
6th week

#Chapter10 6th week

krystal screamed holding myungsoo back because he had growled just by kyungsoo pushing me away and it caused him to stumble back i released a harsh breath as i darted foreward and catched him before he could fall backwards .

i lowerd him when he leaned onto me resting his cheek on my shoulder as he hummed something

kyungsoo/"i called him firmly after setting him down and letting him lean against me while my arm was around him . i took it too far i should have stopped as soon as his breaths went uneven . /"get some water and kris /"i orderd

kris is not here /"sehun answerd paniced and i looked up at him before looking around not knowing how to handle this .

nugget .. i'm sorry i didnt- .. try to calm down ok its alright /"i attempted but he didnt respond and soon myungsoo returned with a glass of water ./"do you want to drink something ?/"

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