind, moved like a beast, rushing toward his feelings.

Adam felt a streak of caution rise and he took action.

In Adam's mind, he quickly threw all those feelings behind a big barrier, there were no memories there, just the feeling that came from Ron.

Although there was more than one feeling, only one of them was different.

That feeling is like a living shadow, moving within the barrier. Devouring the remnants of the other feelings, and enlarging its dark form.

Adam looked at it and shivered, for a moment he thought the feeling would take shape...

But as if the strength of the feelings were insufficient, the shadowy shape that was forming dissolved, and left only a sphere of floating shadow within the barrier.

''Shall I destroy?'' Adam considered, and all it took was a command. But he hesitated, looking at that shadow with interest.

'What was that? ' He wondered, thinking back to the moment the thought almost took shape.

What would it become?

Changed due to your magic?

Is it different because it's a feeling that's been fed a lot within Ron?

There were many questions.

Adam didn't miss a chance to study something new. Especially when the topic was feelings, something he used and leaned on to use his magic.

Giving up on getting rid of whatever this might be. Adam assessed the shadow, recognizing what feeling it represented.


Adam was not a jealous person, in this life he had everything he wanted.

Money, beauty, position, and power.

So he didn't have much of that feeling. Maybe that's why that feeling of envy hit him so hard.

Adam left that envy sealed, it was a concentrated amount of that feeling, and the reaction he had just now caught his attention.

'I'll try to study about it later…' He decided, turning his gaze to Ron.

''Ron, Ron. What a jealous person you are…'' He muttered, wondering whether he should help.

Adam could influence people, but he couldn't make a feeling as strong as the one Ron had gone away.

If he wanted to help Ron, he would have to teach Ron himself to control his feelings, and more importantly, to look at the world differently.

But why would Adam do that?

Adam looked at the redhead one more time and thought of the envy now sealed in his mind.

''I'll leave it at that for now, maybe I can gain something from it later.'' He sighed.

Adam hadn't been able to find out anything about the diary, this was something he couldn't leave for later, so he chose to enter Fred's mind.

The twin's mind was different from Ron's, there were good and noble feelings, a creative mind, and a huge affection for the family, especially George.

In addition to courage.

Adam wasted no time and let his mind wander through the memories.

Smoothly traveling to the summer, in the den, home of the Weasley.

Adam felt the feelings and thoughts that Fred had were different from Ron's.

He was not jealous of other people. He wanted to get better and get his own thing.

Not only that, but he was not ashamed of his own family, he wanted to improve and help if possible earn money doing what he liked, jokes and jokes, humor, laughter.

Adam liked what he saw, Fred was indeed a good person.

'Maybe I can help the twins…' He thought that and decided to do something about it later.

Turning his attention to searching for memories with Ginny, Adam finally found what he was looking for.

Fred passed by Ginny's room, and saw her with a diary, distracted, smiling as she wrote.

After recognizing Tom Riddle's diary, Adam exited Fred's mind.

''The diary is with little Gryffindor,'' he murmured, his eyes twinkling. ''Next step, wait''

Turning his back, Adam headed towards the Clubroom.

''Wait, a brilliant mind falls into my hands'' He chuckled, thinking of what he planned to do in a few months.

Next chapter