

Poul and Amelia returned to the park with a wooden basket in their hand. It must be where the food they bought is stored. A carpet hangs over Poul's shoulders. Jonathan and Caroline were looking for a picnic spot on the large field of grass, which was occupied by many people. 

It took them about two minutes before they found a spot and occupied it. Jonathan raised and waved a hand at Poul, signaling him to come over. 

"Oh, there they are," Poul said, prompting Amelia to look to her right and saw Caroline standing next to Jonathan. 

They walked over to their location and Poul promptly laid the carpet down. Amelia set the basket down and took a seat on the floor. Poul sat beside her and watched as Jonathan and Caroline took their seats on the ground. It was giving a vibe of a double date, which is not a bad thing to imagine.

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