This is what I call an unexpected encounter.
Nothing foretold of trouble: suddenly I was kidnapped and made a commodity in the slave market. And after all that had happened, I was bought by Rachel… In the end, we were now riding in a wagon to the imperial palace.
I guessed our destination from the beginning.
It was because I had no trouble recognizing the true identity of my «mystery» customer.
I would have recognized Rachel's voice and demeanor from hundreds. Especially since the last time I'd been tricked into disguising myself as Elsa. Of course, now I wasn't fooled by some kind of mask.
And if Rachel had stayed the same, she would have easily recognized me, too. But now… She really did mistake me for a common slave.
My jaw had almost dropped in shock at the auction the other day. What was Rachel doing in a place like this? I had no idea she was into that sort of thing before…
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: