


The man runs through the night, the terror of the darkness adds to his headlong flight, and the knowledge that he carries spurs him on towards the police compound, his breathing heavy, his heart thudding in his chest. But he must tell of what he knows as a murder has been committed, and the killings have been going on long enough in his village, but now the time has come to put a stop to it.

Piet and Roger are busy with breakfast in the officers club when a constable bursts in with the news that there has been another leopard attack, as well as a murder in the village of Chief Nagogo, and his youngest son, wishes to speak with the inspector.

Breakfast forgotten, the two men rush over to the charge office where a very frightened man waits for them. They establish that he had run through the night to get to them with the news, and what they hear horrifies both of them to the core.

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