
Horcrux, Ancient Magic And Prince of Spells

Adam was lying in an armchair in the Ravenclaw common room, his eyes closed and breathing evenly, as if he were asleep.

It was late afternoon, the common room was full. The environment was not silent, sleeping in this place seemed impossible, but Adam was, or some thought so.

Footsteps sounded approaching where he stood.

''Hi,Terry,'' he said without opening his eyes.

''How the hell do you do that?'' asked Terry indignantly. This wasn't the first time he'd seen Adam guess who was approaching without opening his eyes.

Adam chuckled and looked at his friend. ''It's just a trick I've learned''

''It's okay if you don't want to tell me,'' Terry grumbled and sat down in a nearby chair by the window. ''I don't understand why you started sleeping in this place?''.

''I'm not sleeping,'' Adam replied before stretching and sitting up. ''I'm training''.

''I know,'' snorted Terry, ''If sleep is training I would be sure to be one of the strongest Wizards of the century''

Adam sighed and shook his head. He had no way of explaining that he really wasn't sleeping. Since the event at the top of the Astronomy tower, he has been trying to connect with the wind.

And while he couldn't connect on the same level as that night, he did make a bit of a breakthrough.

In the first few days it was very challenging, he couldn't create a connection and even when he did, he had all his magical reserve depleted the next moment.

But Adam didn't give up. When it came to magic, he put a lot more effort into it.

So he spent the first few weeks of the year trying to stabilize that connection. To be useful he needed to be able to connect with the wind in a practical way, and maintain that state for an efficient time.

Adam looked it up in the Hogwarts library, though he'd bet it wouldn't have anything on the subject, and it turned out as he thought.

He already expected this result, after all, even in the many countries he visited, he had never read about connecting with the wind.

Now more than a month had passed and finally he had achieved some result. But the conditions were harsh, and it wouldn't be useful in combat, after all he needed to be completely still and let his magic flow in a restrained way.

The skill he had achieved was how he had just discovered that it was Terry who was approaching, in fact, everything in a three meter radius around him was under his perception.

Her magic connected with the air that circulated the room and sent her a response from everything she touched.

It was useful for monitoring a place, as long as the air touched it, it would get a response with the characteristics of the object, person or anything with shape.

'It's a pity that I can only use this indoors' He thought as he remembered when he tried it in Herbology class.

Because of the frightening amount of air that open environments hold, it was very difficult to limit his magic and he usually always ended up with it depleted.

Terry was oblivious to what Adam was thinking.'' Have you heard about Potter? '' He asked

'Potter? ' frowned. Since passing on the information about Flamel, he hasn't had much contact with any of the four.

''What happened ? '' He asked with interest, he didn't remember any events at this time of year.

''A fight.'' Terry punched the air as he spoke.'' Malfoy seems to have offended Weasley, so there was a fight and Potter hit Malfoy right in the face. '' Terry chuckled as if remembering something funny.

''Who stopped them? ''

''McGonagall.'' Terry shuddered as he said the teacher's name. ''You had to see her, I've never seen her so scary.''

Adam was surprised by what he discovered, a fight outside of the main events.

'By the looks of it, this Harry is on edge, and he doesn't hesitate to take action' Adam didn't know what Malfoy had said, but in the end he agreed with Harry's attitude.

'The only sad part of this story is knowing that some Wizards came out on the punch, ignoring the wands'

''What was the punishment they suffered?'' He asked curiously

Terry made a thoughtful face as he replied. ''Oh, that's the strange part,'' he said, not understanding. ''McGonagall said she would discuss the punishments with the Headmaster.''

Adam didn't understand what was odd about that, he wasn't surprised that anything involving Harry needed Dumbledore's attention.

''What's weird about that?''

''So far nothing. But now this afternoon the rumor came out that the punishment they received was something involving the forbidden forest? ''Terry didn't seem to agree with that.'' Don't you think that's great? ''

After hearing the punishment Adam also agreed.

''Yes, it sure was great,'' he murmured thoughtfully.

'It was just a fight, Malfoy seems to have started it. There were no spells, and whatever damage a punch might have caused, a simple trip to the infirmary would take care of it.'

When reading the book Adam had never questioned whether the punishment Harry, Neville, Hermione and Draco suffered for being caught out of bed and having to help Hagrid was exaggerated.

But now, knowing what was in the forest, especially knowing what was feeding on the unicorns' blood, he was sure it was too much punishment.

'Unless…' Adam realized he was forgetting something. Terry said that McGonagall went to decide the punishment along with the Headmaster.

