
The opportunity Presents itself

Lenny could already see it; he was going to die.


The sheer momentum and malice that Basit's eyes spilled were only expressed in the wave of his Darkline magic pouring out of his body, heading in one direction.


At this point, Lenny knew that there was nowhere to move or run.


He was like a planet trapped in the gravitational field of the sun and about to be bathed in horrible solar flares.


Even if he wanted to move, he couldn't.


However, just when he was about to be burned like the ant he was, under the lens of a child that had discovered a new method of killing bugs, a hand from seemingly nowhere patted Basit on the shoulder.


"GENTLEMAN Basit, I understand your loss, but please mourn after the event is over."


It was Basket Face, the butler of Lady Vinegar.


His smile appeared friendly but menacing, revealing his rows of uneven teeth.


Next chapter