
A day in the life: Paul Siegfried(I)

(Recommended that you read after chapter 14 or after you know some stuff about Paul)

Name: Paul Siegfried

D.O.B: July, 20th

Star sign: Cancer

Height: 6'1

Age: 31

Likes: Coffee, Dinner, magazines, gambling(more so flaunting his ability to predict scores), a good book, chess.

Dislikes: Gambling, the untrained mind, too many questions, star signs, un-punctual people, brunch.

Hair color: black

Eye color: Grey

Hometown: New York.

Click Clack Click Clack Click Clack Click.

Paul spent half of his day at his desk, clicking away at his lifespan. Today was a good morning for the Marion B team coach however, he woke up this morning to a hot cup of coffee(black) and some toast. He would've wanted Bacon and eggs with that but he needed to be at Marion before 8:30 and he wasn't going to be late.

Paul loved and hated many things, one of those things being the fact that some other teachers and staff members didn't know the meaning of punctuality.

Often not he'd keep his mouth shut and mind his own business but sometimes he'd snap like a turtle and it wasn't a sight to behold.

"It's 10 am, Miss. Fintzki." Paul said leaning on a wall.

"Ah yes, didn't even look at the time." She replied.

"Of course, you didn't, do you have the report ready?" Paul outstretched his hand, signaling her to drop the report in it.

"Umm, about that..." Miss. Fintzki laughed nervously.

"Just have it ready by 12 if possible," Paul said, defeated.

(Ps. She didn't have the report ready by 12)

The rest of his day after going to his Job at Marion would either be spent with a woman at dinner or by himself at dinner alone, he made a habit of never missing the third meal of the day.

And on the days he didn't go to work, mostly the weekends he'd read or re-read the book "Which will you choose. By jefferyXXVI" or he'd spend 2 hours at the gym with Cory and a few of his other friends. Then for the rest of the day, they'd either go golfing or visit one of the many gambling centers that he hated so very much.

"Oh no, it's Paul again." The gambling center's manager cried out as he saw Paul walk into the room. "You are not allowed to place more than 3 horses on one ticket, you cheating bastard."

"You still haven't told me exactly how I'm cheating." Paul walked toward him and read the available matches on the screen.

"I don't know if you whisper to horses or you have personal ties with them, I don't know how you do it. But I know you're doing something."

"Gimme, number 4,8, and 57" Paul tapped on the screen.

"Gimme that as well," Cory asked for the same horses Paul placed.

"I'm gonna go bankrupt one of these days." The manager facepalmed.

(FYI: Despite working 9 to 5s at Marion both Cory and Paul were millionaires who made a lot of money from their many streaks at horse racing centers and casinos)

Might do Cory next, cause why not.

Jeffery_XXVIcreators' thoughts
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