'Then that's it. This must be another move by Dumbledore.'

Adam wasn't sure if he was on the right track, but he believed it was something close to it.

''Do you think they come back in one piece?'' asked Terry. ''I hear there are werewolves in the woods.''

''There's nothing to worry about.''

Adam was well aware that the scariest thing in the woods for this trip would be the Quirrellmort. But Two-Face couldn't touch Harry.

''Don't forget Ron will be there. What are werewolves compared to taking on two trolls over twenty meters tall?

Adam said laughing, before lying back on the armchair.

Tery was still laughing at the troll story. After a few months after what happened on Halloween, he understood well that Wesley wouldn't be able to do anything against a troll. So if there's any truth to all those stories, it was definitely Adam who defeated the troll.

'' Hey , are you going back to training ? '' He asked with grace seeing Adam lying down again.

''Not. I'll just sleep this time.''

Although Adam said he was going to sleep, he was thinking of something that came to his mind just now, probably from thinking about Voldemort.

'Tomorrow I should have a look at that object' He said to himself as he remembered something he was forgetting.

After that he closed his eyes and went back to 'sleep'

It was the weekend and Adam was on the seventh floor. This time he didn't want a room to train in, but a place full of objects.

When the door opened and he entered, he found himself in a room full of objects and all kinds of things covered in dust.

''I'll just have a look,'' he muttered as he remembered what he came to see today; the diadem of Ravenclaw, a Horcrux.

Adam wanted to check if she was in this room as well as in the main story.

If there was one thing he needed to check as soon as possible, it was the location of the Horcrux.

No matter how strong he became, if he didn't destroy all the Horcruxes, it would be impossible to defeat Voldemort.

He looked around and sighed at the idea of looking for a diadem among so many objects.

'' there's no way I'm going to search manually ''

With that he closed his eyes and let his magic spread out, he felt the air in the room and it subtly connected his magic to it, that way he started to feel every object in the room, it was confusing that there are so many and their shapes vary between big, small and some broken.

But after a few minutes he managed to get through the whole place. Since everything was still, it was much faster to learn each location.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and smiled. '' I thought ''

He followed the path he had felt and soon came close to a mannequin where a beautiful silver diadem rested.

Adam looked at him seriously. ''One of Voldemort's Horcruxes.''

One of the most important objects of the entire plot.

Even without touching it he could see that there was strong and ancient magic in the object, he didn't dare to examine it carelessly.

Adam didn't plan on getting it now, he didn't have a way to destroy it, and deep down he felt that destroying such an incredible magic item was a sad thing.

If in the future he had the ability to separate the soul from the diadem, he would. But if he couldn't, he'd destroy it without a second thought.

''Someday I'll come back for you,'' he said before throwing a cloth over the diadem and starting to chant a spell. The cloth wrapped around the diadem and floated, following Adam's commands, the diadem moved to a place even deeper in the room.

Adam made another move and a series of other objects began to pile up on top of the Horcrux.

When Adam finished, he felt that the diadem was now more hidden than any other object in this room.

Adam glanced around, wondering if there was anything of value in this place.

'' I doubt it, it seems to have only discarded things ''

So he shrugged and prepared to leave the room, that's when he heard an aged voice sound from inside the room. ''Finally found someone''

Adam turned with speed, his eyes roamed the surroundings and his magic was on point of attack.' who ?'

He couldn't believe that someone had sneaked in without him noticing, if that was true it just meant that it was a very powerful wizard.

' No, I would have seen the room open... unless he'

As Adam thought of theories as to how he missed his visitor, the voice rang out again.

'' No need to be nervous . There's no way I can harm you, I'm just a painting.

''A painting?'' Adam raised an eyebrow thoughtfully.

''Yes a painting, look, here by the blue desk,'' said the voice again, as with every other line, its voice was calm and aged.

Adam looked at the place that was mentioned, it was a corner of the room full of objects piled up.

He flashed back to his memory of when he'd scanned the place, and he remembered driving past it and, indeed, there was a picture frame. Adam kept his vigilance high, but approached the place.

Arriving at the pile of objects, he gave the command and the objects began to float to the sides, making their way to the middle.

When the objects moved out of the way, a frame became visible. It was a large painting, with a gilded frame and several symbols that looked like runes engraved in silver.

In the painting, there was an old man, with a big beard and white hair, in his arms he held a worn looking red book.

Adam looked at the painting and his eyes didn't go to the old man but to the symbols engraved on the frame.

