
Orochimaru's efforts

They came to a secret base.

Naruto scratched his head and said "How are we going to get in?" Sakura frowned, "They'll figure it out if we just smash inside…"

Ryu smiled and said "Don't worry, I have a solution…" he sealed and spit at the wall.

A monstrous heat melted the wall around the spit of flames, making a huge hole from the ashes!

Ryu patted his chest and smiled, "Easy peasy." as he walked inside.

Naruto, Sakura, and Sai looked at each other before walking inside.

Ryu looked at them and said "Okay, you three will be one group, and I will be another. Go look for Sasuke." They nodded and disappeared down a hallway.

Ryu smiled and touched his nose, turning around and walking in another direction.

He walked around the halls, sighing to himself as he muttered "What a shitty decor… Honestly, who designed this place…"

He came to a huge room and looked at the dry blood inside, nodding "Should be a gladiator arena of some sort!" before continuing past it, his thoughts veering off topic.

Wondering if there were treasure chests inside, like in video games…

Would be cool if it was like a dungeon or something.

As he was walking, he bumped into Kabuto!

Kabuto froze and Ryu smiled at him, asking "Did Orochimaru do anything useful with my blood? Should be, right?" Kabuto suddenly calmed down and smiled politely, "Ryu-sama, please, this way."

Ryu followed him to a lab room.

Ryu looked around at the tubes of containers along with a sealed jar that had half his blood left with a dozen Sharingan floating around inside it.

He tapped on the jar and said "Oh wow! He's trying to stimulate Sharingan to evolve with my blood alone? How creative."

Kabuto's lips twitched and he said "Um. No… Just soaking the Sharingan in blood to preserve them." Ryu asked in confusion, "But doesn't that green liquid stuff work just as well? What's it called… Ah doesn't matter…"

Kabuto cleared his throat and Ryu asked excitedly "Anyway, did Orochimaru clone me? How exciting!" Kabuto froze and shook his head, Ryu pouted, "What do you mean no? What has he been doing? What did I give him the blood for?!"

He waved and said badly "You're so stupid. If I was Orochimaru, I would've taken that dead bone pulse guy's blood and my blood then created a clone from that and put myself in there. Wouldn't you have the Dead Bone Pulse and Sharingan then?"

Ryu slapped his palm and said excitedly "Or even splice the Dead Bone pulse with the Crystal bloodline limit, making your bones strong crystals and then giving yourself Sharingan from my blood! Oh my! How strong would you be then!"

He touched his head and shouted "I'm a genius!"

Kabuto's entire body was twitching unnaturally, unable to believe he was having this conversation with this person.

This guy was talking about his own blood… right?

He still wrote down the ideas and remembered to run them by Orochimaru later, maybe he could actually do something about it…

Ryu rubbed his chin and hummed "Anyway, it can't be that he's done nothing right?" before sighing, "How unreliable…" Kabuto pushed up his glasses and said "Actually, Oroc-"

Then Orochimaru appeared, cutting him off as he said "Interesting Theory, Ryu-kun…" Ryu looked over and said "Ah. You damn ghost. Instead of researching fake Sage Mode, you should be trying to make the strongest body for yourself. Look at you.. Tsk…"

Orochimaru's lips twitched and he said "I didn't expect my arms to be gone!"

Ryu smacked his head and said angrily "Did I not tell you to be careful of that?! If Minato-senpai could do it, of course that old bastard could! You should've thought about it with your big brain, if that old bastard had the chance to die a hero, would he?!"

Kabuto was frozen with shock as Orochimaru rubbed his head, saying hatefully "A miscalculation!" Ryu rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he snorted "Miscalculation, my ass! You got cocky and careless. At least you didn't skimp on the Sand Ninja."

Orochimaru smiled brutally, saying "The bodies you provided were very helpful, hehe~" Ryu snorted and said "I'm not proud of what I did, don't mention it. The more I think about that day, the more regret I have for being so cruel."

He turned to the containers and said "You should be trying to fix your soul problem. There will be plenty of immortal bodies for you to research in a while…" Orochimaru's eyes lit up and Ryu asked "Want to come back to Konoha?"

