
Mr. Dragon Escape and Lotr

I opened my eyes and looked in front of me. A round planet, the earth. I wonder how long is left? How many million years has it been since we came to this universe? What was my name anyway? Seriously, all I remember is the deal. The universe is going to fall into chaos and I need to do something. When I say the universe, I'm talking about all universes. And where is the trouble? I'm sealed. The reasons for calling me did not allow me to wander around alone. Those who live in nothingness. They even sealed me to the moon. Funny. I can leave this place in a few thousand years. Did they really think they could keep me forever? How egotistical they are. I closed my eyes back.

(Earth-around 4000 BC)

The eternals were killing deviants and trying to advance humanity when they all heard an extremely loud roar.


The strange thing is that even Makkari, who should have been deaf, heard, and they all closed their ears and fell to the ground. After a few seconds the roaring stopped but they were still dizzy. Ikaris turned to Ajak.

"What was that?"

Ajak looked towards the moon and whispered. He experienced feelings of fear that he does not normally experience.

"Someone I hoped would not come into the world. For the good of all of us, drink."

(1 minute ago Ay)

The obstacles on the moon are being removed. I opened my eyes and I looked around. The transparent chains that connected my feet, neck and wings began to fade. I shook off with all my remaining strength in my dragon shape. It had a couple of centuries of power, but I smashed it. My heart and soul are happy and excited for the first time in a very long time. I couldn't help myself and announced that I was returning to the entire Marvel Universe with the last crumb of my strength.


I have to get away before those annoying and fucking nothings come. Fuck, we didn't agree on this. My brothers, as always, thought only about themselves. But it's okay, I'm sure we'll meet again one day, my dear brothers. A colorful portal opened in front of me and I passed through it. This is the cosmic energy that draws power from all universes. Well, it's what most so-called gods call our power. Actually, just a few threads, anyway. I walked through the door and a voice rang in my head.

"Stranger, you don't belong in this universe."

I know who this person is.

"Eru Ilúvatar do you want to be an enemy to all the multiple and parallel universes?"

If we consider the Middle World, he is the creator of the world as we know it. He is the only creator for the world, and even if he is the most powerful, or even if his name means the only one, he is hundreds of times weaker than I agreed.

"You are not strong enough to speak for everyone."

He's seriously trying to kill himself, but it might help later.

"Eru, I only need to try a little to find you, but then I can be found by the nothings. I promise I won't spoil the world. You see this scholar right now I'm just using it for a jumping-off point for another world."

The place fell silent for a certain period of time. I'm used to waiting, I don't really care. I've been waiting for a really long time, a few minutes is not a big problem.

"You're not supposed to hurt my assistants."

"Not a problem. They just shouldn't attack me."

"You shouldn't go in with your current strength and shape. You'll upset the balance."

I grumbled, but I knew he was right. No matter how weak I am, I can access cosmic energy.

"It's a little difficult for me to change my shape right now, but I can seal my powers."

"Anyway, I'll see you later."

I've sealed off most of my powers. Now let's complete my tasks that are here. I wonder if I came early or late.

Suddenly I passed through a crack in the sky and reappeared. Even though I'm still a dragon, my shape has changed.

a white dragon measuring 60 meters long by 15 meters in size. Eru did this. I felt it, but I didn't care. My original shape really only complicates things.

I looked under me and there was a big swamp. It's so big. The only swamps this big have to be Dead Marshes. Let's stop by the Erebor side. I wonder which way is north. I hope it's that way. I started flying to the right. The landscape below me began to change rapidly. I flew for a few days and finally got somewhere. Although I have no idea how I got here. Dol Guldur. I think I should have gone a little healthier. Whatever. It smells so bad. It's very strange that there is no one. I did more right and started flying. Should I really fly over Mirkwood forest? Why didn't I ask what's been going on lately? Anyway, let's fly higher. I flew over the clouds for another 4 days. I reached Erebor, but everything is very strange. If I had a human face, it might look distorted. The elves are heading towards Erebor. I can see the orcs much further away. Actually, I smelled them, oh, those disgusting smells are similar in all universes. I more or less understood when I arrived. The Hobbit 5 during the battle of the army. This will be fun. I flew for several hours in the air and got several roars and strange smells from inside the mountain. Smaug is a disgrace to the dragons. Cruel and heartless. Smaug, who is just a puppet. How dare you, as the last of the dragons, remind us like that.

