

#Chapter42 Exchange

It was now lunch, and I was roaming the halls without Mel nor Jaden. I told them to eat without me, because I wasn't going to the cafeteria today. Why? Because I'm on the hunt for an idiot. I need to know what he's been telling the people at this school about me in my absence, if he mentioned about the kidnapping. Well, let's just say he's screwed.

I walked through halls and classes, but he wasn't there. I even went to the supposed bench that was his, but he wasn't there either. I started to get a bit worried, he knew Adrien came to school today, because he asked someone and they said they saw him today; so where is he?

I walked through the empty halls, everyone was either in the cafeteria or in the classroom. I passed class by class, and no Adrien; I then passed the library and stopped in my tracks. A thought came to my mind, what if he's in there?

Next chapter