The old man on the board cracked a smile as he saw Adam so focused on the symbols.

''Fascinating, aren't they? '' he asked.

Only hearing the voice again did Adam remember that there was someone in the painting. Perhaps because it was a painting, he allowed his guard to drop.

Adam looked at the old man examining him, 'an old man with a beard and white hair reminds me of Dumbledore…. But this old picture seems even wiser….'

As he examined the old man, Adam went through all his memories, this life and the next, but nothing came to mind, until he remembered something he had seen not long ago, on one of his explorations of Hogwarts.' they look alike..' Then his eyes widened, he knew the identity of the old man in the painting.

''You're him…'' Said with shock in his voice, which was unusual.'' The greatest wizard of all time, the prince of spells…. Merlin''

''A painting of him, but yes I am.'' Said the old man

Adam had already figured out the old man's identity, but hearing him confirm it was the final blow to blowing his mind.

Who was Merlin?

For many the greatest magician of all time, his legend was so great that it had even invaded Muggle cultures.

After acclaiming himself, Adam returned to being objective.'' I saw his other painting..in the hallway near the Slytherin, but why does he look different?''

As if Adam didn't mind asking questions before introducing himself, Merlin answered.

''it's simple really, pictures are just pictures, a painting of the wizard, using magic to make it move. The one in the hall, that's just it, something to show off.''

Adam didn't interrupt and let him finish, what had been said now was something he knew, but he also knew there was a way to make a painting more than that.

' After all, there are pictures of directors in his office' he thought

'' But this one is different, I was taught by merlin himself, so I'm almost like a representation of the same ''

' so it's the same as the directors…' Adam realized that it was as he suspected, this board had contact with merlin himself, who had taught him, so that he could communicate in the future…. But now came another question, why?

But before Adam asked, Merlin asked.

'' May I know your name ? ''

Adam was surprised and remembered that he hadn't introduced himself yet…'George would be mad if he knew about my lack of manners..' he laughed

''I'm sorry, I've forgotten good manners..'' he said with respect. ''I am Adam Davies, first year student at Hogwarts, house Ravenclaw, and future greatest wizard of all time'' His last words are yet to come. they contained respect, but sounded like a challenge as well.

Merlin's eyes sparkled upon hearing Adam's introduction, he smiled behind his beard.

''Big dream you have there boy, I say it won't be easy, I was very good''

Adam chuckled, he knew that, but that was exactly what he struggled with.

''No matter who you were, in the future you will always be surpassed, even those who rose to glory and became legends, and have the privilege to remain in that position for a long time, like you. '' He said looking at Merlin, his eyes shining.

''Others like me, with the ambition of overcoming them, have a long road ahead of them, but this path has a point on the horizon that represents where you have arrived, passing that point does not mean reaching the end, but the beginning, yes the start for a place still unexplored, not even by the ancients, and thus establish himself in history.''

Adam's words came from the bottom of his soul, after arriving in this incredible world, the desire to advance to a still unexplored place arose, to become the furthest point, in this journey towards the top of the world.

A silence formed in the room, the young man and the old man looked at each other.

Merlin was the first to speak, his voice sighing ''You are really different… you remind me of myself during my childhood''

The old man looked wistful as he spoke, as if remembering a distant time. But his eyes for Adam held kindness.

''You flatter me,'' said Adam happily, after all who else could hear that from Merlin himself.

''Tell me, Adam,'' said the old man, his voice now sounding eerie. ''Would you like a shortcut on this journey of yours? ''

Adam was surprised to hear what Merlin said, but he didn't take long to answer.'' A shortcut? no thanks, the main path is always the most fruitful.''

Merlin smiled upon hearing the answer.'' I knew you were going to say that. So let me rephrase my question. Would you like to take another path? a paved path for someone like you.''

Adam frowned, his mind replaying every word he just heard, there seemed to be more to what was said.

This time Adam didn't deny it, he took a deep breath and asked. ''This way…. who created it? ''

Merlin smiled and replied as if he knew that every word would have a power in anyone who heard it.'' Merlin himself'' Then he thought a little and continued his amused voice. Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin''

As expected, Adam was petrified as he heard each of the names, his heart was beating fast and an urge was building inside him like a tsunami.

''The founders of Hogwarts and Merlin himself, some of the greatest wizards of all time, what kind of things come this way,'' Adam muttered, his mind in rapture.

''I want to,'' he said, his eyes looking directly at Merlin, ''I want to walk that way''

After he calmed down, he decided to ask more about all this.

