
Back Home (18)

"Sweetie! We can implement the apps you've wanted for a while now as Devon Corp has made a satellite connecting all the regions." My mother says excited. This was my first ever project I've told her about before so she seems to be quite proud of me for it.

"Really? That's great mum!" I say happily now that I'm able to make my revolutionary apps. Say what you want about Facebook but back in the day it was what everyone used.

I just need to not mess up and ignore glaringly obvious glitches. I Also need to make a terms and conditions but my parents company can handle that.

As the app gets bigger, my parents can handle the apps first before I'm legally old enough to do it myself and make my own brand.

The plan is to also stretch out to making video games like Candy Crush and COC. I'm not sure if this will be possible but with the technology the anime has shown us, then it's probably possible.

In multiple instances in the Unova region the evil team had holographic screens where you could do multiple things with it.

Most of it was to operate a whole ass warship mid air so it was some pretty impressive technology.

Advanced technology is also shown by Lysandre and chairman Rose, as they did some pretty shady stuff over the coming years to come.

I'll be able to fix most of it though unless a time warping Pokemon would interfere, would be a shame.

"That's great, but can you keep it down. I want to sleep over here." My dad says trying to get into a comfortable position on the plane seat.

"Sorry dad." I quickly tell him as I head off to sleep as well.

It's now been a few days after the plane flight and I'm now walking towards Dawn's house with the sapphire necklace in my spatial ring.

I'm still quite tired from the trip, so I'm lazily walking across the town.

Walking through the calm but lively neighbourhood, I started to take in my surroundings.

I still can't believe how beautiful everything looks. The luscious grass, all the colourful Pokemon and the plants and trees. Making my way through the initial fence of Dawn's house I go to the door and lock and few times.


A few seconds after this, footsteps could be heard from the other side making their way to the door.


The sight of a girl with Blue hair and blue eyes greets me at the door, which made me smile.

"Hey darling." I teasingly greet her. Dawn opening the door gets a surprised look, not expecting me to be at the door she completely zoned out and didn't register what I said earlier.

"You have been gone for a month or two now." Dawn says while looking away with a pout. Hearing this my smile starts to falter as I look at the tsundere in front of me.

"I've got you a gift." I tell her as she suddenly gets some sparkles in her eyes.

"Presents? Where!" She says excitedly dragging me into the house. While walking into the house I heard her mum's voice echoing all the way from the kitchen.

She changed her mood quite fast. It's pretty normal for her though, it should get better when she goes on her journey.

"Dawn, come over to the kitchen it's time to eat!" Johanna calls out. Dawn hearing this frowns and starts to adopt a complicated expression.

"No need to worry, I'll give it you after~" I tell her with a wide grin.

"Hey that my li-" before she could finish her words though, I pulled her over to the kitchen to where Johanna was.

Looking over to the table I could see Johanna staring at the TV while she ate some food.

"Mum, Aichi is here." Dawn calls out as we make our way towards the table. Taking a seat next to Dawn I see Johanna looking at us with stars in her eyes.

"Are you hungry dear? We got enough for you as Dawn always gets seconds and maybe thirds." Johanna says snickering at her daughter.

"Mum!" Dawn says grumpily.

"I'm not really hungry." I tell her honestly.

"Just a little bit okay." She says with a dark shadow over her face. Seeing this I just give in and accept the food.

'Bro I can't just deny it.' I groan inwardly.

Johanna ignoring her daughter, stands up and goes to get a plate for me. After Johanna came back with a plate, we ended up eating for a while before we all finished.

"I'll be at the kitchen while you guys can hangout okay?" Johanna tells us as she takes the plates and utensils away. Seeing her leave I take the opportunity to give Dawn her gift.

"Dawn, I was away for a few months due to going to Kanto so I bought you a gift." I told her as I pulled out a fancy dark red box. Handing her the little box she proceeds to take it with an entranced look and opens it.

"Woah!" She says completely stunned seeing the necklace. Taking the necklace she proceeds to wear it and walk around.

"You like it." I ask her already knowing the answer. This necklace really suits her a lot.

I still remember in the anime because of my powers what dresses she used so this would fit her really well.

"Of course I do." She says in joy as she tackles me to the ground in a hug. I wasn't expecting Dawn to attack me like that.

Still in a hug we started to laugh as we both got slightly hurt from hitting the floor.

"He just proposed to her." I hear a faint whisper near the kitchen. Dawn looking around confused, seemingly heard it as well.

Using my psychic abilities I enhance my hearing and notice Johanna was the one who said that, she was also talking to a familiar voice that I recognise as my mum.

'When did I pr-'

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