
Chapter 280: Welcome to Zou

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 280: Welcome to Zou

The ship continued to ascend until they passed the top of the elephant and could get a precise aerial view of the country.

The Strawhats stared at the view in awe.

"This is so awesome!" Luffy had a wide grin on his face.

"Yes it is, but…just don't drop us now, okay?" Usopp glanced at her.

Robin and Nami were the only ones really using this opportunity to obtain a good mental picture of the place.

"There appears to be a single massive city at the center and is surrounded by a thick forest. I can see a few other noticeable places that appear to be handmade, like those rectangular structures surrounding the city." Robin took some notes.

"Look at that giant tree at the end. It has a strange shape." Franky pointed.

"it's a whale!" Exclaimed Chopper.

"I wanna go there Vivi!, can you land the ship next to that tree?" The Captain requested.

"No!" Law hurried to shout.

"For what little I know about this country, that tree is the most sacred place for the Mink tribe. Going there without permission would be akin to starting a war with them."

"So, we are never going there. Did everyone get that?!, Luffy?, please!" Usopp implored.

"That part over there seems to be the proper entrance. There is a wall surrounding the city and a big gate. There is also enough of an open space to land the ship." Robin pointed.

"Sounds good to me…grab on to something, we are going down." Vivi focused and lowered the ship slowly onto the open area that Robin pointed.

After the ship was stabled, she ended her awakening form and her body returned to her normal look.

"Uff…made it!" She said with a smile.

"Are you okay?" Nami noticed her exhausted expression.

"Just a bit tired, that's all. I'll recover in no time." Vivi reassured her.

"How long is this ice going to hold? It will be a problem if it melts and the ship tumbles sideways." Franky questioned.

"As long as I don't go completely unconscious, It shouldn't melt. Is not like normal ice and won't dispel with normal heat." Clarified Vivi.

"So, what are we doing now?" Asked Chopper.

"I need to go find Beepo and the rest of my crew, they should be waiting for me in the city." Said Law.

"And I must find my old friend. He should be somewhere in this country but I am unsure of his location..." Said Kinemon.

"It seems like going to that big city in the middle is our only course of action. We can look for Law's crew and ask about the samurai to the people there." Suggested Nami.

"I don't want to leave without visiting that Whale tree." Added Luffy.

"I would like to explore this place. From the air, I spotted some interesting-looking ruins, but…I believe it would be wiser to remain together. We don't know how welcoming the inhabitants of this country are going to be with us." Robin spoke.

"The Mink are usually wary of strangers, but as long as you respect their laws, you should be fine. Besides, my first mate is part of the Mink tribe." Said Law.

"Wow, really?. Which one?" Asked Luffy.

Law made a baffled expression.

"The one that looks like a polar bear…"

"Don't we need to leave some people here with the ship?" Asked Zoro.

"Please not me!, I really want to go this time." Chopper explained. He was left to care for the ship last time but now he wanted to visit this island and meet this race of humanoid animals like himself.

"We can all go together," Vivi said.

"There is no chance the Sunny can be stolen in its current state." The entire lower part of the ship was encased in tons of nearly unbreakable ice after all.

"That's true, but what about our treasure, what if someone comes aboard and steals it?' Asked Usopp.

"I wouldn't worry about that…we don't have a treasure to steal." Vivi shrugged.

"What?!, I'm sure we had several chests filled with gold coins before going to Dressrosa." Zoro said.

"We spent it all when we resupplied there." Answered Nami.

"All of it?, what the hell did you buy?" Franky asked in doubt.

"You know, the basic necessities." Nami made a pondering face.

"Food, water, cleaning supplies, hygiene supplies, some perfumes, a few sets of clothes, shoes, earrings, that beautiful pendant…"

"Almost half of those weren't first necessity!" Usopp glared at Nami.

"Maybe not for you…" Nami crossed her arms in defiance.

"Guys, it's fine. Treasures are meant to be spent." Luffy chuckled.

"That's easy for you to say!, you probably eat half of our food supplies by yourself," Usopp shouted.

"I am a growing boy!"

"You are twenty!"

"Okay, enough of this!, we have an island to explore. I'm sure we will have more chances to get more money soon enough." Vivi wanted to defuse the situation before those two started punching each other.

"That's great, let's go then!." Said Nami.

The whole crew plus their three guests got down from the Sunny and started to walk together towards the giant door they saw before.

"You know…It's been a while since we had the chance to visit a place like this." Chopper commented.

"Yes, usually we end up being separated at the beginning for one reason or another," Nami added.

"Most of the time is because our Captain runs off by himself," Robin added.

"Speaking of…" Usopp pointed at Luffy, who was already climbing a tower by himself.

"Luffy, come back here!" Called Nami.

"That's odd…the gates are open." Law pointed out as they approached the massive wall that protected the entire country of Zou.

"Something bad happened here…look!" Franky pointed at the broken doors.

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