
Training arc

It has been a few months since Abel first met Galister, but he didn't realize just how quickly the days seem to fly by since then. It was strange and difficult for Abel to adapt to being in a completely new environment. He was so used to sleeping next to his parents in a tent while surrounded by the suffocating city air that he would often wake up in a cold sweat looking for them, only for him to remember what happened. It truly felt amazing and strange to sleep in a bed instead of a few thin blankets on a cold concrete sidewalk.

He was still mentally recovering from the event, but he wouldn't let it stop him from growing. Abel would use the awful memory as motivation to improve himself so something like that would never happen to him again. He won't let himself be weak, everything is now being handed to him on a silver platter. He would be a fool to not take what was being offered to him and wallow in self pity over his deceased parents.

The Association would probably deem him useless and throw him back to the streets if he didn't learn anything anyway. Abel knew that this gift wasn't given to him out of sheer good will, he had expectations to meet. They obviously didn't do this expecting to receive nothing in return, he was going to be another resource to them.

That was completely fine with Abel, it didn't matter if their intentions weren't pure. As long as he does what he is ordered without questions he'll have a full stomach, a bed to sleep in, and a roof over his head.

His temporary home was a small branch from the Association that served as his schooling and quirk training until the higher ups decide when it was safe enough to bring him to the main branch. It didn't really stand out much, it honestly looked like any other building around Los Angeles. It was barely distinguishable from afar, but it was surprisingly luxurious on the inside.

The entire time Abel was there, he followed the schedule Commissar Galister set up for him. Everyday, Abel would wake up at six o'clock AM sharp to start his routine. First, he was given ten minutes to use the restroom to freshen himself up. After that, he would be given a simple breakfast before starting his first class out of many.

Until two PM, Abel would learn everything from reading, writing, counting, and drawing. The basics for a four year old, but Galister told him that he would be given a certain time limit to learn his kindergarten level basics before moving on to first grade level schooling. Galister didn't tell him when exactly, most likely to give Abel anxiety to push him to learning faster, or to just be a dick. Abel couldn't tell nor did he care.

One thing Abel noticed while he was at the branch was the employees, or lack thereof. They were obviously in the building with him, he could feel their energy around him but they were avoiding him and only talking to him when he initiated conversation himself or when they absolutely had to talk to him about something.

Abel assumed that it was either because they were afraid of his unpredictable quirk, or they were ordered not to talk to him by someone. It felt a bit lonely sometimes, he was surrounded by people but couldn't interact with them. He didn't have anyone his age at the branch to talk to either, not that he would know what to talk about in the first place though.

He's only been around his parents up until now, the topics they discussed flew over his head. They didn't talk about things that were easy for a kid to understand, only what place looked to be the safest to sleep that night or if they had enough food for the three of them.

After finishing his classes, Galister would personally train Abel on controlling his quirk. So far, instead of popping the heads of death row inmates like Galister wanted, one of the employees suggested figuring out how to control it before jumping straight to the action.

During the first week of quirk training it became obvious that Abel's emotions were deeply tied to his quirk. When Abel was relaxed, he was Abel to learn that he could control the environment around him with his mind. He started off small by lifting a penny into the air while standing ten feet away from it.

When Galister purposely agitated Abel... let's just say that things got out of hand very quickly.

(Flashback no jutsu)

"That's it? Is that all you're capable of? Flipping a single coin? Anyone can do that, fancy mind powers or not. Please don't tell me that the only reason you were able to make your parents heads explode was because it was a 'heat of the moment' bullshit you see in crappy action movies." Galister said as he observed Abel moving the coin with his mind, not bothering to pay attention to the sweating subordinates beside him.

Abel payed his taunting no mind as he focused on the other objects on the table in front of him, the next one being an apple.

"Are looking to get another scar on your lips? It would seem that way to me with how pathetic your quirk is as of right now. I thought you wanted to be strong enough to only rely on yourself? Does that way of thinking only apply when you say so?" Commissar Galister continued to prod at Abel with his harsh words, seemingly unable to feel the pressure that the boy was starting to exert.


What was once a perfectly delicious looking apple was now a soft mushy paste. It was crushed so suddenly that nobody was able to react to it flying around the room. Able controlled his breathing before moving on to the next item, the upper torso and head of a mannequin.

"Oh? Did I hit nerve when I mentioned your lip? Or was it because I mentioned how lacking you are when it comes to your overall strength? Well it doesn't matter anyway, all it takes to rile you up is a few mean words and you're uncontrollable. How can the Association make any use of you if you can't even do something as simple as staying levelheaded?" Galister flicked off a bit of apple off of his shoulder, not at all phased by the sight before him.

The mannequin began to float a few centimeters in the air until it ultimately landed roughly back on the table. Abel sighed deeply as he tried to lift it into the air again. It was a much more difficult to lift something with more mass into the air then he originally thought.

Galister didn't say anything this time, only silently observing the floating mannequin torso as he walked past Abel and around the table. He lowered his head to judge the distance between the table and the mannequin, a look of disappointment covered his features before he stood back up to his original height.

With a quiet tsk, he brought his hand over to the mannequin and lowered it back down to the metal table. It easily broke Abel out of his concentration, the boy looked displeased but didn't say anything. He only tried to lift it up again.

Again. Commissar Galister let Abel lift it up a few inches before pushing it back to the table with ease. This time he looked directly at Abel with a bored look on his face, making it obvious that he felt like his time was being wasted.

Abel glared back, then attempted to lift up the mannequin again. It rose up much more harshly then the previous attempts, but it was much higher than before.

Galister hummed as he saw this, taking note of the difference in power between a calm Abel and a pissed Abel.

'So from what I've seen so far, his power increases but he loses control when his emotions get out of hand. I'll have to find a way to suppress them or teach him to control them better, if he loses control he might become more of a liability then an asset.' Galister thought to himself as he brought his attention back to the mannequin.

Galister backhanded the mannequin out of the air as he walked towards door, not even bothering to spare Abel a glance.

"That's enough for today, do try your best to not disappoint me again tomorrow Abel." Galister spoke as he exited the room with

Galister was expecting the mannequin to explode or for it to imbed itself into the wall, so he was a bit disappointed when nothing happened at all. He paid it no mind as he made his way out the building and over to the parking lot.

Once there, Galister finally realized why nothing occurred in the training room.

"That little shit..." Galister couldn't even bring himself to be angry, only impressed that Abel singled out his car of all cars to turn into a basketball sized chunk of no ride home.

'I get him back for this eventually, for now I have to call myself an Uber.'

A small time skip, I just want to show a bit of training arc before I time skip to when Abel's a bit older again. Quick question, have y'all seen the trailer for that Atomic Heart game? I sure as hell did and I got only one word describing why I want to get it: Robussy

Shrexy_boicreators' thoughts
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