
"I'm here to buy organs..."

"Don't worry!" E7007 tapped Lenny on the back. "Apart from myself and Pocket, there are a few other brothers interested in this. We just need to bide our time and take advantage of the opportunity when it arrives." Lenny nodded as he also gave a knowing smile.

"Now! For other matters. Like I said, in here, we call E301 Pocket. There is a reason for that!"

E7007 proceeded to explain to Lenny the circumstances. When Gladiators die in the arena or by any other means, their points automatically disappear with them. In the eyes of those who remained behind, this was seen as a waste. It was like a wealthy man burning all his cash the moment he died.

To avoid such a thing, different crews had one person in charge of keeping the points. Just like how one would keep their savings in a bank for safekeeping.

In this case, half of the points of the crew members are kept with Pocket.

When one requires points, they could always go to Pocket to get some more.

E7007 was advising Lenny to keep some of his points with Pocket. Of course, this came with a slight fee from time to time. However, it was not at all a bad idea.

That way, if a gladiator dies, his points could be used by the rest of his crew members to better their own lives.

Lenny could not help but be impressed. Even in this shithole, human beings had found a way to start forming a capitalist society.

Apparently, economics cannot be taken out of human beings, no matter the situation. Points serve as the currency or money, and Pocket acts as the bank.

And the crews and their desires kept the flow of the economy going.

Lenny had received 15 points for killing the Cerberus. Others who helped received around five points, depending on their level of involvement.

Meals were priced at 2 points per meal.

The system was designed in such a way that fighting in the arena allowed for one to have just enough points for meals, and then they were left with peanuts for them to save and buy their way into the next class.

However, the demons also made sure to wave the temptation of sensual pleasure before their eyes, sometimes even promoting the hunger for it by spiking the meals with aphrodisiacs. That way, the hunger for sexual intimacy would push them to spend their hard-earned savings.

Of course, sex was sold for a very high price.

A night with someone from the F class cost about 40 to 50 points, depending on the demand.

With such methods set in place, points were practically gold. It also ensures that by the time a person reaches 1000 points, which is the required point for moving on to the next class, the person was strong enough to endure the challenges that the class presented.

After all, there was no way that those of the D class would fight the same strength of creatures as those of the C class, B class, or even the A class.

Apart from the fifty points that he had gotten from his time with the D class, he now had fifteen more points. He had used 2 points for his meal. which meant that he was down to 63 points.

However, Lenny did not trust Pocket enough to give him half of what he had. Instead, he gave him ten points for safekeeping. The reason for giving Pocket points at all was because of E7007's presence. He knew without a doubt that it would add an extra layer of trust between them. Fortunately, no one else could see one's own points unless it was allowed by the individual. However, E7007 had been in this place long enough to know the kind of points one acquired based on the battle.

Lenny was a madman, but he was not a fool. In fact, what would have passed for intelligence with these gladiators was basic intelligence to him.

After all, he had come from a place with an actual educational system and had outsmarted the whole institutions and governments of many countries.

Pocket and Lenny shook hands and the transfer of points was made. Seeing the amount that was transferred made pocket nod his head. Pocket let E7007 know the amount that was transferred and E7007 smiled a broad smile at Lenny.

"Since that is all done, why don't we get you started on your rite of passage ceremony."

Lenny raised a brow at this. However, E7007 and pocket laughed weirdly.

If a class participated in the Arena. They were allowed a couple of hours for rest before they were tasked to go back to training.

The men finished their cleaning up and tied their loincloths across their waists.

After which, everybody was back in their cells.

Many took the time to relax, while others played games, and as expected, some engaged in sensual activities.

Those of the Nameless crew remained in their corner. Meanwhile, E7007 and Pocket led the way, and Lenny followed.

"Where are we going?" Lenny asked. This cell was very huge.

"Don't worry, just follow." Pocket advised, and Lenny followed.

They stopped at a particular corner. On seeing the people here, Lenny instantly knew who they were. After all, their skin usually had traces of scales on it. The pupils of their eyes were particularly straight lines, and then there was their tongue, which was sometimes forked like that of a snake or long like that of a chameleon. These were the Reptoids.

A skinny-looking gladiator stopped them before they could approach any further. "E7007! Did you miss the way to your turf? Or are you here to sell us an organ?" the gladiator asked. Lenny had heard well, and he raised a brow at this.

Even though the gladiator was talking to them, his eyes looked as if they were looking at either side of his face. They were quite uneven in their focus.

E7007 smiled. "Actually, I'm here to buy organs!"

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