
Chapter 14. Transaction

After the king announced his participation, Crown Prince Philip appeared before the nobility of Oberon.

— Glad to meet you, gentlemen…» he said, not too sincerely.

Although I was shocked by his sudden appearance, but at the same time I noticed that since our disappearance, the guy has changed a lot.

From a man in the prime of life and a constant smile on his lips, he turned into only a smaller likeness of his previous self. He looked haggard and pale, as if he had been at a funeral all these two months. Even the shining sparkle in the blue eyes faded.

Did our departure really affect him so much?

Razor looked at his brother with sympathy. And, what can I say, I felt a little sorry for him myself. Right now, Philip looked like he would be blown away by the slightest breeze.

But despite all the pity, the second prince and I instinctively turned away so that he wouldn't recognize us.


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