



The twins moved in to a guest room that they'll share for the night. They were introduced to everyone in the pack while my friend’s thoughts it's so cool that I'll be living with them.

I talked to my daddies about inviting my friends to the camping trip and they agreed. Tomorrow will be so much fun, I've been sitting with everyone talking about tomorrow when Jacob came in.

/"Bed time Olli/" he says but I ignore him.

/"Oliver come here/" he says again more sternly and making sure I could hear him but I didn't want to sleep, we're making plans for tomorrow.

I send Jacob a quick I'm busy message through the bond, since I'm a puppy and can only send picture it was more like a picture of wolfie acting busy.

/"Oliver last warning/" Jacob says but I still don't pay him any attention.

I felt my self-getting picked off the sofa and my bum was met with two quick slaps.

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