
Every possibility accounted for

Love was the only concept that broke the barrier of instincts.

A mother or father willing to dive in the way of a speeding truck to save their child.

Love remodelled Logic and common sense

Luckily, A222, a nearly hopeless individual like herself, had found love with A123.

Lenny needed A123's abilities for the plan to work.

A123 was also a different kind of coward. In fact, in most cases, A222 was far more courageous than him.

Seeing as self-preservation was a strong similarity between the two, it was no wonder that they got together.

Lenny needed to convince A123. To do this, he used A222.

Now, the plan has gone thus far.

A222 turned to A123, "Are you ready!?"

He nodded. 

A222 stepped forward.

With a few punches to the glass, he broke it open.

The hole she made was just big enough to be used.

A222 then stepped back.

As she did, she covered her ears.

C888 also stepped back.

Next chapter