
Chaper 16: Devil Fruit

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 16: Devil fruit

"You saw that, uh?." Vivi wasn't really surprised, she knows how Robin can use her ability to spy on people with no one noticing.

She then sighed.

"You will be disappointed by my answer….the truth is... that I don't know."

"How can you not know?." Robin raised her voice a bit.

Something like that was unusual for her so Vivi could tell that this topic is making her nervous.

"After Crocodile wounded me, and I felt that I was dying…I heard a voice in my head, and then…I lost control of my body. Something or someone was using it in my stead. And before you ask, I don't know who that was. But I intend to find out one day."

"Someone possessed you...so, all of that power that you showed…"

Vivi lay down on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"I don't know where that came from. Whatever that power was actually inside me or something borrowed, I have no idea. But, I can tell you that, right now, I'm nowhere near that level."

"I see…that doesn't clarify much" Robin laid back on her bed.

"What did you tell them?, about what happened with Crocodile." She wasn't sure if she wanted the crew to know what she had done, remembering the mutilated corpse of Crocodile.

"They think it was Luffy the one that killed Crocodile. But they don't know the details…or the state that his body was left in. I buried him in the sand, where He belongs before carrying you and Luffy." Answered Robin, looking calmer now.

"What about Luffy?." She asked.

Luffy may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but even He would not believe something like, 'oh, you accidently defeated Crocodile but then forgot about it.'

"Of course, the Captain knows that it was you. But He didn't ask any questions about it. He was just angry that He could not beat Crocodile himself."

Vivi nodded. "Yes, that sounds like him…"

She wanted to ask Robin if she had managed to read Arabastas poneglyph, but Robin had yet to reveal the fact that she is traveling the world while looking for them, so Vivi bringing it up all of the sudden would raise questions that she could not answer.

"Thank you," Vivi eventually said.

Robin looked at her.

"What for?."

"For saving me and Luffy, of course. I owe you one."

Robin looked away for a moment.

"Well, I did help a tyrant to take over your country. So, you can consider us even I suppose."

"Done…good night, Robin." She blew out the candles and the room became very dark, only a sliver of moonlight coming through the window.

"Good night, Vivi." Said, Robin.


The next morning, the crew was gathered at the deck while Vivi was trying to figure out what her fruit did.

"Try stretching your arms!" Suggested Luffy.

"Idiot, it can't be the same fruit as yours!." Admonished Sanji.

"Try flying!" Said Usopp.

"Maybe you can transform into some animal." Added Chopper.

The crew was throwing one suggestion after another and Vivi was getting exasperated.

'Maybe it was a mistake to ask them for help….' She thought.

"Close your eyes and focus. Try to feel any changes in your body or anything different that wasn't there before."

The voice of Robin came from behind her.

'That's not a bad idea.'

She closed her eyes and tried to zone out of the noises her friends were making.


After a few seconds, she actually started to feel some sort of energy running through her body. She tried moving it around and focusing on one place.

The voices of the crew suddenly stopped and she heard some gasps.

"Wow!, are you seeing that?!" She heard Usopp's voice.

"It can't be!" Nami said.

Vivi opened her eyes slowly and looked at her right hand, where she had been focusing before.

She gasped in shock and raised her hand to examine it better. "Is this real?."

Her hand has turned into the water but retained the shape of a hand for the most part.

She made a mental picture of the water spinning around and her powers seemed to listen.

A small water tornado formed in what used to be her hand.

"So cool!!" Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were looking with childish enthusiasm at the demonstration.

"That's a logia type." Said Robin, sounding impressed.

"What? that's the rarest type. Vivi, why did you eat it? we could have sold that for hundreds of millions!" Complained Nami.

"Isn't that like the one my brother Ace has?" Asked Luffy.

"Yes, your brother has a fire logia, and this one seems to be a water one." Said Sanji.

"hmm, not bad. If you can learn to use that thing we will have another strong fighter in the crew." Said Zoro.

Vivi focused on the water and used another mental picture to command it back into the shape of her normal hand. The tornado stopped and the water started to reform.

"It worked!." Said Vivi with some relief while staring at her hand.

"It is a strange thought. " Said Robin while looking at Vivi in a scrutinizing way.

"I have read the devil fruit catalog and there has never been any mention of a water logia. I wonder if it's a fruit that has never existed before. It seems like you a full of surprises, Princess."

"Hey, let's see what else can you do." Said Usopp.

"Yes, let's see what else can you transform into!" Luffy's eyes had gained a shine to them.

'Oh no…I have just become their source of entertainment it seems.' Vivi thought with dread.

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