Poul sat anxiously in the horse-drawn carriage, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe what he was about to do - take Penelope away from everything she had ever known. But he couldn't bear the thought of living without her. He had planned everything meticulously, from hiring the coachman to arranging their passage on the ship to the United States. He had even contacted someone to create fake credentials for Penelope, so they could start a new life together.
But the most difficult part of the plan was still ahead of him. He had to stab Penelope in the abdomen which would mimic death, without harming her in any way. He had considered asking Caroline to synthesize the drug, but he knew it was a risky proposition. Caroline was a brilliant chemist, but she might not agree with his plan, and even if she did, creating such a drug was an arduous and time-consuming process.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: