
Chapter 16. Strange Symptoms

«You're really not going to do anything?!» — Maxie was dumbfounded when she learned that I wasn't going to do anything about my recent abduction.

Immediately after my rescue-the Marquis's daughter intended to launch an investigation into this outrageous incident. But I stopped her.

— Listen!» she tried to reason with me, «it was obviously done for a reason! Otherwise, do you think those dogs would have had the courage to kidnap you?

Maxie was sure it was done on someone's orders. As a matter of fact, I was of the same opinion myself. In spite of that, I prevented her from starting the inspection.

— Camilla's wedding and coronation are in less than a month. Do you think we have time to deal with it?

— But…!

— Besides, I'm already safe and these people are in jail. We can come back to this later.


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