"SMAUUUG!!" my dragon blood and my honor didn't allow it. I've been a dragon for millions of years. Even when I was sealed, I wasn't humiliated like that. At least someone remembered our glory, but these bastards make us look weak, pathetic, powerless and mean. Smaug shook out from under him and flew out so that I began to dive down with all my speed.


At my roar the ground shook and the mountain trembled. I drew the flames from my lungs and compressed them in my mouth. I spat a blue flame out of my mouth. Smaug looked at me and I could see that he was surprised. Come on, you can't even do that, you're a fucking dragon.

"Who are you-"

That's when my flame hit him and he wobbled trying to fly.


I grabbed him with my paws and lifted him into the air, he was about 10 meters shorter than me. I looked at his condition and his left wing was definitely broken.


Smaug shouted angrily and began to flutter. I never put it on and started flying. I clung to his mouth with my forefoot so that he could neither scream nor shoot flames. I bit its tail with my mouth and flew towards the mountain range. 10 minutes later, throwing him to the ground, I tore off his tail and he let out a roar of pain. He was going to start screaming again so I dived to the ground and bit his throat. He died very easily. It's really a disgrace. You're supposed to be the representation of your power, your splendor and your intelligence, peh. Even the lower genres would entertain more. Anyway, one of my tasks in the world has been completed. I thought about Smaug as I started eating. After all, he was made of magic. Although his purity is not very high and he is a magic from the lower realm, he is a magic lizard. This is one of my goals in coming to Earth and not using my powers. To gain my strength, albeit very little. Let the nothings find me. I can't even borrow non-teleport cosmic energy. Oh, what a crime I've seriously committed to get into this situation... I think I've remembered a few. Anyway, it's not important. Now I'm thinking, I sensed a magic power there. Now that this baby lizard is finished, let's go back and see. Hm, I gained some magic. Let's try. My body gradually began to shrink. I tried to be a normal person with black hair and black eyes. Well, I guess the magic power is insufficient. I became a frail old man, 2 meters tall. Can't I squeeze more? Well, I think I can squeeze the same power in a body with this magic power only so much. I think it will not be too much trouble. Hmm, there's too much life force running out around. Has the war started?

"Hey, I'm throwing a soul trap in here, don't hang out too much, I'll get it when I come back in a few years."

"Eus mi crast vonh fold, Eus mi shak kul ti warudo. (Hear my call, my friend, be my shadow in this world.)"

A black door opened from the ground and a small black creature appeared through it.

"Did you call me, my lord?"

'I guess the magic power wasn't enough to summon my old friend. But this also looks like a shaman. I think he's a descendant of hers.' I crouched down on the floor.

"Hello, little shaman. I wonder if you could install a soul trap on this world for a few decades?"

The shaman smiled and shook his head, showing his white teeth. 'Oh, it means the shiny tooth tribe.'

A few transparent letters and numbers formed around, and all of them suddenly jumped into the sky. I patted his head and stood up.

"Well done, little time, you've tired yourself out, now you can go home and rest." I gave him the dirty and unnecessary parts of Smaugun that I didn't eat. The so-called god children like to give their apostles dragon weapons and armor. They can sell it to them and buy souls. The little shaman bent down and sank into the shadows with everything.

"Hey Eru, I'm leaving, I'll come back later, it'll be a little peaceful here, but I suggest you develop your strength."

The door opened in front of me again and I walked in. I think I can stay in this world until then.

This Chapter 1753 words.

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