
Chapter 8

"That's enough!" exclaimed Ida. "As future Heroes and students of the illustrious UA High School, you should not be squabbling like children!"

Shifting his furious gaze from Izuku to Ida, Bakugo bellowed, "Butt out, you extra! This is between me and Deku...!"

Still wearing his relaxed smile, Izuku pointed out, "That isn't really true, though, is it? I've minded my own business for the past two years, yet you continuously insult or try to obstruct me. You seem to think I'm trying to surpass you, but the truth is that we've been following different paths for a while. Give it a rest, already."

Balling his hands into fists, Bakugo glared at Izuku with a mixture of anger and bitterness in his gaze as he growled, "You...I'm not-"

Interrupting Bakugo's imminent tirade, Izuku's expression briefly became serious as he stated, "My name isn't you; it's Izuku Midoriya. Don't call me familiarly in the future. We're not that close, Katsuki Bakugo."

Blinking in surprise, a look of genuine confusion tinged Bakugo's fury. He and Izuku had known each other since they were two, maybe three years old. The latter had even 'allowed' him to call him Deku, so Bakugo's mind stalled a bit when Izuku said not to address him familiarly in the future. In a sense, it was like Izuku was cutting ties with him...

Intruding upon the tense atmosphere, a girl with distinct, pale-pink skin, somewhat square-shaped eyes with black sclera, tiny yellow horns, and fluffy pink hair popped her head into the room, asking, "Am I in the right place? This 'is' Classroom 1-A of the UA High Hero Course, right...?"


Name: [Mina Ashido]

Quirk: Acid

Current Level: 17(62,102 EXP)

Effective Level: 24


Strength: 25

Agility: 31

Vitality: 51

Intelligence: 47

Dexterity: 44

Luck: 41


Without waiting for a response, the predominately pink girl, Mina Ashido, entered the classroom. She had a fairly medium build, but it was clear she took care of herself. Even if he didn't know what she was like in the anime, Izuku could tell she was extremely fit and athletic.

Since Yaoyorozu was the closest, Ashido's yellow eyes focused on her as she raised her right hand and said, "My name is Mina Ashido. Mind if I ask for yours~?" in an overtly friendly tone.

Recovering from the shock of witnessing Bakugo's behavior, Yaoyorozu regained her smile and replied, "Momo Yaoyorozu. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ashido-san."

Acting as if she hadn't walked in on a veritable powder keg, Ashido's eyes glistened, her expression beaming as she mused, "The pleasure's mine. I mean, you're super beautiful, Yaoyorozu-san. You've 'got' to tell me what kind of skincare routine you do."

Though she was taken aback by the sudden compliment, Yaoyorozu's smile broadened as she replied, "You're too kind, Ashido-san. Also, from what I can tell, the condition of your skin is immaculate. If anyone should be asking for advice, it's me."

With Yaoyorozu and Ashida abruptly starting a 'girl's talk,' the classroom atmosphere suddenly became much livelier. Bakugo was still angry, but he ultimately clicked his tongue, slid his hands in his pockets, and made his way over to the so-called 'Protagonist's Seat.' His assigned seat was next to Izuku's, Seat No. 17, but there was no way in hell he was going to sit there right now...




As time counted down to the start of Class, the remaining students of Class 1-A trickled in. Izuku inspected each of them as they arrived, but only a handful caught his attention. Of particular note were Mashirao Ojiro, a plain-looking boy with short blonde hair and a prehensile tail, Eijiro Kirishima, a 'spirited' youth with spiky red hair, Mezo Shoji, an inordinately tall young man with ashen hair and six arms, Fumikage Tokoyami, an edgy kid with the head of a raven, and Shoto Todoroki, a fairly handsome youth with distinctive white and red hair, perfectly split down the middle, and a prominent burn scar over his left eye.


