


After another three days in which Piet has had to dodge the advances of the three young women like a rugby player, he transports his clients back to Lusaka in time to catch their flight back to the U.K. He’s left feeling that he belongs in a petting zoo. Tired and weary, and not from his time in the bush, he places a call through to Veronica to inform her about Rogers unfortunate death. He then passes the phone over to Peggy where the two women spend a good half hour catching up on news with each other.

Once the phone is back where it belongs, Piet puts a call through to Police Headquarters in Loango and asks to be put through to the coroner. After identifying himself, he asks if it would be possible for the report on Rogers’s death to be scanned in and sent to him. The man on the other end of the phone indicates that he would be more than happy to follow through with that request.

/"Peggy, ek sê vir jou, this bloody job of mine is dangerous./"

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