


Today's Friday, I'm in my school uniform but a pacifier clipped on my shirt. I tried to compromise and put it in my bag but daddy wouldn't let me. I pout the whole way toward the cafeteria, he goes to get me my breakfast and I don't even bother to go along with him I stomp to our table and see that Rory too got a paci clipped to his shirt, well at least I'm not alone.

Today's class is about regression, how to go into our little space, what can trigger it, and what can snap us out. The last five minutes were spent with paci inside our mouths. My academic classes passed quickly thank god I didn't have English today, so most of them were with Rory. In our last class with our daddies, we had to sit in their lap the whole period while Sir Milo explained about trust and caregiving while in little space.

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