



What was happening?

I gaped at Toby who was pointing his gun at Robert.

Robert gulped as he let go of my arm and stepped back.

/"Leave!/" Tobey yelled at Robert, finally breaking the silence.

/"Have you lost yo-/" Robert started to speak.

/"I said leave!/" Tobey shouted again, cutting him off, his tone was fierce.

Robert made his way to the door, the scowl on his face deepening by the second.

/"Dominic will know about this and then you'll be sorry./" He hissed before leaving.

As soon as Robert left, Tobey sighed and ran a hand down his face in exhaustion.

/"Thank you./" It was Will who spoke up and I just gaped at Tobey like an idiot. I was still in shock over what had happened.

Tobey nodded warily at Will.

/"Just be there. Don't disobey Dominic's orders, it'll just make things worse./"

I could only nod in response.

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