


A free for all: A spring break Chapter


We went to Disneyworld for spring break. I know, cheesy, but Dad didn’t want us to hang around the house on spring break. He needed a break.

Our parents all got together and paid for us to go. I’ll admit I’m excited. I’ve never been to Disneyworld.

We arrived and checked into our hotel room. We figure we’ll hit the amusement park tomorrow. I wanted to see the ocean. I never saw it, and it was something I always wanted to do.

After setting our stuff down, I walked over to the sliding door and opened it. I walked out of the room and towards the ocean. As soon as I hit the water, I splashed around, kicking up water.



I watched Bella leave the room and make her way towards the water. I followed her and stopped. She ran around in the water, kicking and splashing while laughing. That was the reason I fell in love with her. She enjoyed simple things.

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