Name: [Mashirao Ojiro]

Quirk: Tail

Current Level: 20(104,312 EXP)

Effective Level: 29


Strength: 53

Agility: 37

Vitality: 81

Intelligence: 38

Dexterity: 52

Luck: 37


Name: [Eijiro Kirishima]

Quirk: Hardening

Current Level: 17(67,845 EXP)

Effective Level: 27


Strength: 61

Agility: 27

Vitality: 103

Intelligence: 19

Dexterity: 25

Luck: 38


Name: [Mezo Shoji]

Quirk: Dupli-Arms

Current Level: 20(147,100 EXP)

Effective Level: 48


Strength: 137

Agility: 29

Vitality: 190

Intelligence: 28

Dexterity: 63

Luck: 35


Name: [Fumikage Tokoyami]

Quirk: Dark Shadow

Current Level: 16(58,483 EXP)

Effective Level: 24


Strength: 22

Agility: 41

Vitality: 63

Intelligence: 39

Dexterity: 44

Luck: 40


Name: [Shoto Todoroki]

Quirk: Half-Cold Half-Hot

Current Level: 22(214,773 EXP)

Effective Level: 53


Strength: 51

Agility: 44

Vitality: 158

Intelligence: 57

Dexterity: 63

Luck: 161


Though the six-armed Mezo Shoji was easily the strongest in the Class, Shoto Todoroki's 'talent' was in a league of its own.

With the exceptions of Principal Nezu and Toshinori, All Might, Izuku had never seen a Luck stat exceeding 100. Bakugo's was pretty close, having reached 88 after training seriously for two years, but that was barely even half of Todoroki's. It was clear that the icy-hot youth wasn't just talented; he had trained his ass off to become exceptional...

Excluding the boys, his future 'rivals,' Izuku also paid special attention to each of his female classmates. The one that most closely matched his natural disposition was a fairly plain-looking girl with a slender build, lazy-looking eyes, dark-purple hair, and peculiar earlobes that resembled plug-like earphone jacks. Her attributes were among the lowest in the Class, but as a fan of Metal, Punk Rock, and Rock 'n' Roll, Izuku believed they would get along.


Name: [Kyoka Jiro]

Quirk: Earphone Jack

Current Level: 10(14,003 EXP)

Effective Level: 14


Strength: 11

Agility: 13

Vitality: 31

Intelligence: 35

Dexterity: 19

Luck: 40


Alongside Ashido, Asui(Tsuyu), and Yaoyorozu, Jiro was one of only six girls in Class 1-A's group of twenty students. The last two were Ochaco Uraraka and Toru Hagakure, the former nowhere to be seen and the latter, quite literally, invisible. Even so, Izuku had no issues inspecting her stats, earning himself a slightly accusatory look from Tsuyu since he had to look at Hagakure's body to do so...


Name: [Toru Hagakure]

Quirk: Invisibility

Current Level: 16(56,007 EXP)

Effective Level: 25


Strength: 23

Agility: 30

Vitality: 49

Intelligence: 51

Dexterity: 40

Luck: 63


Despite being invisible, Hagakure's peculiar 'appearance' and bubbly personality garnered quite a bit of attention. Her body may have been invisible, but her uniform wasn't. As such, it was possible to tell she had an amazing body, second only to Yaoyorozu's.

As strange as it might sound, Izuku found Hagakure to be the most appealing girl in the entire Class. He couldn't see her face, but there was something about the notion of an invisible girl that stoked his intrigue and curiosity. He would never do so, but a part of him 'really' wanted to sneak a glimpse down Hagakure's collar or up her skirt. The only thing he was bound to find was the inside of a bra or a floating pair of panties, but that was kind of the point...

Unfortunately, while Izuku was interested in getting to know Hagakure, it was nearly impossible for most guys to intrude upon a group of girls in the midst of a conversation. Izuku wasn't lacking in confidence, but he would need to part ways with Tsuyu if he wanted to attempt it. The two of them had already become 'friends,' so he couldn't just leave her to try and join a group comprised of nothing but girls. Instead, he made conversation with those in his immediate surroundings, specifically Kirishima, a spiky-haired boy with electric powers named Kaminari, and, somewhat reluctantly, the lecherous, grape-headed midget known as Minoru Mineta...


