
Chapter 19: Our Demons. (Part 1)

Chapter 19: Our Demons.

I looked at the scratchy map of the demon territory. Vague. That was the only way I could describe it. Ronalt and I who were in charge of planning the journey could only shake our heads. For one Kerchest was clearly marked by hand and after the map was drawn. The roads between here and the next major town were pretty much non-existent. After passing the border it was dubious if we'd get much further.

"My apologies that the map is quite bare," Servius' father, Philius, said. "It is the best that we have. The road however is clearly signed and reaching the Grand River should not be too hard. Follow that and you will reach Tona Port."

"And then we board a boat all the way to about here?" I asked, pointing to the map. It was a larger port city named Citlia closer to the western coast but still on the river.

"Yes, from there you can reach Sanctuary where the Demon Lord resides much easier than walking from here." It was a path that took us further West and forced us to head back East but after some discussion it would be much safer and in the end faster. Only an experienced guide could lead us there directly and no one here could do that. "When you reach Sanctuary you'll be fighting with the Lord won't you?"

I couldn't answer that question. Ronalt was about to nod but Lara cut in.

"We'll talk with him as much as we can," she said determined. "If we can avoid a fight and settle this peacefully we'll do it." Her white haired flowed in the soft breeze. In addition to her regular eye catching features she had thin horns coming out from behind her ears similar to Taylors.

"Well you heard the girl," I smiled wryly at her optimism. There was little doubt in my mind that things would ever go that well.

"I'll at least know you tried," Philius nodded. "Our village is always open to you. It is a shame you are leaving so soon though."

"It's better that way," Ronalt replied stiffly. It was early morning and the day after we had left Axel. The villagers had been surprised at our sudden arrival but after talking with them, Servius' father agreed to show us the way. Servius himself wanted to go as well but I sternly talked him out of it. He was an okay hunter but other than that he was useless in a combat situation. More importantly, if he died I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

"Before you leave Gola has made you all a gift," Philius waved over the four armed man who carried a large basket.

Inside was an assortment of clothing in the village's style. Gola smiled, "The sizes may not be quite right but I hope they come in handy."

Ronalt took the basket, "Thank you Gola. It will do us well if our current attire stands out too much." It would seriously help. Aside from my current butler look, I had packed clothing from home. Lara, Taylor and Ronalt were fine but Earnest, Marley and Ardent all wore very specific clothing. Earnest had his loose gowns originating from his homeland, Marley wore a clergy's dress and Ardent was clearly of the magical sort with his robe. Not a good place to start blending in.

"Also don't forget, to the horned tribe their horns are their pride. Make sure to keep them clean at all times. Those with broken horns are usually the excommunicated so take care."

"The information is appreciated," Ronalt shook the man's hand one last time. Although it was a small gesture the simple fact that the two could see each other with mutual respect simmered a hope in my chest

I looked into the sky. From what we were told it would take three full days to reach Tona Port. The biggest issue was where we could camp safely. Even in the depths of the demon territory the denizens of night were still a threat. Servius had marked several places on the map, but once we reached Citlia city we'd have to ask for new information. Being on the boat till then we should be fine. Though being my first time on a boat I wasn't sure how I'd handle it.

"We had better leave soon," I said and rolled up the map. "Again thank you."

"Stay well Rain," Servius' father bowed his head and I did the same.

We moved to the carriage where the others were waiting. They stood outside as several of the villagers looked at them curiously. Marley had horns that reminded me of a devil. Earnest's horns were like small lumps on the side of his head and Ronalt's were like a bulls. I had to feel that they suited their personalities… not that I picked them out or anything.

"Rain," someone tugged on my sleeve and I turned to see Servius. "I really can't go with you?"

"I already told you it's dangerous," I patted his shoulder.

"Not even till Tona? I know the way, I've been there before," he insisted.

I shook my head firmly, "If I let you do that then you'd just try to follow me further."


"No means no Servius," I let him go. "I'll be fine. We'll all be fine. This village needs you anyway."

"Right… I'm just worried," he moped.

I sighed, "You really haven't changed since we were kids." I flicked his chin. "Chin up Servius. If I see any cute scaleskin girls I'll point them your way."

"I can handle that myself," he laughed. "Just don't die."

"Well I'll definitely try not to." Whether I would or not, from past experience it was more than likely.

Ronalt waved towards me, "Rain we're ready."

"Coming sir!" I saluted him and he shook his head. "Till later Servius."

"Yeah, till later." He waved goodbye and I jumped into the driver's seat. I brushed Pina's feathers as she chirped and she began to trot away from the village. Here's hoping we wouldn't get lost immediately.


Well we might just be lost. I scratched my head and looked at the map. There was only one road and I should have been following it but from my estimation we should have definitely reached the river by now. Did I miss a turn? No that couldn't be right. I was focused enough to see if there had been any kind of fork in the road.

Pina chirped to me.

"Sorry Pina just keep heading straight for now." We had only been traveling for half a day and the sun was beginning to set. Worse still I hadn't seen anywhere that looked safe to camp. The one I was told about was beside the river.

Just as I feared the worse, the trees began to thin out and I could hear the sound of water trickling nearby. I ushered Pina faster and as we pushed further down the road it wasn't long till the river came into sight.

"Wow…," I said out loud. It was definitely a river but far larger than any I could remember seeing. It had to span several hundred metres across. The other side of the bank looked tiny and it carried on bending through the forest. The water wasn't clear but mixed to a dull yellow that churned lightly from the current.

I tapped on the carriage.

"What's up?" Taylor's head poked from the window.

"Just thought you'd like to see the sight." I kept the carriage moving as those insides crammed their heads out the window. It was easy to distinguish Lara's amazed voice from the others.

We reached the safe zone as soon as darkness came and camped for the night. It was like it was before on the way to Greytree. I cooked and prepared the table, fire and whatever else we needed. Though now Lara was much more inclined to give me a hand. Ronalt had no qualms with it and even lent his own help. Taylor was mostly just a bother.

I yawned tiredly quite ready to sleep. It was relatively early but out here in the wilderness without much light, you moved with the sun and once it rose so we would we.

"Rain a moment," Earnest called to me as I was beginning to prepare my bedding.

"Can we not today?" I knew what was coming.

"It has been far too long and I am keen to see your skills. Ronalt and Ardent have described to me your endeavours, I would like to test your ability first hand."

"…." I looked to where the others were for help. Even Lara looked away. Well Taylor just gave me a thumbs up and Marley was smiling at me with creepy intentions. It was like she already knew I'd come out of this beaten black and blue in the need of healing. "Fine. Let's just get this over with." I went to pull out the wooden training swords but Earnest stopped me.

"I saw you had a fine sword of your own. Why not practice with real steel?"

"Isn't that a bit dangerous?" In this cycle I hadn't trained with Earnest as much but it would seem Ardent's tale had made him curious.

"Don't worry I promise not to cut too deep," he smirked challengingly. This cocky bastard. Well I knew he had every right to be but my competitive edge had been triggered. If I went all out at the very least I should be able to nick him.

I drew the sword at my waist and pointed it towards him as I slowly walked further from the camp, "Come on then."

"Hmmm," he eyed me. "How intriguing." He shifted his legs and placed his hand on his sheathed sword. Son of a bitch! I knew that stance immediately and my body moved before I could stop it. My instincts flared dangerously knowing what was to come. This time I could perceive it ever so slightly, the welling of energy as he drew his sword. I cut in as his blade revealed itself, taking all his simultaneous strikes at one point before they could free themselves towards me.

At this point all my previous weapons had always broken but the sword Tarhand had made me was a cut above the rest. Ronalt had even admired the damn thing. The problem was now instead of shattering, all that force went straight into my arm. There was an audible snap as my forearm bent back. Then as if filling in the cracks, shattered apart. My arm flew back from the blow, shoulder dislodging from its joint, bending at an impossible angle. All the while I somehow remained standing. My sword was cast from my hand and dug into the bank of the river.

We both paused. No one said a word.

"R-Rain?" Earnest said slowly.

My eye twitched and I looked at him eyes wide with pain. It was taking all I had to stop myself screaming bloody murder.

"Marley…," my head twisted towards her and she smiled.

Lara covered her mouth in shock and even Taylor's mouth hung wide open. Yep… I didn't want to see what my arm looked like. It already hurt enough.

"If- if you could...," it was hard to get my words straight. "Please help." I blacked out and hit the sand.

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