



Daddies Wolf Series

Book One

Daddies Wolf



Hey there, how's it going? I'm fine thanks for asking, my life just got all fucked up, I'm being sent away from the only house I ever knew and the best news ever I'm a fucking werewolf but who's counting.

You don't even know me yet sorry my mistake, discovering that you're a mythical creature can do that.

The name is Oliver Williams, I'm seventeen years old, I'm five foot five, and I have a rare case where my eye color don't match its called Heterochromia eyes. One eye is pure green while the other is more blush with a hint of green, from far away it doesn't really show. I also look like I'm twelve from far away, with my shoulder long brown hair. My features aren't the sharpest and for the life of me I can't get a beard to grow.

What else should you know about me, oh yeah the part where I get to know I'm a WOLF. My birthday was yesterday, no I didn't celebrate it, and I never do anyway. Something happened last night, I can only remember bits and pieces but it was enough to get my BIRTH mother to come and visit.

Now my birth mother name is Hannah, I'm only allowed to call her ma'am. She got pregnant with me on a drunk night and only kept me as a favor to her best friend aka my father who wanted children.

They were both young and reckless, my father adored my mother who didn't even bat an eye at his love confession. Her argument have been /"I'm too dominant for a fragile thing like you/". My father was human while she was or well is a dominant werewolf. They got drunk well too drunk to even know what they were doing and a miracle happened and here I am, seventeen years later regretting their mistake.

I lived with my father my whole life, he is the best person I ever had. He's kind, loving and all in all the perfect daddy for any little boy, until he died in a car accident when I was six. My mother refused to take me in, thank god, and left me to live with my aunt and dad's sister.

My aunt doesn't give two shit about me, or anything that have to do with me so I grew up on my own for the last elven years. She moved in to my father house, so it wasn't that hard on me, all I had to do is get used to take care of myself. To grow up quickly, cook my own meals or go hungry and do my own laundry or stay dirty.

Which bring us back to the present, I and Hannah are sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen awkwardly sipping our coffee, and I don't even drink coffee.

/"So..../" I said when the tension got too much

She looked at me with pure disgust, like she didn't want to be here, joke on her I don't want her either.

/"You're a wolf. You have to come live with me now/" she said with the same disgust laced tone.

/"Why?/" I ask the obvious question.

/"You can't stay here, you need a pack/" she said like if we had this conversation a thousand time before. We didn't in case you were wondering.

/"Why?/" I ask again needing more information than just a command to pack my life and move.

/"Wolves are either dominant or submissive. One can't live without the other your wolf will go crazy and go feral, you'll end up killing someone or killing yourself. It's why we live in community and you'll be moving with me, we need to find you someone you can dominate and be over with it/"

That was my mother explanation, she said get over with it as if I'm some kind of burden for her which I am I guess.

In my mother opinion I'm a dominant, well I do hope I am. I don't know how I feel about being dominated by someone else. I won't go crazy without one, I'm stronger than that, and I know myself.

And that's how things went I left my father house, my only home. I put all my stuff in my mother SUV car and we drove off to a new town and a new life.

I tried having a conversation with my /"Mother/" on the way but her only response was a grunt and few low growls.

So I decided to do what any seventeen year old would do when stuck in a car, use the internet for entertainment. I decided to check the new town I'm going to be moving in to, the name was vaguely familiar.

Googling the name /"Gorod Volkov/", the town even had a Wikipedia page. The town have been around since the nineteen forties, it's known to be a town of mythical creatures and its private laws. Some articles said the town was home to werewolves, vampires and witches. It look like they are right about that one, I kept searching until I stumbled on a blog of a girl who went to that town.

Me and my best friend decided to go there and camp with the wolves and witches as an adventure before we start college. Going through Gorod Volkov It appears to be a normal town and all until the night we decided to get drunk. You need to be twenty one to buy liquor there so we got our own from back home. We didn't stay in the camping area but went deeper in the wood to get drunk, but we didn't get time as a pack of wolf attacked us but they didn't bite or hurt us. They just chased us off until we were back on camping site, there the sheriff and his right hand were waiting. They didn't take us to jail or write us a ticket instead we got /"spanked/". Yes both of us got. SPANKED like two little misbehaving child and then promised not to drink until we are twenty one. If you thought that was weird imagine an officer coming to your tent to /"comfort/" you and tuck in bed. We got hugs and kisses something my own mother doesn't give me anymore. You'd think I left home running after that but I actually decided to stay, I even enrolled in the local college there.

Everyone take cares of everyone back there, even the dinner would give the locals free food to make sure we are all fed. I had few more runs with the sheriff he can be tough but he's a fair man and best part the same officer will come to comfort me later.

All I can say I'm a proud citizen of Gorod Volkov. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm sick BUT maybe I'm just lucky and the most important part is I'M HAPPY.


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