Name: [Denki Kaminari]

Quirk: Electrification

Current Level: 15(47,777 EXP)

Effective Level: 24


Strength: 25

Agility: 31

Vitality: 55

Intelligence: 20

Dexterity: 34

Luck: 77


Name: [Minoru Mineta]

Quirk: Pop Off

Current Level: 9(8,212 EXP)

Effective Level: 29


Strength: 7

Agility: 13

Vitality: 63

Intelligence: 69

Dexterity: 41

Luck: 93


Though Mineta's physical attributes were among the worst in the Class, his Effective Level was among the highest thanks to his Intelligence and inordinately high Luck. Izuku really wanted to smack him, especially when Mineta abruptly asked if he and Tsuyu were dating, but he didn't want to risk the rapport he had built with Principal Nezu and All Might. He had no doubt the duo would be paying attention to his actions, so he intended to play nice in an effort to become the Class's 'center.'

Fortunately, Mineta was among the last students to arrive, so Izuku didn't have to put up with him for too long. The two sat beside one other, but he knew the perverse Mineta would be far more focused on the girl seated to his right than the boy seated to his left. After all, the unlucky lass sitting in the last seat, Seat No. 20, was Momo Yaoyorozu.

With less than two minutes remaining until the first bell, the door to the classroom abruptly slid open, followed by the nearly late appearance of a Uraraka. Her arrival garnered the attention of everyone in the Class, but it was Ida who took it upon himself to address her, rushing over to say, "It's the first day of our training at UA High! You should have arrived at least 15 minutes early!"

Recognizing Ida from the Entrance Exam, Uraraka smiled awkwardly as she replied, "I know, but there was a delay at the station that required my train to be rerouted. I won't be late in the future."

Furrowing his brows, Ida was about to express that Heroes didn't make excuses but swallowed his words when Izuku appeared, placing his hand on the much taller boy's shoulder as he said, "Give it a rest, Ida-san. You already expressed your opinion, and she said she would be arriving earlier from now on. What more would you ask from her?"

Without waiting for his response, Izuku shifted his attention to the floor outside the classroom's entrance, adding, "Besides, it would appear our Sensei has arrived. We should probably go to our seats."


Following Izuku's gaze, Uraraka turned around to find a man lying on the ground in a sleeping bag. His position was questionable, as he was lying below and behind a girl wearing a skirt, but he, fortunately, had his eyes closed.

Having heard Izuku's remark, the man in the sleeping bag roused, revealing himself to be a haggard man with long, greasy black hair and half-opened eyes. His hair hung over his stubbly, lazy-looking face, but his most prominent features were the distinctive grey bandages around his neck and shoulders and his predominately black clothing.


Name: [Shota Aizawa]

Quirk: Eraser

Current Level: 40(1,038,711 EXP)

Effective Level: 49


Strength: 62

Agility: 40

Vitality: 166

Intelligence: 81

Dexterity: 92

Luck: 52


After shedding his sleeping bag like a pupa emerging from its shell, the gangly man revealed, "I'm your Homeroom Teacher, Shota Aizawa. And this is the Department of Heroics, not a place for kids to socialize..."

Punctuating his words, Aizawa pulled one of UA High's distinctive training uniforms from his sleeping bag, holding it out to Izuku as he said, "You can get yourselves changed at the Gamma Lockers. After that, head over to Field Gamma. We only have three years to transform your sorry lot from incompetent brats to semi-competent Heroes, so don't dawdle."

With Izuku readily accepting the offered uniform, the man turned to the rest of the Class, surprising nearly everyone as he added, "We're going to be conducting a Quirk Apprehension Test..."




(A/N: What do you guys think of the stats? I did my best to balance them based on the feats of each character.)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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