


I'm a Pain in the Ass-02

Stomping my foot to the brake pedal, the tires screeched as I parked in front of the apartment building, but I couldn't see an ambulance around. Panic struck me again. Haven't they arrived yet? It's impossible.

I strode right into the lobby and relief washed over me to see my mother standing there. My stomach quivered. /"Mom, where is the ambulance?/"

/"Oh thank, God!/" She pulled me into a hug.

/"Mom, please tell me they're okay?/" I asked in a shaky voice. The chill wrapped around my skin despite the warm embrace of my mother.

Mom pulled away quickly. /"Let's go to the hospital. The ambulance arrived early, Jun opened your apartment to let them in. They're leaving when I arrived, so I got her things before I came down./"

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