
Port of New York in Lower Manhattan,

September 25th, 883.

Poul Nielsen and Jonathan Axelsen stepped out of the horse-drawn carriage and onto the cobblestone streets of the Port of New York. They had come to the city from their hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, eager to explore new business opportunities and expand their enterprise, the Axelsen & Nielsen Air Brake Company

Beside them walked Amelia Weiss, their trusted secretary, and confidante. She had traveled with them to New York to help with the negotiations and to ensure that their journey went smoothly.

Together, the three travelers made their way through the crowds, their senses overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells of the bustling port. They dodged carts laden with cargo and shouted to be heard over the din of the steam whistles and the clanging of metal against metal.

As they approached the entrance to the port, Poul paused and turned to his companions.


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