


---Little Girl.

Twins POV.

We can't even take care of a small puppy, he ended up sleeping with Julia and Ricky. It's not our fault that he misses his daddies, he was just acting up more than usual.

The next morning he was still in wolf, still mad at his daddies for being away. He walked in wiggling his little diapered bum still attached to Julia. Those two were never close but right now he's acting too attached to her.

We were having breakfast as usual with the puppy sitting in Julia's lap and eating from her fork.

It was business as usual until the guys came in, Oliver jumped all happy to see his daddies then frowned again remembering he was mad at his daddies.

Jasper on the other hand was holding a little bundle in his arms, a little girl with brown eyes and brown curly hair. She must be the little they went on a mission to save, she looked scared and tried her best to stay hidden in Jasper's arms.

Next chapter