
Chapter 297: Suspicious guide

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 297: Suspicious guide

"This place bigger than initially thought…maybe I was a bit hasty at killing the weird tongue guy. How am I supposed to find the poneglyph room now?"

She eventually ended up in some massive garden. There was only some light coming from some nearby windows.

"I hate this, why do I have to be the one who gets married!" 

"You know why…if Pudding was here, she would probably have been the one chosen. Despite her twisted personally, she is really good at pretending to be an innocent flower." 

Vivi heard two women talking and approached the window.

Inside the room were two beautiful girls.

The youngest-looking one was a member of the long-arm tribe. She had shoulder-length turquoise hair and blue eyes.

The other one was a bit more mature and extremely tall, she had short violet hair, and dark eyes and wore a pink tight suit with a white cape over her shoulders and a long sword on her waist.

"I'm not good at pretending, sister Custard…" the young one said.

"You are going to have to try, Myu. Is only for one day after all, not even that" Custard reminded her.

"Ugg…I can't wait to kill him thought… that Vinsmoke…emm, what was his name again?" 

"Sanji. Try to remember it. If you can seduce him, it will make your job easier tomorrow. You'll only get one shot before everything gets exposed. You can't fail."Custard scratched her violet hair. 

"Where are they, anyways? Is getting later and they should have arrived at the chateau already." 

"He is just giving me another reason to kill him…how dare he make me wait? We were supposed to be having dinner. Maybe I should end him tonight." Myukuru had a cruel smile on her face while touching the handle of her sword.

"Don't even joke about that! You know what will happen if we ruin one of Momma's plans" Custard frowned.

"I think I heard enough of this…" Vivi let out an exasperated sigh.

"Who goes there?!" Myu shouted.

"I didn't sense anyone approach… be careful Myu!" Custard unsheathed her sword.

A torrent of water entered through an opening in the window and splayed all over the floor beneath them

Myu stared at the water beneath her feet that was now ruining her carpet with a displeased expression.

"What is this? someone is throwing water at us?. Is this someone's idea of a prank…I swear-"

"Myu!, move away from the -" By the time Custard had detected the traces of Vivi's aura on her water, it was too late for the other girl.

Myu was pelleted by thousands of high-speed water bullets that came from beneath her.

She was not prepared for an attack like this and died with thousands of bullet holes in her body, before realizing what was happening.

Custard hurried to get away from the mass of water as this one assembled in one single point, forming the body of a person.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I need a guide." Vivi's head finished forming first and started talking while the rest of her body transformed into her usual shape.

Technically, she had no clothes to put on, but since she could give her body any shape she wanted, she could give the illusion that she was wearing some black body suit.

"Who are you?!" Custard aimed her sword at Vivi's neck.

"Really? If you are planning on killing a pirate, the least you can do is learn who his crewmates are."

"You are a Strawhat!... wait, I know you, you are Vivi, the former princess of Arabasta!" Custard realized now.

"Yes, and I was saying. I need a guide. This place is very big. If you take me to where I want to go…I won't hurt you." vivil promised.

"You just killed my sister!" Custard screamed with rage.

"She was planning on killing my friend…and so we're you." Vivi extended her fingers and these turned into long strings of ice that lunged forward at her oponent.

"Shit!" Custard cursed as she tried to deflect the things of ice but it was a difficult task, as every single one of them seemed to move with a mind of their own.

"Ahh!" Custard screamed as one of the strings pierced her leg.

She cut the rest but these quickly reformed even if she used armament haki on her sword.

The small room made it very difficult for her to gain any significant distance and soon…

"Ahhh!" She was stabbed in her shoulder.

"Urggg!" then on her other leg.

She lifted her eyes to look at her oponent. Vivi had not moved from her initial spot and just maintained her right hand extended. She also had a very bored expression on her face.

Custard clenched her teeth with frustration. She had always been told that she was a genius with the sword, but it became quickly obvious that she had no chance of winning against this oponent.

She could not even defeat five of her fingers.

"Wait!..." Custard requested.

Vivi's attack stopped. The five sharp ice finger maintained their position in the air.

"Did you change your mind?" Vivi asked.

"I can take you to where your friend is supposed to come. But he hasn't arrived yet." Custard offered.

"I know where my friend is….more or less. No, what I'm trying to find is something else. A room containing a red poneglyph."

Custard made a shocked face.

"You are after that?!"

She was about to yell at Vivi that she would never betray their mother when a different idea came to her mind.

She could not possibly win by herself, but that room is always heavenly guarded. This presented a great chance to deal with this invader.

"So, can you take me there or do I need another guide?" Vivi was losing her patience with the other girl's prolonged silence.

"Wait!" Custard dropped her sword and raised her arms in the air.

"I'll take you! Don't kill me please!"

Vivi raised an eyebrow.

"Fine, let's go."

Custard turned around and started to walk with a cruel grin on her face.

'Yes, I'll take you...I'll take you to Hell!'

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