


Piet’s slumber is rudely interrupted by a persistent pounding knock on his room door, which does not make the steady thump in his head any better as one or two Brandy's had turned into a, /"let’s kill the bottle/" affair and both men had bent to the task with gusto and now they must pay the price.

/"Ja man ek kom, ek kom./"

Piet falls out of bed, feels to make sure his head is in place, as it feels as if it doesn’t belong to him, crosses the room, and opens the door to find Constable Petrus standing in the passage.

/"Good Morning Bwana Piet, sorry to wake you, but Inspector Roger needs you at the charge office urgently, there’s been another leopard killing./"

/"Ag nee fok Petrus, does this shit never end, ja okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can./"

Next chapter