
Seeds of Darkness

After leaving the Shaken Izuku to his thoughts I began to wander the battlefield through the shadows to see how things were working out for the most part on everyone else's part.

There were several missions that could be completed here right now but it's best to wait until the true start of the chaos we shall bring to this world to do that as it's better to have the entire world watching.

But it's not like the others weren't doing anything either with their parts of the mission with killing the strongest hero's in each major country in the world, so far Medusa's group has already killed off Kaizer where as Chrollo's group has dealt with Jaguar Man as well, and unrest is beginning to spread across the world as a result.

Meanwhile Dabi and Vanilla Ice had finished their job and for the most part we're slowly making their way towards everyone else as they were in no rush so I didn't bother them.

Neither did Mariah and her group need aid as they were kicking ass on their own rather easily, especially with the combo of Magne and Mariah complementing their own powers on magnetism as Mariah used Magne's giant Magnet like pillar she carry's into basically a floating weapon that was dealing with the Pussycats who were there with ease.

We also had a couple low end nomus rampaging about destroying everything and taking out anyone in their way, but they were only set to attack and not kill mode as that's basically our job when we need to.

But I did see fate work it's magic as the nearly unconscious Momo decides to have one of the classmates place a tracker on one of our Nomu before they ran away.

Though seeing that I decided to transport that Nomu through the shadows directly towards The Cage, half of the bait is now set, now we just got to capture the other half.

Twice was still doing his job as the distraction, Moonfish was fighting, but like Muscular, Mustard was soon overwhelmed and knocked out by some of the students due to his cockiness, but they didn't expect a shadow to envelop his body before he disappeared before there eyes as I sent him to where Muscular was at which was the main base for the most part.

But I did decide to intervene in one girls bit of fun as I saw Toga fighting the girls Ochaco and Tsuyu with a happy look that is obvious beneath her mask.

"Ney ney Tsu-chan! That's a nice nickname! I'll call you that too!" She says as she pins Tsuyu to a tree with a smile on her face as she pulls her mask down showing a toothy grin.

"Guh! Only my friends are allowed to call me that!" She says as she pushes her off of her with a bit of an angry look on her face.

"Then we just got to become friends okay!" She says happily but Ochaco returns to defend her which she try's to stab her but she dodges and grabs Toga's arm before trying to slam her into the ground, however….

*Boing* her body bounced on a shadowy mass that felt no different than a giant pillow that surprised all three of them.

"Seems you might need a little help Toga, they all heard a deep masculine voice as it pulled her away and pushed Ochaco off of her as a result.

"Dio!" She shouted out happily as she saw me manifest myself before her and the two girls who both felt a deep unsettling fear within them as the man they saw appeared before them.

I looked at them before unleashing my aura upon them and only saying, "Sleep." And they both instantly lost consciousness from my night alone.

"Aww, but I was having fun with my new friends…." She says slightly sadly before she pulls out her syringes and stabs both the unconscious girls in the arm as she sucked out some of their blood for herself to use later on.

"Oh don't worry your little head my little crazy friend, they will, how about I show you something, but you gotta keep it a secret alright?" I said with a smirk as I rubbed this little bloodthirsty vampires head.

"Oh?! Is it something cool!" She seemed excited as she watched me walk over to her two new 'friends' of hers that were laying on the ground out cold.

"You could say that, let's just say it'll make them more easy for them to join our side…." I said with a smirk as I knelt before them as Toga looked on with eager eyes to see what I was gonna do as I placed my hand on both of their heads.

For effect I had darkness envelope my hands before it silently seeped into their bodies as The World touched their heads as well.


I then pulled my hands away and smirked and motioned Toga to follow me, "Don't worry, soon enough those two will lose their faith with being hero's before they ultimately and truly become our friends." I say with a smirk as I complete another hidden objective.

(Objective: Make students from UA into spys and betray their friends and loved ones, Complete!)

'Wait I forgot one.' I thought before I looked at Momo's shadow and secretly overwrote her as well as now their were not only one, but four traitors within UA, and three that just don't know it yet.

All I basically did was show them the ugly truth of this world and put a seed of Darkness deep in their hearts, it will take time but it will bloom when they all least expect it, and the feeling of betrayal will be a heavy weight put upon them, but the traitors will feel nothing as in the end they will wholeheartedly believe they are doing the right thing.

All that happened in less than a few seconds of telling Toga what I had done to them so Toga just smiled happily that she will be getting even more friends in the future that understand her as she unceremoniously jumped onto my back as she wrapped her arms and legs around my body, but with my strength she weighed nothing to me.

"Dio your so nice to me! You really are a friend of mine, one I wish I always had in this messed up world." She said said with a happy grin on her face before she decided on the flip of a coin to bite on my neck and drink my blood, had I not relaxed the skin on my shoulder she would have broken her teeth with how tough my skin naturally is now.

I didn't really mind her antics, in her I saw my younger self, the me before I was adopted into the Joestar family all those years ago, scorned and hated by the world where I wanted nothing more than to change my fate no matter what, that's probably why I treat her differently then anyone else in this world, she maybe young but her strengths and powers can be groomed better under me then those of this world so I definitely plan to take her away with me when this is all over.

"Alright enough, it's time we get to our main target, can't mess around anymore, it's about time we finish this." I say to her which she nods while biting my neck before she jumps off with a bloody smile on her face before we both sink into the darkness.

It's time we put these hero's in their place.

Next chapter