
Chapter 72: Goodbye Merry

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 72: Goodbye Merry

"I don't know how it made it outside, but I found your ship, stranded at the coast and heavily damaged. The Aqua Laguna had somehow brought it there."

Iceberg told the Strawhats.

"I was about to leave when I heard a voice inside my head. It was telling me that it wanted to set out, just one more time. Even though there were many damaged ships on the coast at that time…I knew it was this one. I did my best with my limited tools and time to get it back into shape. Just barely enough to not sink the moment it left the port."

He looked back.

"My employees came looking for me, to warm me about another wave coming our way. When I turned to look back at the ship, it had already set sail. It came looking for you! I couldn't let it come alone, so I convinced everyone to take our fastest ship and we came here…"

Iceberg looked at Merry.

"Today, I'm seeing a true miracle…from a ship that had reached its limit long ago. I have been a shipwright for many years…and I have never seen such an amazing pirate ship. It lived a truly admirable life. But now it needs to rest."

Luffy closed his eyes for a moment.

"I understand…"


They knew the Merry didn't have much time, so they only took the most important items from the ship, like Namis trees, money, some clothes, and personal items before leaving the Merry and boarding the Galley-La ship.

The crew then lined up and looked forward.

"Then…are you guys ready?" Asked their Captain.

"Yeah." They answered solemnly.

Luffy held a torch in his hands. "Merry…the bottom of the sea is dark and lonely. Well see you off here"

"You okay there?" Asked Zoro to Usopp, who was very quiet.

"Im…fine. A time of separation has come. When men part ways, tears should not be involved in it. I'm fully prepared for this."

Luffy threw the torch and the Going Merry was set ablaze.

They all stood in solemn silence looking at their friend for the last time.

"Thank you for carrying us all this time." Luffy finally said.

They all started to reminisce about their time aboard the ship and could not help but get emotional.

"I'm sorry" The now familiar voice of Merry sounded in their heads.

"I wanted to carry you, just a little bit further…I'm sorry, I wanted to go on more adventures with all of you."

"A voice?" The guys from the Galley-La seemed to be able to hear it too.

"Merry!" Exclaimed Chopper.

"But I…" Merry started.

"No!, we are the ones who should apologize, Merry!." Said Luff with tears in his eyes. "I'm not good at navigating and I crashed you into an iceberg! I even ripped the sails a few times…Zoro and Sanji are idiots, so they broke things many times…Usopp was always trying to fix you, but He is not good at it either…we are sorry!"

"But I…was happy!. Thank you for taking care of me until now…I was really happy." said the voice.

The flames went off as Merry sank into the ocean.

-A.N: I know this chapter is shorter than normal. But I didn't want to continue the story in this chapter. This chapter is only for Merry.-

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