''What is this path?'' He knew that path was just a way of speaking, which the old man adopted upon hearing of his ambitions.

''Heirlooms,'' said Merlin. ''Toward the end of my life, I discovered so much about magic, and my own magic, I understood that it was special.'' He looked at Adam as he spoke.

'' I decided to leave my legacy behind, what better place than my old school? So when I arrived at Hogwarts, and I ended up discovering that the founders had also left legacies in this place, each one left the legacy to a future student of their houses '' The old merlin smiled, as if remembering something funny.

'' I realized that it was perfect, I visited their heritage, undid the spells that would bind them to those chosen by the founders, and hid them with my magic, then I created my heritage and painted this picture, bewitching it so that it would feel when someone with a magic equal to mine came up''

Adam realized what Merlin was implying.'' Are you saying I'm like you? my magic? ''

Merlin nodded and sighed, before explaining.

'' It was only at the end of my life, that I realized that there was a different magic in this world, I call it ancient magic, I was close to this magic, but I didn't know it. In the end, I understood the value of that power, and chose to leave my legacy to the next chosen by her.

''When you used your pure magic, fused with air to scan the room, I felt it inside you, so I revealed myself.''

Of course there was something Merlin didn't say, that he had sensed that the ancient magic within Adam was even greater than his own.

What Merlin didn't know was that Adam also had secret thoughts. 'Maybe that's why I was able to regain my memories?'

Although he didn't understand what ancient magic was exactly, but he thought it might have something to do with the fact that he had regained his memories.

Neither of them would ever know what the other was thinking.

''What is this ancient magic?'' asked Adam curiously.

Merlin answered without thinking too much, his voice containing a certain melody. ''Ancient magic is like a force of nature, as if it is part of all existence.'' He sighed as if he still had regret.'' Even for me it's still confusing. , but I would say that when we are born, we wizards, it is this energy that chooses us and allows us to access a branch of it, a more 'simple' source of magical energy, which is present in every magical being. Maybe that's why even the strongest wizards still can't give magic to someone who isn't born with it. ''

He waited for Adam to absorb it before continuing.'' Ancient magic manifests with the elements, with time, space, reality, and life and death itself. I have no doubt that I was the greatest expert in ancient magic, but even for me I feel that I have only reached the tip of something much greater. ''

Adam listened to everything in silence, his mind slowly absorbing each word, in his mental palace, a new area was being created in order to store only about ancient magic.

''Did the founders also possess ancient magic?'' that was a question he had been thinking about from the beginning.

''Not. You and I are the only people I've known who owned it,'' Merlin replied.

Adam felt his head ache from so much information, he took a look around and felt it would be best to end this conversation somewhere else.

''Let's leave this place for now, I need to think a bit'' Said Adam sighing, it was a lot for one person to absorb.

After speaking, Adam cast a shrinking spell on the board and left the precise room, his eyes casting one last look at the jumble of items under the horcrux.

Already in his room, inside the enchanted suitcase, Adam was sitting in a comfortable armchair, in front of him was the beautiful painting of merlin.

The two talked for the whole night, Adam had no idea how many hours had passed, Merlin cleared many doubts that Adam still had. He gave her little hints and expressed his surprise at how deeply Adam saw magic.

However, the painting has just told him something that left him filled with mixed feelings.

''Wait, what do you mean you're going to disappear? '' asked Adam jumping to his feet.

Merlin continued with a calm expression and repeated his words

''My only purpose was to find the heir'' he looked at Adam with deep eyes, and continued ''The moment you used magic in that room, the spells on that frame 'woke' me before this was just an ancient frame. Only someone who wields the power of true ancient magic could awaken me.''

Adam understood everything he said, but he still didn't like the idea of missing out on the chance to chat with the greatest wizard in history.

'' Is there nothing I can do ? '' he asked. ''Maybe transfer you to another board?''

''No, neither would I like that,'' Merlin said. ''I've lived my life the way I wanted to, now I just want to rest…''

Adam opened his mouth to speak but the words wouldn't come out.

The runes on the board began to glow.

Merlin smiled and glared at a paralyzed Adam.'' It was nice to meet you young Adam. Goodbye.''

When her voice stopped, the picture glowed gold and disappeared in a flash. In the place where the painting had been, something else now appeared, a book.

Adam still stunned, understood that Merlin was gone, only now he realized that the painting seemed to be more than just an enchanted painting.

''The pleasure was mine.. prince of spells..''

Next chapter