


A kitchen window shatters, throwing glass all over the floor. The challenge of the howl fills the house, and the trapped group brings their hands to their ears, trying to shut out the sound which threatens to engulf them.

David moves into the kitchen doorway, firing in the direction of the window. There’s nothing there. Panic threatens to set in; as they realize that they are trapped in the house. Piet's urgent voice carries towards the kitchen. /"David, the generator control switch, where is it, in your bedroom?/"

Retreating back down the passage towards the group David meets his friend’s worried eyes. /"Ja Piet./" With that Piet takes control. /"Kom, all of you, move slowly, we must set up in the bedroom, and stay together. David, we need to kill the generator, reduce the noise so we can hear where this bloody thing is, and just make sure we have the flashlights because we’re going to lose the lights as well./"

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