


Kacey was exhausted.

There had barely been enough time for her to unbag her groceries when she was called in on some bizarre new homicide. This time a young girl had been dragged out of a drive through window and run over by a truck.

The kid working with the young woman heard the truck driver say /"I am chosen/" before he grabbed her.

After running her over, witnesses said the driver got out, walked over as if to make sure she was dead, then just sat down right there in the parking lot, his truck still running.

When Kacey had arrived he was in the back of a squad car and just as with all the other Chosen killers, he was a drooling, insensate, blank-eyed space case.

Inside the crime-scene perimeter had been the girl's gruesome remains. Her skull had split apart, its contents slashed over the blacktop like an artist's brush stroke.

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