


With the sour fetid breath from the hunter filling the interior of the jeep, Jules Matabele chambers a round into his Lott458 rifle, the massive head of the feline filling his vision. The report from the rifle sends pain shooting through his ears, his shoulder throbs from the recoil and the smell of cordite hangs heavily in the air…the lion is hit directly between the eyes, the force of the bullet from such a close range kills the big cat instantly sending the rest of the marauding pride into the surrounding savanna grasslands.

Jules sits breathlessly in the back…the rifle falling from numb fingers onto his lap as he watches in morbid fascination as the blood runs in small droplets from the dead lion’s nostrils and ears, pooling around the gearstick, its head slumped against the steering wheel, blotting out the rising sun…the only sound…the man’s heavy breathing and the echoing sound of the shot from the rifle in his ears.

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