Orochimaru froze and sneered, "Are you joking?" Ryu sighed, "Worth a shot. I'm not as smart as you, only creative. But the Research and Development department in Konoha can't even figure out a train… Especially not a Mag-Lev." he sighed again, rubbing his head in annoyance as he added, "Technologically, we could develop much faster with your help. What a pity…"

Kabuto was overcome by curiosity, "What's a Mag-Lev?"

Ryu smiled at him saying "You know what a train is right?" Kabuto nodded and Ryu explained, "A Mag-Lev is a train that runs off a magnetic track, so it's hovering off the track and not slowed down by friction. This train can go at a speed of 600 Kilometers (375 Miles) an hour at its fastest!"

Kabuto froze in shock and Orochimaru asked with interest "This can be achieved by a machine??" Ryu nodded and tempted "I don't know how it works, I just thought of it. Are you interested? Wanna come back and make it? Eh, Orochimaru? I think if you come back, you'll be a hero too…"

Orochimaru's lips twitched and he refused again, "No thanks…" Ryu sighed again and pouted, turning away, "You're no fun at all…" Orochimaru walked over and said "I AM interested in those techniques of yours however…"

Ryu frowned and looked at him, "You took them from Sasuke??" Orochimaru froze and Ryu said in a cold tone, "You took his things?" Orochimaru coughed and said quickly "You're mistaken. I happened to see them, they are still in Sasuke's possession."

Ryu muttered "Hope so… Those are Konoha only techniques. Every spy that's come to the village since those were spread to the populace, hasn't made it out alive. I suggest you come back sooner rather than later. I can shield your experiments but the materials must come from outside the village…"

He suddenly sneered, "It's a shame that you bow down to your own Summon's requests. If you beat that damn snake good, would he still demand sacrifices?" Ryu shook his head, turning back as he asked "Anyway, what have you been doing with my bood?"

Orochimaru finally had a chance to show off and said with a grin "Trying to stimulate a blood change in ninja for a container…" Ryu snorted and said "Although I might not be smart in scientific knowledge, I know a little bit! You have to change the bone marrow of a person, to produce new blood. If you just inject someone with my blood, they'll explode…"

Orochimaru rolled his eyes and said angrily "You think I don't know this?! I'm telling you that it's been hard doing exactly that!" Ryu chuckled, "Obviously, how could changing Bone Marrow be so easy? You don't have any bone marrow yourself…"

He looked at Orochimaru and said "No. Bad Orochimaru. No bone marrow for you!" Orochimaru looked embarrassed and angry, but Ryu suddenly said "Why don't you focus on cloning instead. You can clone a container and add whatever you want to it. You can put my blood, Hashirama's blood, Dead bone pulse blood, crystal blood, Hyga blood, your blood… etc. Then wouldn't you have the perfect container? Just switch your consciousness. So simple."

Orochimaru frowned and said "That's-" before pausing and looking thoughtful, muttering "Very possible?" His eyes were bright and Ryu waved easily, "Can't you modify the Yamanaka Clan's jutsu with your own jutsus to create a permanent consciousness transferring technique?"

He snapped his fingers and smiled confidently "Easy Peasy." Orochimaru's eyes were bright and he said "It's really possible! Up until now, every body has rejected my soul, but if it's a clone of myself it shouldn't reject me!"

Ryu chuckled and leaned in, covering his mouth as he whispered, "Also, this little ghost that follows you, I would put a backdoor for yourself in his body… If you get killed and he betrays you to never resurrect, it's bye-bye Orochimaru. You know what I mean? Just be careful because one day you will end up in my hands working for the village. I promise you it will happen."

Ryu leaned back and smiled at Orochimaru with narrowed eyes. Orochimaru glared at him and Ryu just chuckled, as an explosion went off. He turned around and said "Time to go. Think about what I said, Orochimaru~"

Before disappearing directly.

Orochimaru sighed and looked depressed but Kabuto smiled and said "I believe you can do it, Orochimaru-sama." Orochimaru hissed, "Don't make it sound like you're consoling me, Kabuto!"

Kabuto touched his nose and smiled wordlessly.

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